After the little eunuchs went ashore, they were already in a panic.His clothes were drenched, his trousers and shoes and socks were filled with river mud, and he staggered when he walked, making noises like three clumsy bears.The little eunuch's golden steel sword, which he refused to leave for even a moment, is still tightly held in his hand, he is really a master who would risk his life and money.

The current of the Heishui River was fast and icy cold. Zhang Facun and Huang Ren were exhausted to help the little eunuch cross the river safely.At the same time, due to accidentally choking on a few mouthfuls of muddy river water, his face turned pale and his lips turned blue. When he landed, he lay trembling on the grass by the river with his legs crossed, gasping for breath.

The little eunuch is from the north, and he has traveled a lot. After all, he has a lot of knowledge. Seeing this, he said:

"No, no, get up quickly! If you lie down like this, you won't be able to get up for a while. Go get some firewood, let's light up the fire and dry the clothes first."

When the coach spoke, the two dared not neglect, turned over quickly and got up, looking around for firewood.After about half an hour, the two staggered back with a big bag of hay each.The little eunuch hurriedly looked for a kindling to light the fire, and only then remembered that he didn't bring it with him.Zhang Facun smiled and said:

"Brother, I'm coming!"

Zhang Facun took his time, untied his wet clothes, and carefully took out his treasure bag. The treasure bag was a small bag made of oilcloth, and the outer layer was tightly wrapped with oil paper, and the contents inside were the same. It wasn't damaged either.Seeing this, the little eunuch smiled and said:

"Fa Cun, this thief always has some skills."

Zhang Facun smiled back awkwardly, and said, "Brother, are you laughing at me? We haven't done this for a long time, and since I've been with you, I've washed my hands in a golden basin."

"You didn't tell the truth, did you?" The little eunuch deliberately teased him.

"I didn't tell the truth?" Zhang Facun opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"When you were in the desert, what did you steal from King Fan? Not only did you steal the sword, but you also stole the medicine. The dog almost stole it. Are you so incompetent?" The little eunuch looked serious.

"Oh!" Zhang Facun suddenly realized, and said, "Brother, you have wronged me. For whom did I become a thief? Brother, people can't be without conscience!"

"You dare to talk like that in front of me, and I will send you to the palace if you provoke me." The little eunuch deliberately sullenly.

"It's a good thing, big brother will send me to the palace too! Who wouldn't want to go to such a good place? Not to mention the delicious food and drink, and there are many beauties to accompany him." Huang Ren couldn't help but interjected.

"You think the imperial palace is so easy to enter?" the little eunuch teased.

"There are people in the court who are good at being officials, and there is a big brother here, so are you afraid that you won't be able to enter the palace?" Zhang Facun asked.

"It's okay to enter, there must be one thing." The little eunuch said seriously.

"Which one?" The two said almost in unison.

"Cut that thing!"

"Don't go, don't go, cut off that thing and become a eunuch, who will do it?" When the bald man scolded the monk, the two knew they had made a mistake, and hurriedly corrected them, "Brother, we didn't mention you, and we didn't count you as an eunuch." Eunuch."

The little eunuch said generously: "Just say me, I am actually a eunuch! Why are you embarrassed? I will tell you a story that I saw with my own eyes..."

While talking, the clothes that had been taken off were almost dry, and he felt much warmer by guarding the raging grass fire.But the half-wet and half-dry thatch is not burnt. The little eunuch asked the two of them to take turns to pick up dry cow dung. They were puzzled and asked, "Can cow dung be used as a fire?" The little eunuch nodded and said, "You have never been to the grassland. I don’t know that the herdsmen use cow dung as the main fuel for fire. It not only boils water for cooking, but also keeps warm!” The two felt strange, Huang Ren went first, and said before leaving:

"Brother, wait until I come to tell that story!"

The little eunuch said: "When I was ten years old, I happened to see two donkeys playing in my hometown. The female donkey seemed to be in a hurry, but the male donkey couldn't. When they come back from pulling out the hogweed, they're still working!"

"Brother, what you said is wrong. Didn't you say that the donkey is very powerful, why did it take so long?" Zhang Facun asked.

"I won't understand what's going on until I'm older," said the little eunuch.

"What's going on?" the two asked.

"That jackass is a gelding, but it's not clean, so it can still function somewhat. Although it has functions and requirements, it can't shoot anything. What do you think will happen?"

The two of them understood, nodded and shook their heads again, Zhang Facun spoke first and said:

"This world is too unfair, turning people into donkeys."

After all, Zhang Facun felt a little regretful, and looked up at their eldest brother.The little eunuch was thoughtful, looking away. Their horses were grazing leisurely on the green grass. The owner was hungry, but they were ecstasy there. There is a disadvantage!

"Where can I get some food, and where will I spend the night? If I stay here all night, if I don't let the wolves eat it, I will freeze half to death." The little eunuch said to his second general, Huo Ha.

"Wolf, are there wolves here?" The two sat up at once. They had never seen a wolf in their life, and they didn't know what a wolf looked like, but they had heard a lot.

"Okay, I won't talk to you southerners about this anymore. I can't explain a few sentences clearly. To put it simply, wolves are about the same size as dogs, but they are much more ferocious and brave than dogs."

Seeing that the sun was about to set, the grassland seemed even more silent.Suddenly, a few black spots appeared in the distance. Because of their professional relationship, Zhang Facun and Huang Ren quickly saw the clues and said:

"Brother, how many people are here."

The little eunuch was alarmed immediately, he was not afraid of anything, probably because he was defeated by the man with the yellow beard, so he lost his courage and was nervous when he saw anyone.

"Can you see who it is?" the little eunuch asked.

"It seems to be herdsmen passing by, but they all have belongings in their hands."



The little eunuch said: "Damn it, I really want to see people but I'm afraid of them! But don't be afraid, I believe we can deal with three people."

After all, except for the little eunuch's sword, the three of them were all unarmed.To beat a dog, one must have a fire stick, not to mention that it is in this wilderness, and when the two sides are fighting.

The three of them made preparations just in case.

"A lao just called Ji?" (Tibetan: Where are you going, friend?) Those people dressed as nomads greeted them from afar.

"But with hair, Moxig's name is Ji." (Tibetan: Hello, I don't know where to go) The little eunuch replied in half-baked Tibetan.

"Oh yeah, with fur and fur!" The herdsman replied politely.Knowing that they couldn't speak Tibetan, the herdsmen switched to Chinese and said, "This place can't stay for long, it's very unsafe at night!"

"What's this place called? Is there a house nearby?" the little eunuch asked.

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