Just as the little eunuch was about to agree, Zhang Facun said first, "Our Mr. Pan is here!"

A thin soldier waved his hand and said: "The guests come over here. Our Vice Marshal Meng specifically asked us to say that Mr. Pan is a benevolent and righteous businessman. I have set up a banquet to entertain you, come with me!"

The little eunuch picked up a gold ingot like a mute, and was so happy that he couldn't speak for a long time.The most important thing now is the stomach problem, whichever step you take, let alone the banquet, even if you come to two Wotou, a plate of pickles is delicious.

The accompanying guest was the little soldier himself, he probably had already eaten or for some other reason, so the chopsticks did not move, which made it easier for the three little eunuchs.No matter what kind of food you eat or not, whether you are humble or not, it is simply wind blowing clouds, wind blowing leaves, gnawing your teeth, pulling dogs, and eating a large table of dishes in a short time.I don't know who thinks they are the commander of the soldiers and horses sent by the emperor of the Southern Dynasty and his two lieutenants. How is this different from the gangsters who eat and drink on the street?After drinking enough, the little eunuch wiped his mouth and said:

"Brother Jun, is there any hot water? Let's get together and wash before going to bed. We are too dirty."

"Take a bath?" Xiao Bing grinned contemptuously, and a few words popped out between his teeth, "I want to take a bath and splash in the Black Water River!"

Knowing that there was no hope, the little eunuch took a step back and said, "Would you like to sleep?"

"No." Xiaobing said, "I will meet some soldiers who died in battle tomorrow, so go and make a set of bedding by yourself."

Helpless, the little eunuch He curled up next to the cow dung stove in the firewood pile in the big room all night.The next morning, I was no longer lucky to patronize them. I watched others drink milk tea, eat scones, tear their hands and grab mutton, and sip mutton soup.It's no wonder that they are all organized collective actions. They haven't registered yet, and their salary hasn't been approved. What part is it?

After breakfast, people began to gather in a big circle on the lawn outside.The little eunuch and Zhang Facun discussed and wanted to run to the ball, but the goal was too big.Besides, they didn't even know the direction to run.So I put it off and prepare to see the situation.The little eunuchs have a childlike heart, and they love to join in the fun by nature. The three found a place to stop in the crowd, wanting to see what will happen next?

After a while, suddenly people shouted and neighed. The little eunuch looked up and knew that an important person had arrived.The girl they saw yesterday, named Ginkgo Dunzhu, was also in this group. She was still riding her very majestic gray donkey, the difference was that her eyes were looking around, as if she was looking for something in the crowd?

Marshal Lei Xubin spoke first, he said:

"Brothers, the king of the Xiongnu made rebellion, violated my great rivers and mountains, slaughtered innocent people, slaughtered charcoal, disturbed the people and harmed the country, and brought disaster to Hexi. My brothers were forced to do nothing, we couldn't bear it, so we rose up and did justice for the sky. According to reports, our army of the celestial dynasty Soldiers have already dispatched firewood ditch. In order to cooperate with the officers and troops, we will set off immediately, cross the Heishui River, and go deep into the Huns' lair. The big battle is imminent, and we have to do some preparations before we go. We must choose a martial artist who is strong and brave The generals who are good at fighting are used as the front team. After several days of job hunting, screening, friend introduction, etc., a lot of talents from all walks of life have gathered in front of the tent. What nationality is he, age, marriage or not, male or female, as long as he defeats all opponents, he will be the number one hero in our army! Princes have no kind, men should be strong by themselves, whether they are mules or horses. You know. But what the commander-in-chief said earlier, a martial arts competition is a martial arts competition, and you must not hurt your life. Alright, now that the martial arts competition begins, who will go first?"

As soon as Commander Lei Xubin finished speaking, a man rode forward and came to the middle of the circle.I saw this man riding a crimson war horse and holding a tiger head pestle in his hand.He was wearing a leather jacket, with his breasts exposed, his head big and his body long, his face purple and black, his hair messy like hemp, and his voice like thunder, making him even more majestic and extraordinary.The little eunuch looked up and saw that this person was none other than that Degel who traveled with them yesterday and invited them to watch the fun.

The little eunuch was secretly surprised, he didn't see any weapons with him yesterday, why did such a nondescript wooden hammer suddenly appear?To put it bluntly, the tiger head pestle is an enlarged garlic hammer. The head of the pestle is probably made of natural tree roots. It looks like a tiger head grinning, so it became famous.In history, there are not many people who use pestles, and there are even fewer people who use tiger head pestles.Because it is a wooden product after all, it is not easy to kill the opponent unless it is smashed hard.

