The young eunuch, his wife, and the soldiers headed south all the way. Xiao Xing stayed overnight, thirsty and hungry, and had nothing to say all the way.Not long ago, I arrived at a place, and after asking the local people, I found out that the name of the place is Zhennanguan.Going forward is the city of Liangzhou, the border of the Yue Kingdom. Although the Yue Kingdom is an affiliated land of a great dynasty, after all, its territory is different. Except for the border residents, ordinary merchants, tourists, visiting relatives, vagrant beggars, etc., are not common. You can come in and out at will.The little eunuch and others had no gold medals, arrows, no border travel documents, and even no relatives. They were stopped by border soldiers and were not allowed to pass.Although the little eunuch is the king's son-in-law of the Yue Kingdom, he can't explain clearly to these guards, so he is at a loss what to do.

A few people went back to the hotel and stayed there, washed up hastily, ate some wine and food indiscriminately, and were about to go to bed to rest, when suddenly there was a noise at the door of the store, and then the storekeeper came to ask them if they had any road strips on them?

"What is Lu Tiao?" the little eunuch asked knowingly.

"It's the certification letter for entering and leaving the country of Dai Viet. It has the official seal of the local government on it. If you don't have this thing, you will be punished."

"We have money." The little eunuch said something irrelevant.

"What's the use of money? You need to apply for customs clearance documents or notes that border residents keep when you enter and exit the border. If you don't bring these things, how can you get by. There are patrols outside the door who are searching for passers-by. If you are caught as a spy, don't blame me for not Put the words up front?"

"Where do these things go?" asked the little eunuch.

"The state government office does it, but it doesn't do it every day. It only happens once in ten and a half months. Besides, it's getting late now, and I don't know if today is the day to apply for a certificate. It's useless for you to go. The patrol will come later. , if you ask, you can go and talk about it yourself, and don't involve me in it."

The little eunuch didn't think so, and said: "Just say it, anyway, we are not spies."

The store said: "The guest officer is easy to talk, and the spy is not a spy, and there is no sign on his face. Could it be that a real spy would shout 'I am a spy' when walking on the street?"

The little eunuch saw that the store owner was articulate and humorous.It made him think of Hua Shixiong. This person's appearance and tone of voice were exactly like Old Huazi, so he couldn't help asking:

"Excuse me, sir, are you the owner or the second child?"

"I'm neither the owner nor the mistress. I'm a distant relative of the owner. The surname is Huang Guanguo. I used to read the Four Books and Five Classics, the Analects of Confucius and the Spring and Autumn Period, and wrote a few random words for fun. However, I failed repeatedly. In the end, I have no choice but to be an accountant here, I am ashamed, it is shameful!"

"It's up to people to plan things, but it's up to God to make things happen!" The little eunuch replied perfunctorily.

"Brother, that's a good statement!" Huang Guanguo, the failed candidate, exclaimed in admiration.

At this time, the search patrol arrived, and one of them asked:

"Who lives in this house?"

"Several friends of mine are here to visit the mountains and rivers." Huang Guanguo, the temporary friend of the little eunuch, chimed in.

"Friend, do you have any ID?"

"I just arrived today, and I'll do it tomorrow." Huang Guanguo was very eloquent.

"Why is there no one who speaks? Isn't this group all dumb?" A policeman looked strange.

"No, how could it be?" Huang Guanguo spoke quickly.

"Don't ask you, ask him?" the policeman pointed to the little eunuch and said.

"I, I am his friend." The little eunuch revealed his secret when he opened his mouth.

"Damn it, Yankee, take it away, it's not natural at first glance!"

"They are really mine, if you don't believe me..." Lao Huang continued to fight.

"Fuck you, gangster, take it away!" Huang Guanguo was also chained.

Five people were locked in a cell, and embarrassing things happened one after another.Old Huang didn't know that Nanqiao Maple Leaf was dressed as a woman, so he took out such things and urinated in the toilet.The little eunuch wanted to remind him several times, but he couldn't speak or open his mouth, for fear that Lao Huang would say that he was unnecessary.Nanqiao Maple Leaf wants to urinate, how can she take off her pants in front of these elders?Mixing men and women and having a stranger always seemed awkward.

The little eunuch carefully observed that Huang Guanguo was not only a man of loyalty, he was not afraid of getting hurt for his friends, his conduct was not bad, and his writing was also good, he was a well-educated person.So he simply took a risk and told Lao Huang the truth about his identity and the purpose of coming to Da Viet this time.

After Lao Huang heard this, he immediately kowtowed to the ground to apologize.Stopped by the little eunuch, he said: "When you go out, everyone is brothers and sisters, why is your brother so polite?"

"I have a plan to ensure that you see the King of Dayue." Huang Guanguo frowned and thought about it.

"Tell me." The little eunuch said casually.

"My aunt's daughter is Princess Dayue's maid. This girl is a ghost, and she has won the trust of the princess. When the government sends people to interrogate tomorrow, because I am a local, they will definitely not get to the bottom of me and let me go home. I then made the excuse that Miss Nan is my relative, that Miss Nan is from Cantonese and can speak Hakka, and that the officials would not doubt me, and that the officials were greedy for money, so they would definitely let me go. After we got out, I tried to contact my cousin..."

The little eunuch clapped his hands and said: "This plan is great, I will follow my brother's opinion. Let me ask you one more question, you say you are willing to be punished, how much will you be punished?"

"Officials have a dark heart, and I'm afraid they will be fined more than 100 taels of silver!"

"It's a small matter, I'll make it up for you later."

"It's such a trivial matter, it's nothing to worry about. It's a great fortune for me, Mr. Huang, to have such a great friend as you. What's the point of going bankrupt?"

The little eunuch sighed secretly: This friend really made friends!

"In addition, I think that the patrolling soldiers arrested you without any evidence, and your lives will never be ruined. I will borrow some money from the boss and bribe the government officials so that they will not be too harsh on you, and I will send you some wine and meat from time to time."

The little eunuch sighed again: "This Huang Xiucai's analysis is methodical, he is really a talent!"After that, give him a chance.

The next day, the head of the prison led a few guards and a man who looked like an official came in.I saw this man with yellow skin and thin skin, sunken eye sockets, short stature, bow-legged figure-of-sight gait, staggering as he walked, and very airy.The head of the prison said first:

"Get up, you fucking will enjoy peace and happiness? This is our warden personally asking the case, you know, boys? Get up and kowtow to your lord!"

The little eunuch was afraid of causing trouble, so he kowtowed.

The warden waved his hand and asked straight up: "What are you all doing? Why do you come to us to be spies?"

The little eunuch was silent, Huang Guanguo said: "This little brother is my relative, I don't know those three."

Nanqiao Fengye nodded, and whispered: "He is my cousin."

"It's really a fake," said the officer. "These three Yankees are still locked up. I have a small matter today. I'll interrogate them tomorrow. You two, get the hell out of me! You're taking the shit out of the fucking latrine and running away from me." It’s here to eat.”

After Lao Huang and the others left, Zhang Baobao and Wang Hengheng were worried and asked in a low voice:

"Marshal, you trust this Huang so much, what if he abducts his sister-in-law?"

The little eunuch smiled and said: "Although the word "faithfulness" is not written on a person's face, good or bad can be discerned in his speech. This old Huang is right! The two brothers are overwhelmed, and a fool would use his wife as bait Woolen cloth!"

Zhang and Wang nodded and shook their heads dubiously.

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