Merry Eunuch Lang

Chapter 200 Xue Lihong Rescued in Secret

The two female generals are Ruan Shimei and Tian Shanxue. Ruan Shimei saw that her husband was unable to fight for a long time, so she wanted to help Pan Lang.Tian Shanxue saw that the little eunuch was full of energy and bearing, and his martial arts were by no means inferior to his elder brother's, so he immediately fell in love with him and wanted to get acquainted with this Central Plains man.So the two of them almost run on the same horse, go out with the same hands, and work the same way. The two generals are busy with their own affairs, and they are caught off guard by two women who are roped up and taken away alive.

Seeing that their respective leaders were captured, the two armies did not dare to go out lightly. They were afraid that the other party would hurt their own commander, so they hurriedly rang the gong to stop the battle.

Tianshanxue's fan name was Gulunbei. She thought it was tacky, so she changed her Chinese name to Tianshanxue.Tianshanxue and Breda were born of the same father and mother, so the elder brother loves this only little sister very much, letting her do everything and pampering her.Tian Shanxue has studied literature and martial arts with a Han master since she was a child. Because of her exposure to Chinese culture, her living habits and dressing have gradually become Chinese.In this regard, when the old Shanyu was around, the officials below were often quite critical. After the death of the old Shanyu, her biological brother succeeded to the throne, and Breda turned to the princess in everything, so no one dared to make irresponsible remarks.When Tian Shanxue became an adult, she wanted to find a man from the Han family to be her son-in-law, but because of the narrow contact area, she was surrounded by a flat face except for a big beard. Worthy of her favor?So up to now, no one who cares about her has come into her eyes.During the day, when she saw the little eunuch on the battlefield, she immediately beat a small drum in her heart: Isn't this man the Prince Charming of her dreams?But after thinking about it, she felt that she was too naive, and now the two sides are fighting against each other. If she told her brother what she thought, wouldn't he kill her?

The fight between her brother and the Han general became more fierce and tense, and her heart beat more intensely and joyfully. She was afraid that her brother would hurt the handsome man of the Han family, and she was also worried that the man would kill her own brother.After doing this three times, she finally couldn't bear it anymore. Firstly, she wanted to help her brother, and secondly, she wanted to capture that handsome Han man, and persuaded him with good words. If he knew the benefits, he might be her son-in-law. Miles!Thinking about it this way, she didn't care much, and regardless of the consequences, the four horses went out, quickly threw out the binding rope, and captured the general back alive.But what I didn't expect was that at the same time as she made a move, a female general flew out from the southern army formation, who was almost exactly the same as her, and took her brother abducted.

After withdrawing the troops and returning to the camp, she specially asked the little leader who escorted the little eunuch, and ordered:

"After sending this general into prison, he must eat and drink well, and he must not be neglected. Set up a big bed with a thicker bed, and then go to the head of the palace and tell me what I said, and get a few new quilts. You have to wait for him to take a hot bath. If there is a slight mistake, if you don’t greet well, if you wait too long, this general, be careful, I will kill you one by one!"

The sergeant thought that the princess was probably captured because King Shan Yu was also captured, so he didn't dare to think elsewhere, and they all nodded in agreement.

The princess was worried, but she didn't dare to go too far. Finally, she took a few accompanying soldiers to visit the prison after everyone had gone to bed at night.As soon as he arrived at the prison gate, he saw soldiers guarding the prison stumbling around, corpses lying in disarray, and more than a dozen jailers were all killed. Then he pushed open the prison door where the young eunuch was being held, and was shocked: where is there even half a figure?

After the little eunuch was taken into prison, the cell boss immediately untied him according to Princess Snow of Tianshan Mountain.Although the air in the prison was dirty, the treatment he received was very generous. The guards treated him with respect and affection, every mouthful of a lord, entertained him with good wine and food, and even brought him a bath tub filled with hot water. Water, several people were busy before and after, rubbing his back and body again, allowing him to take a comfortable bath.After drinking and eating, I was afraid that he would be lonely, so I specially sent a few people who can understand Chinese to chat with him and talk about the past and the present.He also kept asking quietly to hint at him, do you want special services?The little eunuch thought he was here to go to hell, but unexpectedly he went to heaven.If I had known that being a prisoner would be so good, who would be willing to fight to the death on the battlefield?

I don't know what time it was, the little eunuch was still in his dream, and suddenly he heard the commotion in the cell, followed by the creaking of the cell door, and a black shadow flashed in, and when he was about to ask who it was, the man lowered his voice and said :

"This is not a place to talk, please come with me!"

