Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 109 The little fairy doctor was taken away!

Chapter 109 The little fairy doctor was taken away!

In the early morning of the next day, the little fairy doctor came out of Chenfeng's room with a bowl of chicken soup just like yesterday, and walked in without asking.

"Brother Chenfeng, why did you sit up by yourself? You didn't hurt yourself!" As soon as he entered the room, the little fairy doctor saw Chenfeng leaning on the bed, and said nervously.

Seeing the nervous look of the little doctor, Chenfeng smiled, turned his body slightly, and said: "Little doctor, didn't I say that before, my recovery ability is very good, maybe in two days, I will be able to recover." It's perfect!"

Hearing what Chenfeng said, the little fairy doctor nodded and said in a soft voice: "That's right, Brother Chenfeng, as a disciple of the Misty Cloud Sect, you have a strong cultivation base, and your recovery ability is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people like us!"

Disciple of Misty Cloud Sect!
Ordinary people!

Hearing what the little doctor said, Chen Feng felt very puzzled in his heart, and frowned slightly: "Little doctor, why are you saying this all of a sudden? Did something happen?"

"It's okay, I'll just say it casually... You should drink this bowl of chicken soup first!" The little doctor looked away, and then handed the chicken soup to Chenfeng.

"Aren't you going to feed me?" Chen Feng didn't reach out to pick it up, but looked at the fair face of the little fairy doctor with a smile.

"This... aren't you feeling better?"

"Well, it's better, but it's always more comfortable to be fed. Don't you want to feed me?"

"No, that's not what I meant...then I'll feed you now!" The little fairy doctor hurriedly replied, then sat by the bed, scooped up a spoonful of chicken soup, and brought it to Chenfeng's mouth.

"Is today's chicken soup delicious?" The little doctor asked with some expectation.

"It's delicious...but I'm getting tired of drinking chicken soup all day long!" Hearing the little doctor's question, Chen Feng nodded first, and then began to shake his head again.

"That's it, then I'll go buy some food today and let you try my other skills!" The little fairy doctor brushed the black hair on his forehead and said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll wait!" Chen Feng nodded.


The Langtou mercenary regiment is stationed in the south of Qingshan Town, and that area is almost entirely occupied by the Langtou mercenary regiment.

Early this morning, Mu Li, the young head of the Langtou mercenary group, led a group of more than a dozen mercenaries towards the area where Wanyaozhai was located.

In Qingshan Town, it is very common for such a group of mercenaries to appear on the streets, so they did not attract much attention.

"Listen, all of you, as soon as you see the little fairy doctor girl from Wanyaozhai, arrest her immediately!" At a market near Wanyaozhai, Mu Li, the head of the wolf head mercenary regiment, said to him. A group of mercenaries gave orders.

"Young regiment leader, are you going to attack the little fairy doctor?" Following Mu Li's order, an older mercenary next to him hesitated and said, "That's from Wanyaozhai!"

"Also, Young Leader, didn't we meet the Black Crystal Demon Wolf in that basin last time? I heard that after we left, a young strongman killed all those Black Crystal Demon Wolves and rescued them. A person from Wanyaozhai, but that person is seriously injured and recuperating in Wanyaozhai! We haven't figured out what the relationship between that young strong man and Wanyaozhai is, if we start now, I'm afraid..." Another mercenary also persuaded stand up.

Hearing the words of the two people beside him, a gloomy expression appeared on Mu Li's face, and he shouted: "Don't worry about Wanyaozhai, and don't worry about the young and strong man, just do what you do. I'll take care of what happens. In addition, everyone who makes a move today will be rewarded with [-] gold coins!"

In Mu Li's heart, he had seen some of Yaochen's methods yesterday, and he was with such a terrifying and powerful master as Yaochen, how could he be afraid of a young and strong man like Wanyaozhai and a little big fighter? In his heart, he was afraid that in a few days, he would directly replace his father, Mu She, as the backbone of the Langtou mercenary group.

"Reward a thousand gold coins!"

Hearing this, the eyes of the surrounding mercenaries lit up. They were blood-licking people. Now, under the heavy reward Mu Li promised, all of them cast aside their previous concerns.

"It's up to the young regiment leader to arrange!" All the mercenaries said in unison.

"Okay, send a few people to check the whereabouts of the little fairy doctor, and the rest are ready to rob people at any time, but remember, don't hurt the little fairy doctor!" Mu Li instructed.

After Mu Li's voice fell, the rest of the mercenaries moved quickly.

Not long after that, the little fairy doctor, dressed in a white dress and holding a delicate vegetable basket, appeared in the sight of a mercenary from the Langtou mercenary regiment.

"Young regiment leader! The target has appeared!" After discovering the little doctor, the mercenary rushed to report to Mu Li.

"Get ready to do it!"

Upon receiving the news, Mu Li waved his hand, and several mercenaries immediately followed behind him, and the group of people walked towards the Little Doctor Immortal like this.

"Mu Li? It's really unlucky, how could I meet such a person when I go out!"

The appearance of this large group of people, Mu Li, was also noticed by the little doctor. At this moment, she frowned slightly when she saw Mu Li and this group of people.

Before in the Warcraft Mountains, when encountering the attack of the mysterious crystal demon wolf, Mu Li violated the contract and the mercenary spirit and took the lead to escape with his mercenaries, leaving a group of weak herb collectors alone. This behavior has already made the little doctor Immortals disliked it, and seeing Mu Li again at this moment, naturally felt displeased.

"Haha, Miss Fairy Doctor, long time no see!"

When the little fairy doctor frowned slightly, Mu Li came to her with a big smile and a greeting.

Hearing Mu Li's words, the little fairy doctor gave him a disgusted look without giving him any face, then turned around and was about to leave.

Facing the disgusted gaze of the little doctor, Mu Li was furious, but he didn't show it. He directly ordered: "Take it!"

As Mu Li's words fell, a group of mercenaries behind him directly surrounded the little doctor.

Then, two gleaming steel knives were put on the neck of the little fairy doctor.

Being held on the neck with a knife, the little fairy doctor panicked at first, and then said angrily, "Mu Li, what are you doing?"

"I don't do anything, I just want to invite you as a guest!" Mu Li smiled and replied to the little doctor, and then he glared at the two people holding the knife on the little doctor's neck, angrily Said: "Don't let go of the knife a little bit, what if you hurt the little fairy doctor?"

"Mu Li, do you know what you're doing? You won't be afraid of causing dissatisfaction among other mercenaries if you do this, and Mr. Yao won't let you mess around like this!" the little fairy doctor shouted.

"Hehe, Mr. Yao, he's just a businessman. Don't tell me my wolf head mercenary group is still afraid of him?"

"take away!"

As Mu Li's words fell, the little doctor was taken away by the Langtou mercenary group in full view. The people watching the excitement all dared not speak out, and a few people hurried away to inform the matter. It was given to the people of Wanyaozhai.

(End of this chapter)

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