The little eunuch commanded the few warriors he brought along with him and the officials from the former magistrate's mansion to distribute the gold and silver together.After entering the mansion, he opened his eyes and saw that everything was neatly arranged for food and drink, and the little eunuch knew whose credit it was.He patted Hua Shixiong on the shoulder and said:

"Old Hua, you are also a talent, but it's a pity that you didn't use it in the right place. Zou Xigui embezzled so much money, it's hard to say that it wasn't your plan."

Hua Shixiong didn't know whether the imperial envoy was praising him or scolding him, he pondered for a long time before he turned the corner, said a few yes and yes, and then explained:

"My lord, there is a saying that follows dogs and eats excrement and wolves eats meat. Whoever eats the bowl has to be under the control of whoever eats. You say that I have no one to rely on and cast under Zou Xigui's family. Can I do things for him? My lord , To be honest, I didn't take a tael of silver privately, literati don't talk about money!"

The little eunuch smiled and said: "Forget it, I didn't ask you to settle the score, why are you panicking? From now on, you will follow me, you will have food to eat and clothes to wear, but you will inevitably lose your head if you are afraid. Follow me and eat meat every day!"

"That's that," Hua Shixiong muttered for a long time before he said, "Let's not talk about what to eat and what to wear, but there is one thing you can say that you don't have to worry about."

"What are you not worried about?" The little eunuch was puzzled.

"Don't worry about losing your head."

"That's what you said wrong. Let alone you, I might lose my head at any time." The little eunuch said solemnly.

"Who dares to kill the imperial envoy? He turned against him!" Hua Shixiong said sternly.

The little eunuch smiled and said: "You are still a scholar, so you don't understand the truth. The wood is beautiful in the forest, the wind will urge it, and there are too many people who want to kill me, so I am too tired to live, I must always be careful. Yes. It’s not that I retreated in spite of difficulties. To be honest, I also had the idea of ​​​​retiring, but the time was not up. After I killed all the people who wanted to kill me, I will go back to the mountains. Together with my wives, Live an idyllic fairy life."

"You have a wife?" Hua Shixiong blurted out, regretted what he had said, changed his tone and said, "My lord, I slipped my tongue."

"You didn't miss it, I know what you want to say." The little eunuch corrected, and finally added, "You may have heard that Pan You'an is a eunuch, but I am a fake eunuch, and I still pee standing up. Didn’t you want me to take off my pants to test the authenticity, and now I’ll take off my pants to let you see the truth.”

"Don't dare!" Hua Shixiong hurriedly waved his hands to stop him.

"In case you always suspect that I'm a fake." The little eunuch joked.

"No, no, I understand." Hua Shixiong nodded and said.

In fact, he doesn't understand anything. He is a scholar with many eyes, and he always likes to keep his thoughts in his heart.Why did the eunuch pee standing up? Could it be that something went wrong?This question is too complicated. Based on his imagination, let alone a short while, it is impossible for him to think clearly even in a lifetime.With a lot of doubts, he smiled suspiciously at the little eunuch.Who is the little eunuch?How could he hide his little thoughts from him, but he didn't need to explain further, of course Hua Shixiong couldn't and didn't dare to delve into it further.

Hua Shixiong won the trust of the little eunuch by relying on his quick mind, quick thinking, and timely turning of the gun.It's not that the little eunuch didn't argue or was negligent for a while, it's really that there is a shortage of people at the moment, no matter if it is a talent or a fool, the one who can do things for himself is a genius.What Hua Shixiong can do, neither he nor Hu San and Wang Xiaowu can do.

While talking, a few people came, and Fat Xi Shi and her team of gang leaders came to see them with a lot of ready-made food.The little eunuch frowned and thought of an idea.He leaned into Hua Shixiong's ear and said such and such, and then arranged tasks for Wang Xiaowu.

That night, a wedding ceremony was held for Hu San and Fat Xi Shi in the prefect hall.The little eunuch announced on the spot that before the new prefect arrived, Hu Sanquan would concurrently serve as the prefect.Fat Xishi got his wish and finally married a good man.Although she had secretly coveted the little eunuch, but people should not be too demanding, just get Long, no need to look at Shu.

It was the first time in the life of the little eunuch to make a wedding dress for someone else, and it was also the first time in his life to see someone enter the bridal chamber. His heart was sour.After thinking about it again, one should not be too greedy, like Zou Xigui, who made such a large pile of money, and ended up with nothing.What's more, he should be happy that his brother-in-law is getting married today.The little eunuch convinced himself, and was about to take off his clothes and go to sleep, when he heard someone knocking on the door outside the house, the person who reported the incident was the magistrate's servant on duty, he whispered outside the door:

"Master Imperial Envoy, a female general came to the mansion, and she brought five or seven female soldiers under her command. She said that she would meet the imperial envoy and tell her something important. Did you see her?"

The little eunuch turned over from the bed, the buttons of his clothes were not fastened, he opened the door, took three steps at a time, and went straight to the door.

The little eunuch and Huang Qiuchan were lying on the bed, after some tenderness, Madam said:

"Lang Jun, the provinces of Yunnan, Guangxi and Guizhou are the fiefdoms of the eight kings. Zhuang Ding reported yesterday that the eight kings have been in frequent contact recently, and there seems to be signs of rebellion. I'm afraid you don't know the severity and stray into a dangerous place. I'm here to tell you One sound."

