"This place is called Wild Wolf Beach. Because the climate is changeable and wild beasts often appear, there are no people in the area for dozens of miles." The shepherd explained.

"Then how did you get here?" the little eunuch asked.

"The guests don't know," the herdsman said, "the Huns rebelled and harassed the people. Someone pulled up a team. The leader was Lei Xubin, who was also a Han. Commander Lei recruited troops and stationed not far ahead. A place called Black Tiger Cliff. It's just a pity..."

"What's the pity?" Seeing that the herdsman hesitated to speak, the little eunuch hurriedly asked.

The herdsman said: "It's a pity that you don't have martial arts, otherwise you will try it, and if you hit it well, you can even ask for an official."

Zhang Facun was about to interject, but was stopped by the little eunuch with a wink, and said: "Can you be an official if you have martial arts?"

"Marshal Lei is fair, and his official position depends entirely on his skill. Except for a few leaders such as Tenzin and Meng Fanyin, the rest are all determined by martial arts competitions. In front of us, our leader Danzeng sent a message to call our brothers. Go try your luck, maybe the Pioneer Officer will be ours." The herdsman said brazenly.

"Okay, I think you guys can do it! I promise you can do it!" The little eunuch praised with a thumbs up.

"The three of us are the strongest men in our tribe!" The herdsman was very proud of being praised, and said happily, "My name is De Geer Cairang, the tall brother is called Zhou Guaka, and the fat man is called Zhou Guaka. Mai Zhou, why don't you guys go with us to see the excitement?"

The little eunuch deliberately shook his head and said: "No, no, our little three-legged kung fu, is it not for nothing if we go there?"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, with our brothers taking care of you, who would dare to touch a finger of you?" Degel said broadly.

"Then, let's try it then? Don't make fun of the big brothers who lost their lives?" The little eunuch said hesitantly.

"Singing folk songs on the big grassy beach, I am the girl of the Yugu nationality. Please rest your feet and sit in my tent..."

Just after walking about ten miles away, I suddenly heard someone singing a folk song somewhere far ahead. Although the lyrics are simple, they are very clear, and the singing is very beautiful, melodious, unrestrained and graceful.The little eunuch had heard ditties sung by the maids in the palace, most of which were sad and sentimental, which made people cry and feel bitter.But listening to this girl sing is like drinking a glass of ice-cold water on a hot day. It's extra refreshing and refreshing, and I wish I could yell along.

Deger's Tibetan friends were probably also attracted by the singing, so they whipped their horses secretly and quickly caught up.The horses of the little eunuch and the others are not ordinary, and they are not the same as the herding horses, so they rushed into the head in a few steps.Not far in front of him, there were four or five servant girls surrounding a well-dressed girl, and two strong men on horseback with swords on both sides.When he was about to approach, the girl in the middle suddenly looked back at the uninvited guests. With just this one glance, the little eunuch was immediately stunned. At that moment, his soul seemed to be taken away.

This is a different kind of girl, her age looks to be seventeen or eighteen years old at most, her makeup is completely different from other exotic styles, the same black eyebrows and black eyes, the same bamboo nose and cherry lips, but on her face But it is very extraordinary.Her face was flushed red, and she was as beautiful as the colorful clouds in the sky. Her innocent eyes revealed the pureness and shyness unique to girls.Her coat was a black jacket embroidered with gold silk trim that girls in frontier fortresses used to wear, and inside was a long pink skirt.A snow-white lambskin fringe about three or four inches wide was sewn on the cuffs, and a golden fox tail hung around the neck, making it even more elegant and luxurious.Wearing black long leather boots, he has an unusually strong figure.What is puzzling is that, while everyone else is riding a tall horse, she is the only one riding a majestic tile gray donkey.What's even more regrettable is that I don't know if it was this stunning girl who sang just now?

Gaggling and flirting are the strengths of the little eunuch. He was originally a sentimental guy who grew up among women.However, at this moment, he was even a little embarrassed, as if someone had slapped his face, he was extremely hot and uncomfortable.

"Girl, sing us a song! Oh, your singing voice is like a lark in spring." It was Degel who was more calm, and he rode his horse and approached the girl.

