Pan You'an and his sixteen wives live in seclusion on the beautiful and pleasant Heye Island, eating, drinking and having fun every day, living a life more comfortable than a god.The so-called "hundreds of people, one hundred natures" is true. Not long after, the "team" of Mrs. Pan began to divide. Some people advocated building an apartment in Haicheng. It would be best if the place like Panjiaweizi was still there.Someone also suggested setting up an office in the capital. If there is any news happening there, it will be known immediately here. If there is something related to Heye Island, it is better to make preparations in advance to prepare for unexpected events.Some people also proposed to go back to their natal family once a year (this article is not suitable for everyone), etc., etc., Pan Youan made his wives quarrel with each other. The wives are different from his subordinates, or beat and scolded. , or the military order to engage in hitting thirty military sticks, these methods will not work.Wives must have a special set of methods, follow the guidance, and gradually influence them. If it doesn’t work, pretend to be a bear, a tortoise, or a grandson. Anyway, it’s just that the ears are clean. What shame is not shame?Who is capable enough to give him sixteen wives a try?Guaranteed that no one will die for three days, he is lucky.So in the end, after careful consideration, he made three decisions as follows:

One is to buy the land of Panjiaweizi in Haicheng, build museum buildings, playgrounds, build a football hall, and let them freely travel and live between the island and Haicheng.The second is that it is fine to set up an office in the capital. Now that he has retreated to the second line, he must keep his word and stop meddling in other people's business.However, you can send one person with a few right-hand assistants to run to the capital from time to time to learn about what's new, how the emperor's people feel, which brothers have added, and how the prices are.Osmunda three things about visiting relatives, human nature.The fact that Pan Youan had no parents since he was a child does not mean that others cannot have parents.Those whose parents are here forget it, and those whose parents are not here can choose a day to visit relatives with their husbands.What kind of son-in-law is a son-in-law if he doesn't even look at him?

As soon as the news was announced, there were thunderous cheers immediately.

It is easy to go to the capital, and there is no one else on Shenan Bridge.Nanqiao brought two followers, packed up and set off.Of course, it was Lu Lianxin who came to Haicheng again. Seven or eight people, including Lianxinnu and the financial housekeeper, took a full bank and rowed a small boat and went straight to Haicheng.Those who visited relatives encountered some troubles. Those with living parents basically came to the island. The only ones who were not with them were Ruan Shimei, Tianshanxue (mother), Xuelihong, Yin Tianxue, and Wei Xinmei. These families lived far away. It will take at least three years for security to accompany them.Xiao Pan regretted saying that sentence, what a son-in-law is half a son, it can't be justified if he doesn't look at his conscience.In desperation, Pan You'an decided to implement the lottery method, which was fair and reasonable, and no one had any objections to those who were caught or not, and it was agreed in advance that there would only be two places.Of course, those who have not been caught can go home to visit their parents at any time. In addition to sending escorts, Haidao will cover all travel expenses and a large amount of settling expenses.In the end, Yin Tianxue and Ruan Shimei were selected as husband and wife to accompany each other. They were very happy, while the others were full of displeasure.

Pan You'an never procrastinated in his affairs, and always acted militarized. After a little preparation, everyone immediately split up and set off on an auspicious day.He and Yin Tianxue packed up quietly, and they were on the road the next day.No table.

Master Sun Piqian knew that if he took the emperor by mistake, it would be a catastrophe. Not to mention his own death, he would definitely implicate the Nine Clans. It's all over.But he was lucky, thinking that this was impossible, there was only one Son of Heaven, and how many people would never see him once in a lifetime. How could it be such a coincidence that he got it back tied up with ropes?

When he was approaching the gate of the mansion, the master became more careful, and he asked someone to get a piece of black cloth to cover Zhang Dahu's eyes.After finally turning a 180-degree turn, my attitude became much more tactful, and I carefully ordered:

"After returning, lead Zhang Dahu to the backyard hut, get some tea for him to drink, untie the rope, close the door, and find a seat for him."

After all this was done, he immediately ran to Xiang Ye and said anxiously:

"Master, please get up quickly."

"Oh, you're back, old grandson? I've been waiting for you all night. I just lay down. Is there nothing important? Just let me be dazed for a while, and I have to go to court later!"

"Master, master, you can't do it, get up!"

"What are you so nervous about?"

Lao Hua had no choice but to put on his clothes and shoes, and let Master Sun into the house.With a bang, Lao Sun kowtowed to Lao Huazi on the ground, trembling all over, and kept chanting:

"Master Xiang, help me, we have been in a relationship for many years, we have been in a relationship for many years, we have been in a relationship for many years!"

Hua Shixiong was a little puzzled, he was fine when he first went out, why did he come back like this?He didn't think the old grandson would go crazy, he thought it might be because he went out at night to attract some evil spirits or encountered some unclean things, so he comforted him:

"Pigan, get up and speak slowly if you have something to say."

Lao Sun got up from the ground, his calves were cramped, and he trembled for a long time before he could stand still.He put his hands on Lao Hua's ear door, one five ten one ten, and so on, Lao Hua didn't finish listening, turned around and gave Lao Sun a big mouth.scolded:

"You don't even think about it, people are already 'Zhen', and you still call them 'Bird People', how many people in the world call themselves 'Zhen'? You didn't want to slap Lord Hades on the back of the head on the first day of the new year. Don't pick a day? Well, well, I can't help you with such a big crime."

Master Sun thumped and knelt down again, begging: "Master Xiangye, if you don't look at the monk's face, you have to look at the Buddha's face..."

"Buddha face, what Buddha face?" Hua Shixiong was puzzled.

"It's my old lady, who is already in her eighties this year."

"Old Sun, give me an accurate word, your mother is in her eighties?"

"88, Brother Hua, you made fun of me, can I forget my mother's age? I remember my birthday on August [-]!"

"How old are you?"

"I'm twenty..." Sun Piqian didn't say the word "seven", he knew that he had caught Master Hua's trick.

"Your mother gave birth to you at 61?"

"Brother Hua, I remember it as my grandma."

"Hunting, I don't know how to tell lies, how can such a city accomplish great things? Get up, I have something to tell you."

"Master Xiang," Sun Piqian stood aside respectfully, and said to himself, "What are you doing to eat? You can't do without admiration!"

Lao Hua said: "There are three methods in front of me, which one do you think is feasible?"

"Master, tell me."

"The first one is to sneak the emperor to the gate of the palace before dawn, and then let him go."

"What about the second?"

"The second way is to invite the emperor to the lobby of the prime minister's mansion, and serve wine to appease the emperor."

"How about the third one?" Master Sun gritted his teeth.

"I won't talk about the third one, you understand." Hua Shixiong made a chopping gesture.

Sun Pigan couldn't help but gasped, and his heart trembled.

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