Cao Huazhi was about to shout "cut", but before the voice came out, he suddenly saw the Northern Army's formation in chaos.Looking further into the distance, where the dust was rising, a group of men and horses descended from the sky, the handsome flag was held high, and there was a big red "Pan" on the military flag.The Fan soldiers didn't know how many men and horses came from the Southern Army. They lost their positions in an instant and retreated one after another. They threw down their helmets and armor and ran wildly.Cao Huazhi bent over and stretched her legs sharply, and hid herself in a kick. She picked up her spear from the ground, held it in her hand and shouted:

"Sisters, look quickly! Pan Lang personally brought people to rescue us, cheer up everyone, hurry up and fight with me to meet Pan Lang!"

The five girls narrowly escaped death, each of them was courageous and spirited, like a ferocious beast out of the cage, each holding a sword, spear, sword and halberd, they all rushed towards the enemy's formation.

After the little eunuch came out of the mountain, Li Lang sent spies to inquire about the military situation. A soldier reported urgently that Fanjun Xia Weiqi suddenly rushed out from nowhere and surrounded the vanguard General Cao Huazhi's 5000 troops on all sides.Because General Cao has few people, and the Fanbing used the technique of vicious tigers driving sheep, the situation is extremely critical.The little eunuch hurriedly selected 2 horses and set off first. Zhu Linzong led the brigade to follow and galloped to rescue Cao Huazhi.

The distance of more than ten miles arrived in no time, and the little eunuch rushed forward quickly.When Fan Jun's coach Xia Weiwei was thinking about how to enjoy the beauty of the five beauties, he suddenly heard someone shouting and turned around to see that the little eunuch was approaching.Xia Weiqi didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly raised his knife to meet him, hesitating in his heart, and shouted in his mouth:

"Who is coming?"

"Your grandpa Pan You'an is right! Pig head, come and die quickly!" The little eunuch yelled sharply as he fired his gun away.

"Aren't you trapped on Wuling Mountain? How did you get out?" Xia Weiqi didn't believe it.

"Ah, well said and well asked! Damn, when I encountered a natural or man-made disaster, you ran back here to plot against my wife, are you a human?" the little eunuch scolded.

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say." Xia Weiqi blushed slightly, and immediately returned to his original state, and retorted, "Don't you Chinese say that soldiers are not tired of cheating? Don't tell me your wife won't marry after you die? Forget it, I won't be with you Don't worry about it, since you are out of the mountain, your wife will return it to you, and I will argue with you another day."

Xia Weiqi is not timid and afraid of fighting, but he is not mentally prepared at all.In addition, what he did was neither authentic nor honorable, so he wanted to delay the time, anger the little eunuch, and then play it by ear.

"You bastard, you almost killed my 5000 people, now you can leave if you want?" the little eunuch scolded.

"So what? You killed another 5000 of my people, isn't that fair?" Xia Weiqi played a rogue.

"I want to drive you all out of our land, or I will kill you all without a single one left!" The little eunuch couldn't bear it anymore, and charged over again with his gun raised.

Xia Weiqi poked it away with a knife, and sarcastically said: "Pan, you are an imposing commander of the three armies, and you are so brave for a few women's affairs. I don't think you can do anything big at all!"

"What big or small matter, you stripped my wife naked and tied her to your bed, is that also a small matter?" The little eunuch revealed Xia Weiqi's shortcoming.

Xia Weiqi became angry with embarrassment, and those who wanted to provoke others made themselves angry and furious.he shouted:

"My surname is Pan, I admit that I am not upright in my actions. Don't tell me you are bright? I took your wife to sleep. How dare you say that you didn't sleep in Xue Lihong's bed? If you have the ability, you can swear a poisonous oath for the soldiers of the three armies to listen to." Listen? Dude, men are like this, we two are a crow and a pig, no one should blame the other for having dark skin! It’s just that you caught one and I caught two. It seems that you have suffered a bit in terms of quantity, but they are red in the snow She's still a big girl! Those two of yours are already ruined, let's get even, brother!"

The little eunuch didn't expect Xia Weiqi to have such a trick, he did sleep with Xue Lihong, but he didn't do that, but this can't be explained, and it can't be explained clearly.In any case, it was a fact that he slept with Xue Lihong, so he could neither swear nor dare to swear. After hesitating for a while, he remembered something and said with a smile:

"It's not even. I heard that you still have one thing missing! Brother, you should come with me. I will introduce you to a job. Go to be a eunuch in my harem! Although your operation may not be It’s very authentic, and it’s still possible to get along by pretending to coax someone.”

Xia Weiqi was furious, this was his great shame, a man had his penis cut, how many times can this happen?But he saw that the heat was almost ready, just now he was the eagle taking the chick, thinking that it was a sure win.After the little eunuch's brigade arrived, the two sides were evenly matched. Since it took time to rearrange the troops, he had to grind his teeth patiently with the little eunuch.He took a rough look, and the number of young eunuchs was at most [-] people, and there were [-] people behind him!Although the little eunuch went down the mountain in danger, the weather has been freezing these few days, and he will definitely lose troops and generals, and his combat power will be greatly affected. I am afraid this is his entire team.If you don't take the opportunity to eliminate it today, it will become a serious problem in the future.Thinking of this, Xia Weiqi roared and said:

"Pan You'an, don't deceive people too much. I have heard that you are a fake eunuch, and now you have turned me into an eunuch too. Okay, let's have a eunuch versus eunuch, don't need anyone's help, you dare to fight me for three hundred Round?"

The previous document said that Xia Weiqi was a well-known general in Fan Kingdom, not to mention his physical strength, and his unique martial arts. He was known as an invincible general. The only shortcoming was that he was short.He toiled for a long time, first, he wanted to anger Pan You'an, and second, he needed to reorganize the team.Seeing that the time was ripe, he decided to fight alone with Pan You'an, and took the opportunity to kill the Southern Dynasty commander.

Cao Huazhi rushed out of the encirclement with the rest of the troops, looked up and saw that her husband and Xia Weiqi had already set up a duel, and shouted:

"Pan Lang, stop teaching this fat pig today!"

Xia Weiqi sneered, tilted his head back, and teased the female general: "It's still a matter of life and death, you birds who slipped through the net, don't be too happy."

Seeing that the five girls were all safe, the little eunuch felt relieved, and signaled Cao Huazhi and the others to go back to the rear team to rest and watch the battle.

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