The little lady listened to that voice very familiarly, but he really couldn't remember who it was, it was definitely a woman's voice, and then he squeaked:

"I'm still wearing my clothes, you can't let me walk with you naked, can you?"

"Stop talking! A prisoner dares to take off his clothes to sleep, you really enjoy it? Do you want me to give you a bright spot?" The woman's voice complained.

"No, no, I can do it in the dark. But, do you want you to avoid it when I wear trousers?" After all, the little eunuch didn't remember who that person was.

"Even under the covers, you still avoid it?" the woman laughed softly.

"Damn it, how could it be you?" The little eunuch didn't know whether to praise or criticize, the most concise and most expressive language could not help but blurt out.

"How could it not be me? You forgot me, but I haven't forgotten you for a day! Stop talking, come with me, my husband!" the woman complained.

The person who came was indeed Xue Lihong. After Xue Lihong returned to the Northland, she truthfully reported her situation to her aunt, and stated that she vowed to marry that handsome Han man.

Unexpectedly, my aunt was furious after hearing this, and reprimanded: "You damn girl, you are asked to assist General Xia Weiqi with his affairs, but you go there to seduce men! Do you know? What we want is the land of the Southern Dynasty, and we don't care about their land. Man. You go back to me and help General Xia Weiwei defeat the army of the Southern Dynasty and divide the land with the Hun King. At that time, my aunt will choose one of the good men in the Southern Dynasty for you. Don’t you like Han people? You are not allowed to recruit relatives privately, otherwise You don't come back!"

It comes hard and then soft. My aunt told her that to deal with the Han people, you must resort to force. This is a timid and fearful people. You can’t even get a single inch of land from them. There is no national border when there is a war. It's up.One day, if you get Wusuli, Heilongjiang, and the entire Hetao area, you will make her the queen there.

Xue Lihong doesn't want the land of the Han people, nor does she want to be the queen of the plundered land. She only thinks of the handsome brother who slept with her once, but she dare not disobey her aunt's will. They had no choice but to turn around and bring 1000 troops back to the southern front. Unexpectedly, when they got there, it turned out that Xia Weiqi's troops had been beaten to death by the little eunuch, and only a few of them fled back to the north.Xue Lihong didn't dare and couldn't go back the same way, so she had to go to join King Shanyu again.Breda Jian was a wonderful blonde girl, fell in love with her at first sight, coerced and lured her, and was bought with a lot of money, promising her to be his wife in the future.Xue Lihong was concerned about the little eunuch, so of course she couldn't agree to this matter.However, she could not publicly refuse Breda's marriage proposal, and promised to wait until the end of the war before talking about marriage with him.Having said that, she naturally knew it in her heart, and she concluded that this Fan Wang Breda would never be a match for Pan You'an, the commander-in-chief of the Southern Dynasty, otherwise she would never bet on her life's event.

When Breda heard that Xue Lihong had promised him to be his empress in the palace after the war, he was overjoyed and couldn't help but feel happy. A piece of fat was about to be eaten, and a flower was about to be inserted into his vase.He was looking forward to the young eunuch of the Southern Dynasty coming to die quickly. At that time, the beautiful woman was in his arms, and the army marched eastward, invincible, driving the Han people across the Dian River and the Yangtze River.At that time, he was of course Genghis Khan, and there is nothing like this in life!

Xue Lihong caught a glimpse of her favorite husband in the battle a few days ago, and she wanted to rush over to tell him her heart.The little eunuch fought Sanbaihe fiercely with Breda. She was afraid, happy and nervous at the same time. She was afraid that Pan Lang would have an accident and miss Breda; He couldn't find any advantage in him; what was nervous was Pan Lang's bloody battle against Breda, and she could only wait and watch in a hurry, and couldn't help at all, but it was Pan Lang's opponents.

After the little eunuch was captured alive, Xue Lihong has been watching secretly. She has made up her mind and vowed to protect Pan Lang's life to the death.Any fan soldier who dared to touch Pan Lang's finger, she immediately let him die.

Losing the head of Fan Wang in Fancheng, it suddenly became a group of headless flies, a messy pot of porridge.Xue Lihong led a few of her confidant generals to rob the prison overnight, killed all the jailers, and took away the little eunuch.

With a heart full of love, Tian Shanxue excitedly brought a few entourages to visit the little eunuch at night, but they missed it unexpectedly.They managed to find a man who was still alive among the piles of dead bodies, and the man only said "Princess Yekamova" before swallowing his breath.

"Yekamova, Yekamova, Yekamova!" Tian Shanxue repeated Yekamova three times, and secretly cursed, "You shameless vixen, I'll pull your ass and you lead the donkey, but all good things are let Are you ready?"

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