Merry Eunuch Lang

Chapter 203 The Hun King Chongtian 1 Angry as a Beauty

The little eunuch suddenly felt that the dark winter was not satisfactory. He wanted to light up the lamp to appreciate his newly married foreign wife, but it was inconvenient to ask servants to wait on him for such a thing, so he had to get out of bed naked to find the lamp in the dark. .The lamp was on, and all his privacy was exposed.What happened to the little eunuch was...unusual, standing up and walking under the house seemed to be showing off his power and majesty, Xue Lihong was shy, covered her face with a smile and said:

"Pan Lang, what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? I want to do it with you in the open. We are now an aboveboard husband and wife. We are not selling cats in our pockets. Why are we still hiding and sneaking around?" The little eunuch grimaced. explain.

"I haven't seen it during the day, are you afraid of making a mistake, or are you afraid that I am not a virgin?" Xue Lihong no longer had the shyness and restraint of a young girl at this time, she was originally a very bold and informal woman.

"As for whether you are a virgin or not, it doesn't matter, I mainly want to show you a trick." The little eunuch explained, in fact, he didn't have much hope for his wife to be a virgin, she is a foreigner. !Who counts those?He was not in bed when he spoke, and was still standing straight on the floor.

"A trick, what kind of trick?" Xue Lihong was puzzled, and then urged, "Pan Lang, come up quickly, don't catch a cold."

"No way, you're so hot that you're sweating, how can you catch a cold? My trick is called Wedding Night Trilogy, don't you want to try it?"

"Try it and try it. Are you still afraid that you won't succeed?" Xue Lihong heard people say that most people in the Central Plains live on food, and that's not good for development.In fact, she is a girl in a boudoir, and she doesn't know what size is the standard, it's just heard.

"The first step is called Nantianmen holding the moon and blowing the xiao." The little eunuch stood upright, and that thing also stood upright.

"How to play?" Xue Lihong asked with wide blue eyes.

"You come down, I go up."

"Lang Jun, I don't have any clothes on." Xue Lihong shouted.

"That's great! You can't sing the show if you put on clothes." The little eunuch laughed disapprovingly.

Xue Lihong still hesitated, but was dragged out of the quilt by the little eunuch and dragged to the ground to stand still.Immediately, a smooth and white jade body appeared in front of the little eunuch: round shoulders, slender waist, plump breasts, huge buttocks, tall and slender figure, two straight jade legs, not to mention a face, I have seen it during the day.The little eunuch was fascinated and stunned.He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, jumped onto the bed, turned around and knelt on the edge of the bed and stretched out his hands to pull Xue Lihong closer, saying:

"Give you."

Xue Lihong's red lips almost met his story, before the little eunuch could speak, Xue Lihong was already full of novelty, (58 words are deleted below) For a while, the little eunuch was itchy, he Fearing that the embankment would break out prematurely, Xue Lihong's head was hurriedly removed, and he said:

"Don't be impatient, lady, the fun is yet to come!"

"What else?" Xue Lihong smacked her lips and said.

"It's just a matter of movement, it can't be said clearly. If you don't believe me, wait for me to show you." After saying that, the little eunuch jumped off the ground, turned Xue Lihong down on the edge of the bed, and raised her arms high. Put a jade leg, and then... straighten in, (delete below) get up.

Xueli Honghua's face turned pale, and she yelled softly: "Mr. Lang, you made me hurt so much! Did you make a mistake?"

The little eunuch laughed lewdly and said, "Where can I go wrong? This step is called "Ge Jiang You Singing Flowers in the Backyard, which is the best song for us Central Plains people."

Xue Lihong stopped and said: "No, no, sir, I can't stand it, let's not sing this song, let's listen to your last song!"

Seeing this, the little eunuch had no choice but to hug Xue Lihong to the bed again, and said: "The last step is called Jiaolong Exploring the Sea, Yasha Extracting Essence."

Xue Lihong shouted: "Brother, I know what you mean, come in quickly, I really can't wait."

The little eunuch had just driven Jiaolong into the sea when he heard soldiers outside blowing the horn to get up.

Xue Lihong begged: "Lang Jun, enough is enough, I've already learned how powerful you are, shall we come again in the evening? You are the commander of the three armies, and the sisters may be waiting at the door, and the army is waiting for you outside the camp." Go watch the practice, how bad it will be for the two of us to spread the word."

The little eunuch snorted and said: "Damn, no, I'm afraid there will be no such shop after passing this village. Today's business is today, we must finish our business."

About half an hour later, the little eunuch roared recklessly, and countless little eunuchs followed like arrows (twenty words are deleted below), the little eunuch and Xue Lihong collapsed on the soft bed almost at the same time.Leaning slightly, the two got up at the same time and looked at the bed sheet: there were several bright red peach blossoms burned on it.The little eunuch was moved, took Xue Lihong's pretty face and kissed affectionately, and then said solemnly:

"Miss, if I, Pan You'an, do anything wrong to you in the future, I will die a terrible death!"