Usually, in areas where ethnic minorities gather, everyone communicates in Chinese.The little eunuch is clear about this, because he has been to many places like this.

"Get out of the way, do you want to die?" The two strong men glared at Degel fiercely and shouted angrily.

"My friend, why are you so petty?" Deger said with a smile, "We just want to hear the chirping of larks. Is this a big taboo in your family?"

"Get out, get out! If you say one more word, I'll send you to heaven immediately!" The strong man was still furious.

"I still want to join the army to get a job as an official! You sent me to the west, will you raise my wife and baby?" Degel was a bit bohemian.

"Where are you going to join the army?" the girl in full makeup asked.

"Choose Lei Xubin's militia! The leader of our tribe, Tenzin, is his friend." Degel finally found a chance to talk to the girl, and he hastily turned his face to answer truthfully.

"Ah, that's great! My brother is also there, and we are looking for my brother, so it happens that we are traveling together, is that Han brother also going to join the army?" The girl turned her eyes to the little eunuch.

The little eunuch's heart warmed up, and he seemed a little flattered.He hesitated to speak, he couldn't have joined the army, how could he put down his [-] army and go to a small team that just formed?But he clearly felt the girl's concern for him, so he didn't want to chill the girl's heart, so he simply stopped talking.

It was De Geer who helped him and said: "They can't do it, they don't know martial arts, and they came to watch the excitement with us."

The girl seemed a little lost, and sighed in a low voice: "It turns out they don't know martial arts!"

"It's not that they don't know everything. Listening to them, it seems that they know a little bit. It's just like a three-legged cat. What's your brother's name? Was it you who sang just now?" Degel talked to the girl without losing the opportunity.

"My brother's name is Meng Fanyin." After the girl finished speaking, she took another look at the little eunuch.

"What about you?" Deger finally got to the point.

"My name is Ginkgo Dundup." The girl replied.

"Good name! Are you from Yugu? Is Meng Fanyin your real brother?" Degel showed his hospitality.

The little eunuch was excited: this Degel is a guy who knows the times!Everything he wanted to know, he solved for him.

Ginkgo Dunzhu giggled and said, "I am from Yugu. Singing is a hobby of our Yugu people. Talking dolls can usually sing. Also, I will tell you that my brother's name is Han. If you want to ask any more questions, please mention them together." come out."

While talking, the girl aimed at the little eunuch from the corner of her eyes.Although she sees people with peripheral vision, the little eunuch can feel it by feeling.

"This brother of the Han family, since you are not going to a martial arts competition, what are you doing at Heihuya?" Ginkgo Dunzhu smiled sweetly, with two dimples showing on his face.

After Degel's torment, the little eunuch was much more relieved.Quick answer:

"I want to try my luck."

"Luck always favors those who are prepared. Now we are fighting, and everyone needs people who can fight. You have no martial arts, so what's the use if you go there?" Ginkgo Dundup talked eloquently. The girl is not only beautiful, but also accomplished very deep.

"If they don't want me, I'll pack up and leave."

"Are you a businessman?" Gingko girl turned sideways again and asked.

"Yes." The little eunuch didn't want to lie in front of the beautiful girl, but he couldn't help it, he couldn't tell the truth.

"Are those two Han people your servants?"


"Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of a country. As a businessman, if you think of joining the army to serve the country, you can be regarded as a Confucian businessman." Ginkgo Dunzhu didn't seem to be praising casually, her tone was extremely sincere.

"Miss, this is absurd, the boy is just a whim, not a benevolent businessman with the ambition to serve the country." The little eunuch had nothing to say, only perfunctory words.

Degel wanted to intervene several times, but he had no chance, so he turned his face away angrily.

While talking, especially with beautiful women as company, everyone didn't feel lonely, and they arrived at Heihuya Barracks in a short while.It was getting late at this time, and Degel had Tenzin send someone to pick him up for a rest. Ginkgo Dundup is the deputy commander's direct sister, so naturally there will be no difference.Only the three little eunuchs and brothers became motherless orphans, what's more, they ate something indiscriminately since the morning, and they still have no food to satisfy their hunger.Suddenly a person came out from the big tent and shouted:

"Which one is Mr. Pan Youanpan, a businessman from Central Plains?"

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