Deger circled the field for three times, then gathered the reins of the horse, stood in the middle of the field with a grin, rolled his eyes, curled his lips, clamped his big garlic hammer in his elbow, clasped his fists, and went to Surrounded by one by one, he opened his mouth and said:

"Oh, everyone is laughing at me! The boy Degel was entrusted by a friend to come to take the position of pioneer. Everyone take a step back, this official is definitely mine, and no one can fight for it. It's useless, it's better to treat it as a favor and let me count the ball."

Degel on the martial field is completely different from the one he met on the road yesterday.It seems that in the face of fame and fortune, everyone feels the same, especially those men who forget righteousness for profit and are jealous of virtuous and capable men.However, these people are villains at best, not villains.

To say that this Degel was indeed capable, he beat down the few vanguards who came up with a tiger-headed pestle.Seeing that it was time to eat at noon, Deputy Marshal Tenzin gave the command on behalf of the coach and said:

"It's like this in the morning. After lunch, everyone has a short rest, and the competition will continue in the afternoon. If no one can beat Degel in the evening, the Pioneer Seal will belong to him!"

After hearing this, everyone dispersed and went to eat separately.The three little eunuchs were still left alone.No matter how thick-skinned they are, they can't reach out to beg for food, right?Zhang Facun and Huang Ren, with mournful faces, asked the little eunuch for advice, but the little eunuch narrowed his eyes and smiled:

"If you don't eat half of the meal, you won't starve to death. Just wait!"

Suddenly the little eunuch remembered what happened to their horses?People can persist, but Ma Ke can't suffer. If he starves for a few days like them, he won't be able to go on the road.The three of them looked for horses everywhere, but they couldn't find them after searching for a long time. The little eunuch complained to Zhang Facun and Huang Ren and said:

"The two of you are also in vain. You Shanyu Wang can find a sword and a pack of medicine. Three big live horses have made it difficult for you. How can you be a hero? Shit!"

Zhang Facun smiled wryly and said: "Brother doesn't know, it's not easy to find and steal, besides, it's in broad daylight, people are noisy, there are people and horses everywhere, what do you think we should do? "

The little eunuch thinks about it too. Most knights act at night, which is also a matter of common sense, so he said:

"Forget it, forget it, don't look for it anymore. The point is that that bastard Deger is not good enough friends. As soon as he arrived here, he completely forgot about our brothers, and tried to find him to settle accounts at night."

Zhang Facun shook his head and said, "Brother, you don't walk around the rivers and lakes, so you don't know how hot and cold the world is!"

The little eunuch was puzzled and asked, "Fat Cun, how do you say that?"

Zhang Facun said confidently: "If Degel loses the battle this afternoon, maybe we can meet again. If he really wins the vanguard, we will never find him. I have seen this kind of person a lot in the world." He valued sex over friends, and neglected righteousness when he saw profit. You didn’t see how disgusting he was begging for mercy in front of that singing girl yesterday. How he treats friends, you will understand when you think about the fact that he didn’t see us. He No matter how busy we are, it should be time to send someone to bring us some food, right? In my opinion, people have said that if we want God's help, we must first help ourselves. Yes, it is possible for someone to catch a spy."

"What do you think we should do?"

"Go to the martial arts field to fight for the vanguard in the afternoon!" Zhang Facun said convincingly, "In terms of your elder brother's ability, don't you think De Geer's generation is like a joke? Only when we are strong, others will think highly of us, otherwise we will be here now Kind of half-dead."

"You mean I'm going to fight for the vanguard?" The little eunuch Clever I was confused for a moment, but still a little confused, he waved his hands and said, "I go to the generalissimo one day to fight for the small vanguard of the civilian army. "

"Brother, how can a mirror-like person like you become so stupid? We are not seeking fame, nor are we seeking rewards. We are doing this to attract the attention of their group. With the help of you, hurry back to our army. The three armies can’t be left alone for a day, big brother, you are the commander of the three armies, we’ve been out for a few days, and we don’t know what’s going on at home?”

The little eunuch suddenly realized: "Brother Facun, thank you for reminding me, it almost didn't ruin my big business. Well, I will do it according to your opinion, and I will fight for the little pioneer in the afternoon!"

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