Xue Lihong hastily stopped her and said: "It is the duty of a wife to guard the only gate for her husband. What is there to make a fuss about? This has always been the case in ancient and modern times. The same principle is true at home and abroad. You don't have to make a fuss about it."

The little eunuch secretly marveled: This wife is right. She is a foreigner who is thousands of miles away from the Central Plains. I really regarded her as a spy.

The handover ceremony went very smoothly. The Nanbing sent the Hun King there, and the Fanjun also returned all the white dragon horses and spears of the little eunuch.Before leaving, Breda clung to the little eunuch's hand, his eyes were red, and he almost didn't shed tears, and said from the bottom of his heart:

"Big brother, you never forget your kindness, little brother. You are waiting for the good news in the camp. As soon as I settle down in the past, I will send my sister over to let you two get married."

Breda can also be regarded as a loyal person. As soon as he arrived at the palace, without saying a word, he immediately invited Tian Shanxue to the side room alone, and asked quietly:

"Belle, are you getting married?"

"Marry whom?"

"Marrying a Han Chinese, isn't this what you dream of doing?"

"Which Han to marry?"

"This time I made a sworn brother in the Han camp, you should marry him."

"I won't marry!"

"Why? Didn't you say you wanted to marry a Han man? Why did you change your mind midway?"

"I don't want to marry alone!"

"Which person?"

"It's the man I caught in battle that day."

"Hey, after talking for a long time, we are talking about one person, so you agree?"

Breda didn't expect things to go so smoothly. Along the way, he also thought about it. His sister has a stubborn temper. Once she disagrees with something, no one can pry her out, and vice versa.Now it's all right, the agreement between him and Brother Pan You'an has come true, and he has an explanation.Seeing his sister nodding shyly and silently, the Hun King couldn't wait to say:

"Okay, go and get ready to send you there to marry General Pan."

"Why are you in such a hurry, you have to let someone take a break, brother?" Tian Shanxue said with a smile.

Breda also smiled and said: "It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day. I will put my heart into my stomach the sooner I have finished your life-long event. You haven't seen the bunch of shy men in front of the palace. Wolves are like tigers, coveting your younger sister's beauty for more than a day or two, if it wasn't for your elder brother standing in front of you, wouldn't they have eaten you alive?"

Tianshan Xuexing's eyes widened and said: "Dare, you turned against them!"

"Don't dare, they are afraid of you, okay? Go down and get ready while it's still early, Belle, it's too late." Breda compromised, saying that he had never humiliated in front of his sister before.

Tian Shanxue couldn't hide her inner excitement, and said cheerfully, "Brother, am I going?"

After the matter was settled, the King of the Huns returned to the main hall to discuss with all the ministers of civil and military affairs what happened to him in the camp of the Southern Army after he was captured this time.

Among the generals, there were those who supported it and those who opposed it. There were many discussions and no consensus was reached.

The Xiongnu King waved his hand and said, "Don't discuss this matter any more. The lonely king has already understood it in his chest. Don't tell the truth if you see through it. You will know what the result will be in the future."

Hearing Shan Yuwang's words, all the relatives of the king, civil servants and military generals stopped talking.

Breda looked around and saw no one, so he asked casually:

"Why doesn't Ekaterina, the special envoy of the Mobei Kingdom, come to the mansion to discuss matters?"

"Your Majesty really doesn't know?" Someone asked in a low voice.

"What do I know?" Breda wondered.

"Ekamova killed more than a dozen jailers that night, robbed the commander of the Southern Army, opened the city gate and left in a hurry."

Hearing this, the Xiongnu king couldn't help but screamed, blood gushed out of his mouth like an arrow, and instantly passed out on the dragon chair.

All civil and military officials hurried forward to rescue, pinching people, patting their backs, rubbing their stomachs to smooth the air, and some even gave timely artificial respiration.When the Mongolian doctor arrived, the Hun King had already woken up.

Breda looked up at the sky, anxiously looking for any Han people in the city who could read and write. Unfortunately, he found a poor student who came from Zhongzhou to visit his relatives and was living here teaching.According to Shan Yuwang's instruction, the old scholar immediately revised a book, and wrote in the letter:

South Army Marshal Pan Youan, General Pan Tai Jian:

There is Miss Ye Shi, the special envoy of Mobei Sand Country, Princess Katerina, who is the unmarried concubine of my younger brother. She once promised me that the day when the war ends is our wedding date.Now that the two armies have ceased fighting and the commander-in-chief is sworn in, and Qin and Jin are on good terms, Mrs. Ye should keep her promise.Ye's rescue of the general was also saved, and the matter is over, and this king will never pursue it.I hope that after my brother receives the letter, I will return this girl to my brother as soon as possible. At the same time, as a show of sincerity, my brother will also send my younger sister Hulunbei to make peace with my brother immediately.

(Also: no later than tonight)

Brother: Zuo Xianwang Da Shan pays homage to His Royal Highness Breda again on a certain day of a certain month and a certain year

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