The old beard didn't dare to go to the hotel, he was afraid of missing the place, so he stood on the side of the road where he met the prime minister just now, staring and waiting, finally looking forward to the prime minister coming back.

Wang Shugui's big sedan chair came over, and he was about to kowtow to the ground and open his mouth to cry for grievances, when someone reported to the sedan chair owner.The prime minister opened the sedan chair curtain, waved his hand at him, and signaled him to follow behind the sedan chair and talk to the manor if he had something to say.

The people who carried the sedan chair were all young and strong men, and eight people carried a thin old man. The load was not heavy, so the wind was blowing under their feet, and the sixteen legs alternated like a revolving lantern.Lao Hu is old and has come from a long way. He has been in a hurry for the past few days and has not eaten a few bites on time. How can he keep up?However, this matter is related to his daughter's life, so he can't help it if he doesn't try his best.When he trotted all the way to the prime minister's mansion, the old man was already dripping with sweat, and his whole body seemed to be washed with water.

After entering the study, the prime minister made people watch, and a maid placed a cup of fragrant tea in front of Lao Hu.Although Lao Hu has a rich family, he is a local rich man who came to Beijing after all. Although his throat was burning, he didn't dare to take a look at that cup of tea.

"Old man, what is your relationship with that Pan?" Wang Shugui sat upright and said coldly.

The old Hutou was puzzled: the son-in-law and daughter-in-law are also officials who are famous in the court, and the commander in charge of soldiers and horses is also an imperial envoy of the emperor. How come this old official has the surname Pan?Could it be that this Pan is safe again, but that Pan is safe again.Afraid of making a mistake, Lao Hu hastily explained:

"Prime Minister, Grand Master, Xiaomin's son-in-law is called Pan You'an, who was sent by the emperor to Huayang on business, and then ordered to lead [-] soldiers to quell the rebellion against the king."

"Then why is he your son-in-law again? Didn't you know he was a eunuch?" Wang Shugui rolled his eyes and said.

"What, what, old Enxiang, you said my son-in-law is a eunuch?" Although Lao Hu said that his ancestral home was remote and ignorant, he did know what kind of eunuch was.

Wang Shugui pretended to be confused, and deliberately sneered: "Eunuchs are eunuchs, is this false? Pan You'an works in the palace, and all around except the emperor are young and beautiful women who make people drool. The royal family can tolerate him. Big stick? Why, you don't know about such a big thing, and your daughter didn't tell you?"

"No!" Old Hutou replied in Cantonese, he was stunned, no matter how bad his daughter was, he couldn't find a eunuch!Eight generations of ancestors are all lost.Sitting opposite is the prime minister. The prime minister is the pillar of the country with one person under one man and over ten thousand people. How could he lie?

"Forget it," Prime Minister Wang said, "I won't bother you anymore. It's not easy for you to come all the way. You'd better go back and forth!"

"No, no, no!" Old Hu shouted stubbornly, "My daughter is missing, I must find Pan You'an, even though he is an eunuch, he and my daughter are still husband and wife, right?"

"It's unlucky for you to lose your daughter!" Prime Minister Wang yelled and then teased in a low voice, "Miss Qianjin of a rich man's family, who should marry a eunuch instead? Lack of money?"

"Prime Minister, can you please bring me the man surnamed Pan? I want to ask him personally, does he care about this matter?" Hu Yuanwai begged.

"It's useless for you to see him." Prime Minister Wang pondered for a moment and then persuaded, "It's lucky that you met me, so I can talk to you and bring you to the mansion to find out the whole story. Pan, it’s strange if he doesn’t kill you to silence you? The people don’t fight with the government, and your arms can’t twist your thighs. In my opinion, you should go back!”

"Long Lang Qiankun, there is no room for reasoning under the emperor's feet. Are you really against him? No, I must find that bastard, and I want to judge him face to face!" Old Hu said angrily.

Prime Minister Wang couldn't help frowning, and thought to himself: This stubborn bull will definitely complain on the way to court, it doesn't matter if he meets other people, if he meets some stinky wives of the little eunuch, it might be another trouble , not as good as this.After thinking about it, Prime Minister Wang shouted out:

"Come here, send this old man to Master Wen of Dali Temple first, so that he can take care of him, and there must be no loss."

Hu San went out with the little eunuch, and Dali Temple could not be without a head for a day. Wen Shichang entered Dali Temple on the recommendation of Prime Minister Wang.

Although member Hu is a villager, he knows Dali Temple very well, so he shouted urgently:

"Master Prime Minister, the little old man has never had it before, why did you take me to Dali Temple to talk?"

Wang Shugui corrected: "It's not an escort, it's an escort. Think about it, if Pan You'an knew that you were bothering him in the capital, how could he let you go? Dali Temple is a place for reasoning, and Mr. Wen is a rare honest official. You I have something to say to him."

Hu Laoer thought it was reasonable, so he happily went to Dali Temple with others.

It just so happened that Wen Shichang was handling a case in the government office. He had just concluded a case and was about to go back to the backyard to rest. Suddenly, someone from the prime minister's mansion sent an old Nanman man. He felt very displeased, so he asked:

"Who is here? What is the grievance?"

The messenger said: "My lord, this is an old man who is looking for relatives. He said he is the father-in-law of Mr. Pan You'an. The prime minister said that he pretended to be an official, so he sent you here for questioning. The prime minister confessed that he must not let him go. , so as not to mess up the court plan and ruin Eunuch Pan's reputation."

"What what? Pan You'an's father-in-law! It's a hell of a day, how can a eunuch come from such a father-in-law? The prime minister is right, he is clearly short of money, and he came here to swindle money." Master Wen said to himself for a while. For a while, he didn't ask any questions and kept making cases, and said without authorization:

"Come here, send this old guy to death row, don't care about his food for three days, and see what else he has to say?"

Although Wen Shichang is not capable of other things, he is very insightful about this matter.

Hu Lao Er refused to accept it, and shouted loudly: "My lord, I am wronged! I have not committed any crime, why should I be imprisoned, and I am still on death row. There is no law for you? Tired old stomach (Cantonese: swearing) words), it turns out that you are all in the same group as Pan Youan, you are officials and officials defending each other, avenging private revenge, even if I die in the underworld, I will not be able to let you gang of thieves go!"

Wen Shichang couldn't help sneering to himself, and thought: "Damn it, we're with Pan You'an? The old man can't find the sufferer after he dies, so let's settle the score with that fake eunuch Pan You'an!"

A few people came over in an instant, and they couldn't help but say that those who put on the shackles put on the shackles, and those who put on the locks put on the locks, and the old beard was fully armed in a short time.Veteran Foreign Minister Hu sighed and said:

"Forget it, I thought I had found a son-in-law who would ride the dragon fast, but I didn't expect it to end like this. I don't care if I die. Poor my precious daughter, but it ended up falling into the hands of the pirates."

Wen Shichang waved his hand and said impatiently: "Take this old man away quickly, and pass on my word. If anyone gives this old man a sip of water, I will find out and kill him. I don't believe it, it can't be cured." Pan You'an, I can't cure my father-in-law surnamed Pan!"

Whether the old Hutou is dead or alive is not for the time being.

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