Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 108 Instigate Mu Li to kidnap the little fairy doctor!

Chapter 108 Instigate Mu Li to kidnap the little fairy doctor!

In the quiet and elegant room, Chen Feng was lying quietly on the soft bed. Suddenly, the door was pushed open by a light white jade hand, and immediately, the little fairy doctor in a plain white dress walked in.

"Master, you're awake, this is the chicken soup I made for you, drink it while it's hot!"

Pushing open the door, seeing Chenfeng on the bed looking at him, the little doctor didn't feel any embarrassment because he forgot to knock on the door, but came straight to Chenfeng's bed with a bowl of chicken soup.

"it is good!"

For the care of the little fairy doctor, Chen Feng nodded and did not refuse, just when he was about to get up, the little doctor stretched out his hand very actively to help him sit up on the bed.

"Young master, you are still very weak now, let me feed you!"

The next moment, the little fairy doctor picked up the bowl, and without waiting for Chenfeng's consent, he scooped up a spoonful of chicken soup and brought it to Chenfeng's mouth.

At this moment, Chen Feng raised his eyes and met the little fairy doctor's eyes, and the atmosphere suddenly became very delicate.

Chen Feng's appearance belonged to that kind of handsome type, and he was weak at the moment, but he also possessed another kind of profound handsomeness.

Such a scene made the little doctor's heart beat a little faster, but his eyes never dodged.

After staring at each other for a while, Chenfeng opened his mouth, and cooperated with the little fairy doctor's hand to send the chicken soup into his mouth.

"It's delicious, the little fairy doctor's skill is really good!" Chen Feng praised after taking a sip of the chicken soup.

"If it tastes good, drink it up!"

Seeing that the chicken soup he made by himself was praised by Chenfeng, the little fairy doctor felt a little proud, and continued to scoop up a spoonful of chicken soup and brought it to Chenfeng's mouth.

"Young master, I don't know yet. Where's your name? Why did you come to the Warcraft Mountains?" The little fairy doctor asked very curiously.

"My name is Chenfeng, I'm from Misty Cloud Sect, and I'm here to practice in the Warcraft Mountains! It just so happened that you were besieged by the Black Crystal Demon Wolf!" Hearing the little doctor's question, Chenfeng replied with a smile.

"Morning Wind, Misty Cloud Sect, so you are a disciple of Misty Yun Sect..." Hearing what Chen Feng said, there was a look of surprise on the face of the little fairy doctor.

Although Xiaoyixian lived in a small place like Qingshan Town since she was a child, she still knew about the Misty Cloud Sect, a famous sect in the Jiajia Empire. Some of the outer disciples who had been in Misty Cloud Sect were able to achieve good achievements outside.

"Why, are you surprised?" Chen Feng laughed.

"No..." The little fairy doctor shook his head, and said, "Young Master comes from the Misty Cloud Sect, no wonder you have such strength at such a young age!"

Hearing the address of the little doctor, Chenfeng looked into her eyes, and said softly: "Little doctor, don't always call me son, just call me Chenfeng!"

"Okay, Chenfeng..." Seeing Chenfeng like this, the little fairy doctor's heart was pounding like a deer, and he replied in a low voice.

With this experience of feeding, Xiao Yixian and Chen Feng talked without feeling restrained.


In the evening, when Chenfeng's side became quiet in Wan Yao Zhai, he quietly left the room and came to a small alley.

The next moment, a black soul banner appeared in Chenfeng's hand.

"Yao Chen, go to the camp of the Langtou mercenary group and bring Mu Li!"

"Yes, Master!"

As Chen Feng's voice fell, Yao Chen quickly drilled out of the soul banner, turned into an illusory soul body, and quickly disappeared in place.

With Yaochen's current strength, in Qingshan Town, if he is not wanted to be discovered, no one will know of his existence.

And it was very simple for him to find someone. Under the cover of soul power, Mu Li had nowhere to hide.

Soon, Yao Chen rushed to the camp of the Langtou mercenary group, directly entered the room where Mu Li was, controlled Mu Li, and brought Mu Li to the place agreed with Chen Feng like a chicken. .


"Master, Mu Li has already brought it!"

Coming to Chen Feng's side, Yao Chen threw Mu Li on the ground, and saluted Chen Feng very respectfully.

And at this time, Mu Li, who had been abducted by Yao Chen in the room for no reason, and who was terrified in his heart, slowly raised his head, wanting to see who the master Yao Chen was talking about.

"Is this person so young?"

After seeing Chen Feng's appearance clearly, Mu Li was shocked again. He did not expect that the master of the strong man who made him defenseless just now was actually a young man younger than himself.

"Senior, I don't know what's the matter with senior calling Mu Li here?" Mu Li asked Chen Feng with some horror in his voice. According to Mu Li's guess, Yao Chen can have that kind of means, at least he has the cultivation of Dou Wang. Because, a Dou Wang strongman, in this small Qingshan Town, can basically make a mercenary group disappear by stomping his feet, so at this moment, Mu Li dare not show any disrespect.

"Mu Li, I came here today because I need you to do something for me!" Chen Feng said to Mu Li in an extremely flat voice.

Hearing this, the panic in Mu Li's heart subsided a lot in an instant, and he was even a little bit happy. After all, if such a powerful person like Chenfeng asked him to do business, maybe he, Mu Li, would be able to flourish from now on. Backed by the mountain, the Langtou mercenary group can truly call the wind and rain in Qingshan Town.

"Senior, no matter what it is, you can just order it! This junior will definitely do it!" Mu Li nodded without hesitation.

"Very good, I want you to lead someone to take the little fairy doctor of Wanyaozhai back forcibly tomorrow, and, after locking her up, throw out this bottle of medicine..."

Chen Feng was talking, and handed a jade bottle to Mu Li, but immediately after, his face turned cold, and he said: "Remember, you must never hurt the little doctor, and you must not reveal what I told you today. Go out for half a minute, otherwise, your wolf head mercenary group will be wiped out!"

Originally, when he heard what Chenfeng had arranged in front of him, there was still a smile of "I understand" on the corner of Mu Li's mouth, but when he heard Chenfeng's last sentence, he immediately became serious, and quickly Kowtowing to Chen Feng, he assured: "Remember this junior, you must strictly follow senior's instructions, and you won't hurt the little fairy doctor in the slightest!"


"Yao Chen, send him back!" Chen Feng ordered with a light nod of his head.

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing Chen Feng's order, Yao Chen grabbed Mu Li again and hurried back to the Langtou mercenary group.

As for Chenfeng, he also quietly returned to his residence. His going out this time did not cause anyone to notice.

(End of this chapter)

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