With a bang in the little eunuch's mind, he knew that he had encountered a difficult matter.He had heard about the civil strife among the Eight Kings, but he did not get any real evidence, so the court did not send troops.Among the Eight Kings, apart from the emperor's own brothers and brothers, there are also his uncles and grandparents.These princes and grandchildren, when they first divided the land, they only knew to live in remote places, but they didn't expect that they were too close to each other, and they became a series of climates.

"How did Madam get this news?" the little eunuch asked.

Huang Qiuchan said: "Your Majesty, I don't know. When my five older brothers were alive, they and the Eight Kings were once in collusion, colluding with each other, and often exchanged letters and personnel. Maybe there are still Eight Kings' spies undercover in my village. They I heard that you had cut off their accomplices, and you were dissatisfied and vowed to kill you, so I am very worried. In my opinion, Mr. Lang might as well stop here, and play Ming Shengshang after returning, and let the court send troops to come again It won't be too late to exterminate."

The little eunuch thought about it and said: "This matter is wrong, the Eight Kings rebelled, the evidence is insufficient, and the court has nothing to do, the teacher is not famous!"

"What do you think is better?" Huang Qiuchan asked.

"I want to find out the truth." The little eunuch said without thinking.

"I don't!" Huang Qiuchan said with her arms around the young eunuch's neck, "There is no reason why I can't take my husband's life for his royal family."

The little eunuch smiled calmly and said, "It's so serious, I don't believe they can still eat me? Even if it's a dragon's lake or a tiger's den, I'm going to go through it."

"How many troops are you going to bring?" Huang Qiuchan asked.

"There are too many people and the goal is big. Just me, Wang Xiaowu, Zhang Facun, and the newly recruited master Hua Shixiong are enough!" said the little eunuch.

"If you insist on going, I can't stop you. I'll add another person to you. The owner, Huang Ren, has been to the Eight Kings' fief many times, and his acquaintances are familiar with him. helper."

The little eunuch refused to allow it, and was afraid of violating his wife's good intentions, so he had no choice but to say:


"You must be more careful!" Huang Qiuchan instructed.

The little eunuch kissed his wife mouth to mouth, and said with a smile: "It's okay, my life is still worth something!"

Nothing to say that night.

Early the next morning, the little eunuch summoned the Huayang General Soldier and explained it in this way.

Huayang General Soldier Liu Jianxun traced his roots back to Wang Shugui's line, but due to his small official position and his location in a small remote town, he was not well-known.He had never had the chance to see Prime Minister Wang's face, and he didn't know if he was bald and pockmarked, or if he was kind-hearted.Zou Xigui, his superior prefect, only knows how to make money for himself, and doesn't pay attention to military affairs at all. Liu Jianxun is powerless and has nowhere to use, and he has accumulated a lot of grievances in his stomach.

General Liu was born in a humble family. He lived on the streets in his early years, earning his living by playing tricks and performing arts.The former commander-in-chief saw that he was outstanding in talent and good at martial arts, and wanted to promote him, so he called him under his command to start as a soldier, and gradually rose to the present level.

Liu Jianxun had never seen an official bigger than the magistrate in his life, and now he was personally summoned by the emperor's imperial envoy, and he was instantly flattered and grateful.The two sat down to talk, and he felt a little sympathetic to each other, feeling like he hated seeing each other late.Don't look at the age of the imperial envoy, who looks like a white-faced scholar. You can't judge people by appearance, and the sea can't be measured. Watching other people discuss martial arts, talk about the world, and talk about the world's major events, it's like a falcon catching a rabbit and taking it by hand.Compared with that idiot Zou Xigui, he is simply incomparable, no wonder the emperor's discerning eyes recognize talents, so he was chosen as an imperial envoy!

During the conversation, the little eunuch also discovered that Liu Jianxun was a character.With such a capable helper, he strengthened his determination to bring down all the anti-kings.He promised Liu Jianxun that after the matter was completed, he would play to the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, make him a general, and go to Beijing to serve as an official.Upon hearing this, Liu Jianxun quickly left his seat and kowtowed to thank the little eunuch for his kindness.

There were priorities, so the little eunuch allocated all the 10 taels of silver that was going to be escorted to the border to Liu Jianxun for use, and ordered him to use it as military expenses, station troops, pay food, and train troops.Give him three months to form an army of 10 men.The source of soldiers can be recruited from local troops in nearby state capitals, or they can recruit recruits on the spot.

After everything was properly arranged, the little eunuch, Wang Xiaowu, Hua Shixiong, Zhang Facun and Huang Ren set off for Yunnan and Guizhou.Only the little eunuch was riding a horse, and everyone else was riding a donkey or a mule, pretending to be a businessman.The little eunuch left the golden seal and imperial decree in Hu San's house, and Hu San temporarily acted as an imperial envoy.His soul-hunting spear was placed in Liu Jianxun's place, and he only left the Vajra sword on his waist.Because it was a secret trip, Hu San and Huang Qiuchan were unable to leave the city to see each other off.

On this day, when they arrived at a place, the little eunuch and others looked up and knew that they had arrived at Fanwang City.

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