Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 114 Successfully administered the drug!Yun Yun was recruited!

Chapter 114 Successfully administered the drug!Yun Yun was recruited!
In the early morning, when the sky had just turned pale, there was a thunderous sound in the depths of the Warcraft Mountains, within the domain of the overlord level Warcraft Amethyst Winged Lion King.

"The lion king is roaring, it seems that he has discovered the teacher!"

Chen Feng, who came out of the small world, stared at the sky and whispered, although Yao Chen had reminded him that Yun Yun had entered this area, but up to now, he hadn't seen Yun Yun's figure .

Soon, the huge body of the Amethyst Winged Lion King appeared above the sky that Chen Feng was looking at.

Immediately afterwards, a woman's figure also appeared in the sky.

The woman in the sky, with a plump and delicate body wrapped in a plain skirt, holds a long sword that emits blue light, and her hair is tied into a noble phoenix hair ornament. With the giant beast of the Amethyst Winged Lion King, it has changed.

Behind the woman, there is a pair of blue wings. She stands indifferently, but her beautiful cheeks reveal a touch of grace and nobility that cannot be concealed by plain clothes.

"Teacher, you are finally here!"

Chen Feng's eyes lit up when he saw the woman appearing behind him. This woman was Yun Yun whom he was waiting for.

With the appearance of Yun Yun, Chenfeng almost subconsciously took out a mirror to confirm his appearance again. After confirming that it was correct, he put away the mirror and stared at the sky again, with Yao Chen's soul power covered and concealed his breath, but he was not afraid of being discovered by Yun Yun above him.

"Human woman, why do you want to disturb this king's rest?" Above the sky, the huge amethyst winged lion king shouted at Yun Yun.

"I want to use the Lion King's Purple Spirit Crystal!" Mei Mu stared at the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King, Yun Yun's red lips parted slightly, and her indifferent voice was as clear and pleasant as that pearl falling on a jade plate.


Hearing Yun Yun's words, Amethyst Winged Lion King's heart suddenly trembled, and a strange color appeared in a pair of huge pupils.

It remembered what Chenfeng had explained before. At that time, Chenfeng said that after a while, a woman with the strength of a human fighting emperor would come and exchange it for the Purple Spirit Crystal, so that it could do as it was told.

"It seems that what the human man who captured my son said was the human woman in front of me!" Amethyst Winged Lion King said in his heart.

According to what Chen Feng explained, it was impossible for the Lion King to hand over the Purple Spirit Crystal to Yun Yun, so he immediately refused and said, "Hehe, Purple Spirit Crystal, it took me 20 years for the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King to recover from the body. Shedding a small piece from top to bottom, did you say you wanted it?"

"I can exchange with you what you need." Seeing the attitude of the Lion King, Yun Yun said in a negotiating tone.

"Exchange? It's impossible to exchange with you, don't even think about it!" The Lion King shook his head violently.

"This guy, you executed what I said well!" Looking at the conversation between the Amethyst Winged Lion King and Yun Yun in the sky, Chen Feng was very satisfied.

Above the sky, seeing the firm attitude of the Lion King, Yun Yun couldn't help but frown slightly. Originally, she had prepared three pieces of fifth-level magic cores and a set of high-level mysterious exercises and fighting skills that could be cultivated by monsters in exchange. Conditional, but now, the Lion King's reaction has greatly exceeded her expectations, and it is even impossible to discuss it.

Sighing softly, Yun Yun slowly raised the strange long sword in her hand, and said helplessly: "If this is the case, then I will have to forcefully ask for it!"

"Haha! Human beings are always like this."

"Come on, dare to challenge my Amethyst Winged Lion King Clan, and see how capable you are!"

Seeing Yun Yun's actions, the Amethyst Winged Lion King immediately let out a laugh that shook the earth, Yun Yun's actions were just as he wanted.

Yun Yun ignored the words of the Amethyst Winged Lion King. She raised her plain hand lightly, and as she raised her palm, a small cyan tornado suddenly appeared in the sky. The tornado was only two meters in size at first. However, a moment later, the tornado storm swelled against the wind, and it turned into a huge tornado of more than ten feet in the blink of an eye.

Between the sky and the earth, the cyan tornado whizzed and whirled, and the giant trees on the ground were constantly being forcibly pulled out, and then twisted into sawdust by the violent whirlwind.


Looking at the ever-increasing tornado storm, from the giant mouth of the Amethyst Winged Lion King, a low-pitched roar resounded through the mountains.

With the sound of the lion's chant, the amethyst on its body glowed brightly, and in the blink of an eye, a raging purple flame burst out of its body, and the purple flame gradually curled and rolled, and finally gathered into a huge purple flame. The pillar of fire shot straight into the sky.

Seeing that the two sides in the sky were about to start fighting, Chen Feng thought to himself: "Amethyst Winged Lion King, I hope you can control the strength of your shots. If you hurt my master, I can't spare you!"


Above the sky, a huge cyan tornado storm swept towards the Amethyst Winged Lion King crazily with the sound of violent wind whistling between Yun Yun's waving hands.

Where the storm passed, the forest below was completely torn into a loess land, and many monsters rushed out of it.

With the protection of Yaochen, Chen Feng was naturally safe under this violent wind.


Seeing the engulfing storm, the Amethyst Winged Lion King let out a roaring hum from his huge mouth, flapped his wings, and the huge purple fire pillar that reached the sky two or three feet above his body also came out of his body, Then it hit the tornado storm.


The two behemoths collided with lightning in the air, and at the moment of the collision, a thunderclap exploded out of thin air in the whitened sky.

The storm and the pillar of fire collided ferociously, releasing terrifying energy crazily from each other. Where the two meet, the space seems to be slightly rippling.


The storm and the pillar of fire, after a few minutes of stalemate with each other, finally annihilated out of thin air with a muffled sound resounding through the mountains due to the exhaustion of energy.

After a probing move, the two sides immediately launched a more violent offensive. However, not long after the close combat, a small jade bottle appeared between the huge claws of the Amethyst Winged Lion King. .

When the Amethyst Winged Lion King waved his sharp claws in front of Yun Yun, broke through the defense of fighting spirit, and quietly exerted force to crush the jade bottle in the gap between the claws. Yun Yun is all over.


During the battle, although Yun Yun smelled the medicinal powder in the air, she didn't think much about it. After all, under normal circumstances, who would think about what kind of poisonous gas would be released by monsters like the Amethyst Winged Lion King? Things, and at this time, there is no time left for Yun Yun to think.

Because, the purple light on the body of the Amethyst Winged Lion King became more and more intense, and the strong light even faintly overwhelmed the early sun in the sky. It was obvious that it was brewing some kind of terrifying skill.

(End of this chapter)

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