Merry Eunuch Lang

Chapter 260 Refusal to return the court to Hu Rugui, cleverly borrowing the 5th Route Army

Wen Shichang led his troops to Haicheng, knowing that the little eunuch was good at using troops and scheming, but he didn't know the reality of the city, so the army dared not enter the city rashly.First set up a camp ten miles outside the city, ordered the soldiers to bury pots and cook food, and agreed that the three armies would attack the city the next day.

The little eunuch convened the generals to discuss how to meet the enemy. Some said to leave and some said to stay for criticism.The little eunuch always leaned on Hu San for every major event, so he cast his eyes on Hu San, Hu San understood, smiled slightly, and said:

"Everyone, don't quarrel. As far as I can see, although Wen Shichang is incompetent, the generals leading the troops in the court this time are by no means all idiots. Besides, if I wait to die and fight recklessly, with my 2000 People and horses facing a crowd of [-] will definitely hit a stone with an egg, and the whole army will collapse and be wiped out in an instant, and the chances of winning are even more impossible."

Hearing Hu San's words, everyone felt very reasonable, suddenly felt that the situation was serious, and all of them felt like a deer bumped into each other, all of them fixed their eyes on Hu San, waiting for his next words, to see what clever plan he had?

Hu San said again: "Tomorrow morning, Pan Shuai can take 500 troops out of the city to resist the enemy. But they can't engage in battle, they just swayed their guns and put on a show. The rest of them will take a big boat with their luggage and go to Heye Island to take shelter for a while. Eldest brother retreats without a fight, and still boards the ship and enters the sea."

Everyone was puzzled, and said in unison: "The third brother Hu said the day before yesterday that defending the island is like being self-closing. Although the island is not strong to attack, it is even more difficult to attack. Today he said that returning to the island is not self-inflicted. Looking for a way to die? Third Brother’s plan is wrong, as you said, when will we wipe out the traitors and restore the court?”

Hu Sandao: "Soldiers are impermanent, and water is impermanent. Yesterday is yesterday, and today is today. We all retreated to Heye Island. Wen Shichang and others must have focused all their attention on besieging and attacking the island. Try to use tricks to retreat."

When the generals asked what the plan was, Hu San smiled and said:

"This is a heavenly secret, it must not be leaked."

Everyone didn't believe it, and they all shook their heads and said: "Being forced to a small island is like a turtle with a shrunken head. You only have to be beaten and have no chance to fight back. Lao Hu also said to try to use tricks. Where did the trick come from? Let the ghost go! It seems that we will never go back to the mainland in this life, and we still have wives and children at home!"

The little eunuch knew that Hu San had a plan in mind, but it was inconvenient to reveal it in front of the generals, so he said:

"Okay, okay, from your point of view, you only have one wife, and I have several wives in Wang Shugui's hands! You worry about me and I don't? It's useless to talk nonsense now, when you As long as you use your life on the battlefield, the formation of troops is the business of me and Lao Hu, Lao Hua, everyone, please stand back and wait for the good news!"

The little eunuch enjoys a lofty prestige in the army. It is well known that the commander-in-chief has experienced many battles, and he is brave and good at fighting. Rebellion, Expansion of Frontiers, Battle of Japan, which battle is not his masterpiece?Within the combined dynasty, the whole country, is there anyone who is better than him?Hearing what the little eunuch said, everyone seemed to see a glimmer of light, so they respectfully said:

"According to what the commander-in-chief said, we will follow him to the death, and we will not avoid swords, guns, water and fire, and we will do whatever the commander-in-chief says."

The little eunuch smiled and said, "Go, go!"

After the generals dispersed, the little eunuch asked Hu San what good plan he had come up with, and just as Hu San was about to speak, Hua Shixiong said:

"Third brother, don't talk about it first, let's write our respective thoughts in our hands, and see if the heroes see the same thing?"

The little eunuch was overjoyed, and ordered someone to fetch pens and ink, and each of them wrote two words in their palms. When they unfolded it, it turned out that it was the word "borrowing soldiers".

