Early in the morning, Cao Huazhi brought a few sisters to congratulate her. When she entered the room, she saw that the door was ajar and the little eunuch was still sound asleep.

Several women rushed in in surprise, pulled up the sleeping eunuch, and shouted:

"Our lord groom, where is your bride?"

The little eunuch was woken up and looked up. His wife was headed by Cao Huazhi, followed by Shangguanxue, Huang Qiuchan, Ruan Shimei, Yin Tianxue, Ginkgo Dundup, and Katemova. He was taken aback, and asked with a smile:

"You all ran to my commander's tent early in the morning to make a scene, what's the matter?"

Cao Huazhi asked urgently: "Husband, you are still dreaming, where is your bride?"

The little eunuch remembered the marriage last night in a daze. He recalled it carefully for a long time, but he couldn't figure out what happened, so he murmured:

"I don't know what I said to her, but she got angry and left!"

Several wives said: "Did you talk like that? The air of the wedding night ran away from the bride, and you don't know where she went?"

Cao Huazhi thought for a while and said, "Husband drank a few more glasses of wine last night, and he and Tianshanxue are not very close. The two of them diverted from each other. The bride is not happy. Maybe she went to sleep with her maid. Let's split up and look for it!"

After searching for a long time, but no one was found, someone came back and said, "Tianshan Xue rode out to camp with her maid and maid in the middle of the night."

Only then did the little eunuch feel the seriousness of the problem. Losing a wife is the next thing, and people can find it slowly. The key is how does the Hun King Da Shanyu explain it?Once the violent Breda is angered, all previous efforts will be wasted, what should I do?The little eunuch ordered people to go down and invite Hu San, Wang Xiaowu, Hua Shixiong and others to discuss matters.Hu San thought for a while and said:

"Brother, don't worry, the new sister-in-law is good at face. You must be drunk and show your face to others, so she couldn't hold back and left. According to my guess, the new sister-in-law will never enter Fancheng. One of my closest relatives. I'm going to Breda to find out what's going on around the new sister-in-law?"

After a while Hu San came back and said: "I have already asked, not far from here, fifty or seventy miles to the west, there is a big mountain called Lanshan, where Tianshanxue's master practiced. Tianshanxue She has the closest relationship with her master, and besides her elder brother, she has no other relatives, so she must go to Lanshan. This time, the person who needs to untie the bell still needs to tie the bell, so the eldest brother has to go and trouble himself again."

The little eunuch led Zhang Facun and Huang Ren on the road.This time he was more thoughtful. Although he made up to look like a scholar, General Zhang and Huang also pretended to be book boys, but after accepting the lesson from last time, he wrapped the spear in cotton cloth and tied it to the saddle to prevent Unexpectedly.

The three of them rode horses and galloped all the way, fifty or seventy miles away, in the blink of an eye.Seeing that they are approaching the foot of a big mountain, the little eunuch ordered Zhang Facun to ask someone for directions, Zhang Facun waved his hand and said:

"Brother, don't make fun of me. People laugh at me as soon as I open my mouth, and they think I'm a foreigner! My northern language is not good, so I can't help you with this. You should ask yourself!"

The little eunuch had no choice but to go to a nearby house to inquire.Pushing open a firewood door, just as he was about to ask a question, a big yellow dog sprang out suddenly. The little eunuch had always been afraid of dogs, and when he saw the dog coming fiercely, he hurriedly drew his sword to meet it.The man and the dog refused to give in to each other, and only met each other. The little eunuch swung his sword and chopped off the dog's head, which fell to the side.Seeing that the eldest brother slaughtered a dog with a single gesture of his hand, he thought it was funny, and Zhang and Huang stood in the distance and couldn't help laughing.

Hearing the barking of the dog, the owner of the house was about to go out to scold the dog, but saw that the dog had been killed.The master immediately became furious, and cursed at the little eunuch:

"You are so ignorant, scholar, you killed the dog before the dog hurt you."

The little eunuch said a lot of good things and promised to lose money.

The owner of the dog thought for a while and said, "My dog ​​is a famous dog. I want 100 taels of silver. Can you afford it?"

The little eunuch was displeased, saying that the folk customs in the mountain village are simple and honest, and an ordinary watchdog actually asked someone for 100 taels of silver. Isn't this obviously extortion?After all, it was my own fault, and I was standing under the eaves of others, so I had to be careful and say:

"Old man, why does a local dog want so much silver? I am a poor scholar, and I don't have much with me. I will give you ten taels!"

The old man said angrily: "Ten taels can only buy a dog's leg, besides, I am not a dog seller. If you kill my dog, I only want you to pay for the dog. You put the dog's head on me as it is. We don't have anything to say." .”

The little eunuch touched his whole body and said, "Old man, I really didn't bring that much."

The old man looked into the distance and said, "Is that horse you rode here?"

The little eunuch looked back and saw that the old man was referring to his horse, so he smiled bitterly and said, "Old man, you really know how to joke. My horse is worth a thousand taels of gold, and you actually traded it for a dog?"

The dog owner said coldly: "It's not I who came after you, you killed my dog ​​first. If not, let's go to the government to talk."

Seeing that the commander-in-chief was in trouble here, Zhang and Huang came over to persuade him, saying:

"Old man, you can choose one of our horses!"

The dog owner shook his head and said disdainfully, "Both of your horses are worth half of my dog ​​money."

The little eunuch had no choice but to meet such a person. In order to hurry, he had to mortgage his white dragon horse to the dog owner, and agreed to exchange it for silver within three days.

The owner of the dog happily took away the little eunuch's white dragon horse, and showed them the way to Lanshan.The little eunuch had no choice but to ride Zhang Facun's horse, and Zhang and Huang rode one together.The more they walked in the direction of Lanshan, the more they felt something was wrong. Since Tianshanxue's master practiced in a famous mountain, why is this mountain so dangerous?There are dense forests and jagged rocks, it is difficult to see the sky when you look up, and the mountain is high and steep when you look down. There is a winding path, and you don't know where it leads.As we were walking, there was a sudden sound of clappers, and a rush of people rushed up the mountain, and the leader shouted:

"Hey, bold lunatics, don't even ask what kind of land this is, just walk around like crazy? Those who are sensible leave money for the journey, and those who don't know how to put down their heads and leave!"

What is this?The little eunuch has never seen such a storm, how can he put such a character in his eyes?With a sneer, he ordered Zhang Facun to untie his spear from the saddle, held it in his hand, and shouted:

"I didn't bring any road money. If you want to take Grandpa's head, talk to me with a long gun."

The bandit leader didn't talk to him, he waved his mountain axe, and chopped off his head.The little eunuch raised his frame to greet each other, but before he reached three closes, the little eunuch secretly began to complain.The horse Zhang Facun under his seat is not a war horse, but an ordinary horse for carrying people.He only knows how to walk with his head bowed, and has never been trained. How can he cooperate with his master in fighting?The bandit's ax was so heavy that the little eunuch couldn't meet the enemy, and when he was about to retreat, the horse hit the ax on the buttocks, and the horse staggered, knocking the little eunuch off the horse.Relying on the strength of their numbers, the young men swarmed up with a shout, tied the three people with ropes, and took them up the mountain.

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