Everyone in the world has personal preferences, so shouldn't the king of a country be allowed to have his own preferences?The stupid emperor regards dogs as his life, loves dogs like his son, and sleeps in the kennel every night.It is a kennel, but that is what the common people call it. The royal kennel is so extraordinary that it is not too much to call it the Dog Palace.

The little emperor specially carved out a place in the backyard of the inner palace, and spent 10 taels of silver to build a decent palace, with three big characters "Tiangou Palace" standing proudly on the door.The emperor is the son of heaven, and the dog raised by the emperor is naturally a sky dog.The Heavenly Dog Hall covers an area of ​​about six acres (not counting the courtyard). The building is divided into upper, middle and lower floors.The officials who keep dogs are all eunuchs in the inner palace, and none of the palace ladies are allowed.Women are timid, and when they hear the dog barking, they all turn pale with fright. It is very indecent to look lost, so the emperor issued a decree that women are not allowed to enter the Heavenly Dog Palace, and those who violate it will be killed.

Also on the top floor, a gorgeous palace was set up for the little emperor, and the furnishings inside all refer to the layout of the palace.In addition to discussing matters in the court, under normal circumstances, the little emperor basically takes the kennel (Tiangou Temple) as his home.

The Tianken Temple has now developed to a certain scale, and the dog population continues to grow. There are more than 1000 dogs. The dog breeds come from all over the country, and only a few fine breed dogs are imported breeds.

The emperor of the good dog did not know where to find out that one of the young eunuchs, a general named Zhang Mingfacun, was well versed in the way of dogs, and he was very good at training and treating dogs.Without discussing with the little eunuch, he issued an imperial decree, specially appointing Zhang Facun as the chief assistant of Tiangou Palace.However, Zhang Facun is a whole person, not a eunuch, and ordinary people have to complete the cleansing work when they enter the palace to do business.Zhang Facun is not an ordinary person, he has made great contributions to the emperor's affairs, and was appointed by the emperor as the captain of the Weixiao cavalry school in front of the palace. If this person is to be drawn by lot, let alone others, even the little eunuch will not be able to pass.The little emperor had no choice but to beg his younger brother to let Zhang Fa deposit into the palace.The little eunuch thought about it and said:

"Brother Huang, this matter is easy to handle. If you want General Zhang to enter the palace, I have a plan. I wonder if it is feasible?"

"Emperor brother, stop talking about words, if you have any clever tricks, just say it!" The little emperor scratched his ears and cheeks.

The little eunuch said: "According to the rules, there are three kinds of people who cannot enter the palace without lottery. One is monks and Taoists, the other is imperial physicians, and the third is the emperor's close relatives."

"You said it for nothing, and none of these three generals can be touched." The little emperor rolled his eyes and said.

"You and Lao Zhang are brothers, and if you randomly confer a throne on him, can you enter the inner palace openly?" the little eunuch reminded.

"That's a good idea!" The little emperor clapped his hands and said, "Brother, you should also think of a name by the way, what kind of king should you call him?"

"King of dogs, king of dogs, king of beasts..." The little eunuch couldn't even think about it in a few circles, and finally suddenly changed his mind and said, "Let's make him an admiral of the nine sects!"

"What's the relationship between the dog breeder and the nine admirals?" The silly emperor was puzzled.

"What do you think, what is the function of a dog? The dogs kept in ordinary people's homes are mainly used as gatekeepers. He manages all nine gates. Isn't this an admiral or something? Besides, dogs and nine are homophonic, just like this Let's call together!"

The little emperor heard that it made sense, so he said: "All right, I will issue an imperial decree tomorrow morning, and I will make General Zhang the admiral of the nine schools. I will trouble the emperor to handle the matter of worshiping the master. You know that I am very good at this aspect." .”

In this way, Zhang Facun became the admiral of the Nine (Dog) Sect because of the dog thing.

In the evening, the little emperor set out the food and wine and asked Zhang Facun to tell the story of the dog.

Zhang Facun smiled slightly and told a legendary story about a dog:

"This story probably happened more than 300 years ago. According to legend, there was a small kingdom at the foot of Mount Babula in the southeast. There were no more than [-] to [-] people. In government affairs, they hang out with dogs all day long, eating, drinking, and messing around in the kennels..."

"General Zhang, you are not talking about me, right? Why is this king and I also have the same virtue?" The little emperor couldn't help interjecting.

Zhang Facun shook his head and said:

"Later, the king gathered all the dogs, probably more than 1000, in a very large underground kiln, and did not give them food or drink, and let them fend for themselves, biting each other... "

"There is no food in the underground kiln. Didn't all the dogs starve to death?" The little emperor interjected again.

Zhang Facun said: "Naturally there is no food in the underground kiln, so the dogs make decisions from the dogs, and the number of dogs is decreasing day by day..."

"Dogs eat dogs? It's too scary!" The little emperor exclaimed.

Zhang Facun continued: "After more than two months, there are only six dogs left in the kiln."

"Where are the other dogs?" The little emperor asked.

"Let the dog eat it." Zhang Facun explained.

"Then what happened afterwards? What happened to the six dogs?" The little emperor waited anxiously for the next sentence.

"The king looked at the six dogs, two females and four males. They were all fat and strong, and they were extremely ferocious. He was overjoyed and said, "It's them, it's enough to keep these few dogs." Zhang Facun then said, "From now on After that, the king began to feed the dogs himself every day. After feeding for a while, the dogs became very familiar with him, and the king moved all his dogs out of the cave. Just bite. As the saying goes, dogs hate their masters, and the king treats his six dogs more dearly than the prince, and the dogs are his lifeblood."

"This old man is very angry with me. After more than 300 years, he may not be here anymore. Otherwise, we will also sworn brothers with him, and it's okay to recognize him as a brother." The little emperor couldn't help sighing.

"Later, an enemy country invaded, and the king's army was defeated and failed to defend the city. When the enemy army entered the palace, the king let go of his six god dogs." Zhang Facun said.

"Dogs can also go into battle to kill the enemy?" The little emperor asked in surprise.

"The divine dog pounced on the enemy like a fierce tiger. It was invincible. Many were killed and even more were injured. The enemy was frightened and returned in defeat. The king's territory was preserved, and the king regained his throne .”

"General Zhang, have the descendants of those six dogs survived, and is there still that kind of dog?" The little emperor asked impatiently.

"Stay here." Zhang Facun said with certainty.

"What kind of dog is it called?"

"Tibetan mastiff!"

(The title of the book has been changed, please Baidu "Crazy Little Eunuch" to read the new chapter)

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