Only then did the little eunuch understand why Lao Hu wanted to return to Heye Island. He originally wanted to fight a protracted war.If you want to preserve this existing strength, the best defense is of course Heye Island.As for who to borrow troops from, although the little eunuch still has a hard time thinking about it, the nearby counties are all subordinates of the old thief Wang. give him?But in this matter, it seems that Hu San has already made up his mind.I don't know whose plan this ghost guy is playing again?Since Lao Hu and Lao Hua both have this plan, they must have soldiers to borrow, but who is this?After thinking about it, the little eunuch asked:

"The two brothers don't know who to borrow troops from. Have you thought about this?"

"Brother," Hu San said with a smile, "Youdao is a brother who fights tigers. He is a father and son soldier in battle. What would most people do for such a bloody job?"

The little eunuch suddenly realized, and said: "Brother, could it be that you are talking about your sister-in-law Wu'er Sultan? But as far as I know, she can't gather enough [-] soldiers anyway! Except for those who guard the land and borders, she can lend me at most [-] to [-] soldiers." .”

"Is there nowhere to borrow anymore?" Hu San pretended.

"Where else can I borrow?" The little eunuch opened his eyes wide.

"Where is your husband's place?"

"Old man?" Although there are many young eunuchs and old men, after thinking about it, I really can't think of an old man with a decent army.

"Sister-in-law Ruan's father!" Old Huazi's reaction was quicker.

"Ah!" The little eunuch thought of the lord of Dayue Kingdom, the father-in-law he had never met.After a moment of hesitation, he said, "I don't know how many spare men he has, and besides, I've never met him before, so I wonder if he will be willing?"

Hu San smiled and said: "That's why this place is more difficult to handle, so you have to go out and move troops to your old man's place in person."

"anything else?"

"Your uncle!"

"You mean Breda?"

"Who else but him?"

"Okay, old Leizi is a righteous person, let Hulunbei do it, I guess there is no problem." After thinking about it, the little eunuch felt that it was not enough, and said, "These three places can gather 5 to [-] horses, just add more. gone."


"Who else?"

"Shuanglong Village and Liantang Town can deal with [-] people."

The plan was determined, and the little eunuch ordered soldiers overnight.The first route is Zhu Linzong taking people to Mobei to find Wuer Sultan, the second route is Tianshan Xue leading people to Anxi Fort to find Breda, the third route is Guan Xue to Shuanglongzhai to seek Shangguan Bao, the fourth route is Zhang Facun and Huang Ren to Liantang On the fifth road, the little eunuch went out to meet his father-in-law, Ruan Shimei's father, the King of Dayue.The above-mentioned five groups of people and horses set off in five groups. Because the matter was urgent, they dared not delay, so they set off overnight.

And it was agreed that after the borrowed team arrived, they would station together fifty miles outside Haizhou City, and then gather together to attack the city together.

On the second day, Hei Fengda took the place of the little eunuch to fight.When Wen Shichang saw that he was a big black man, he couldn't help taking two steps forward, and asked in a soft voice:

"Da Lao Hei, what are you doing here? Where is your head eunuch?"

Hei Fengda said: "Our commander caught a cold yesterday and has a high fever! So let me resist for a while."

"Fart!" Wen Shichang scolded, "A thing without a handle, who is neither male nor female, what kind of general is he called? Now the headquarters is the military general who follows the imperial order and obeys the emperor's order."

In order to delay the time, Hei Fengda took the trouble, babbled, and perfunctory with Wen Shichang for a long time, to see that the time was almost up, and he left without telling the guy.

The generals were about to chase, but Wen Shichang stopped him and shouted:

"Don't dare. This is a trick used by the little eunuch to lure fish into the bait. He wants me to be fooled, but there is no way. He said he has a cold, and I have smallpox!"

The army stopped and waited for several hours, but there was no movement in the city. Wen Shichang sent people to inquire, and said, "It's an empty city."

The vanguard general Wei Kongxun remonstrated: "Commander, if you don't search the city at this time, when will you wait?"

Wen Shichang shook his head like a rattle, and said: "What do you know? This is the little eunuch's empty plan. If you want to play me, coax the ghost!"

After waiting like this for three days, Wen Shichang had the courage to enter the city. At this time, there was no sign of the eunuch.The generals sighed, but Wen Shichang didn't take it seriously, so he ordered people to write a battle report and send it to the prime minister: Haicheng has been conquered, and the little eunuch will be captured soon.

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