Chapter 115 Panicked Yun Yun!
Feeling the strange surge of energy in the surrounding world, Yun Yun's pretty face gradually became dignified. She was also accumulating strength at this moment, and within a few meters of her body, the wind howled suddenly.

Purple brilliance shrouded the world. After a long time of brewing, the light suddenly shrank. In the blink of an eye, the purple brilliance in the sky was compressed into a deep purple beam of light only about half a foot.

The deep purple beam of light in the sky flashed out like lightning. The speed of the beam of light was extremely terrifying, almost as if flickering. It only took two jumps to appear not far from Yun Yun.

"Amethyst Seal!"

When the purple light flickered, the low roar of the Amethyst Winged Lion King continued to reverberate in the mountains.

The moment the deep purple beam of light appeared, Yun Yun's face changed slightly, and the tyrannical fighting skills brewed in her hands were also displayed during the circulation of her fighting spirit.

"Cracked Wind Dance!"

As Yun Yun's soft shout fell, the space in front of him fluctuated slightly, and countless huge dark green wind blades of more than ten feet flashed out of thin air, and then entangled with each other, like a cylinder full of blades, rotating at a high speed in a spiral shape He rushed out.


Where the purple beam of light and the wind scroll blade passed, the space was slightly distorted, and in an instant, they collided heavily with the terrifying momentum of a meteorite collision.

The purple beam of light and the wind scroll blade clashed slightly, and the wind scroll was clearly falling into the lower wind. In just a moment, the wind scroll burst with a bang, while the purple beam of light was only slightly dimmed.

After destroying the wind scroll blade, the purple beam of light pierced through dozens of wind shields arranged in front of Yun Yun in a row with a destructive attitude, and finally shot into her body.

"Successful, now I have finally completed the task that guy gave me!" Seeing the purple beam of light hitting Yun Yun, the Amethyst Winged Lion King did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but stood on the spot, heaving a sigh of relief, because Chen Feng confessed that if he hurt the woman, he would kill her son.

"Good job!"

"Yaochen, let's go, we must not let other monsters hurt the teacher!"

Seeing that the Amethyst Winged Lion King successfully used the Amethyst seal on Yun Yun, Chen Feng quickly moved with Yao Chen.

"The extreme wind, fall to death!"

However, just as Chen Feng was moving and the Amethyst Winged Lion King relaxed, the strange long sword in Yun Yun's hand trembled suddenly, and a deep light that was so small that it was almost the size of a thumb shot out instantly.

Just as the light appeared, the space trembled a few times.


Seeing this ray of light rushing towards his head, the Amethyst Winged Lion King was startled. It didn't expect that this human woman could display such a powerful fighting skill at this time. Even its powerful body will be severely injured.

At this moment, the Amethyst Winged Lion King suddenly lowered his head a little, so the light happened to hit the red horns on top of his head, and suddenly, the hardest part of the former's body was cut in half.


The breaking of the sharp horn caused severe pain to the Amethyst Winged Lion King, causing it to let out a violent lion roar.

Under the roaring sound that contained violent energy, the mountains below shook like an earthquake, and some towering peaks were actually shaken off by the top of the mountain.

"Yao Chen, pay attention to the movement of the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King, if he dares to take revenge on the teacher, you should rush to stop him immediately!"

Chen Feng, who was running fast, also saw this scene, and immediately issued an order to Yao Chen.

The Amethyst Winged Lion King was severely injured and was in extreme anger, but quickly wiped out the thought of tearing Yun Yun up in his mind, and did not attack Yun Yun, because at this time Yun Yun's cultivation should be about to be sealed. If he makes a move at this time, Yun Yun will definitely be injured. Besides, he has guessed before that today's battle, the human who captured its son some time ago The man was probably hiding in the dark and watching. For the safety of his son, he had no choice but to endure it.

In the sky, Yun Yun seemed to have sensed the changes in her body, and immediately felt something was wrong. She forcibly channeled her fighting energy, turned her body suddenly, and with a flutter of green wings, her body suddenly flickered strangely one after another, and disappeared into the sky in an instant side,

Looking at Yun Yun who was hit by the seal and forcibly fled using body skills, the Amethyst Winged Lion King did not chase after him. His huge pupils scanned the surroundings, which made him discover Chen Feng who occasionally appeared in the dense forest.

"Human, I hope you can keep your promise!" The Amethyst Winged Lion King sighed helplessly in his heart, then flapped his wings on his back, quickly descended, and disappeared into the sky.


Above the dense forest, a cyan light flashed rapidly, and after a while, the speed of that movement dropped sharply.

"Damn it, you actually got hit by that Amethyst Winged Lion King's sealing technique!"

This slowing cyan light was exactly Yun Yun who had fought against the Amethyst Winged Lion King before, and her black eyebrows were slightly frowned on her pretty cheeks.

Because her strength was constantly declining, the fighting energy that Yun Yun could control was no longer enough to support her to transform her wings, and the cyan brilliance gradually faded. She had no choice but to slowly land on the forest floor.

However, at this moment, Yun Yun suddenly noticed another strangeness, a hotness rising in her body.

"What's wrong with my body, why do I have that strange feeling?"

Aware of the abnormality in her body, Yun Yun couldn't help feeling a little angry.

Originally, with her strength, that kind of medicine had no effect on her, but now, her cultivation was directly suppressed to the level of a fighter by the Amethyst Seal cast by the Amethyst Wing Lion King, and she couldn't resist that at all. kind of medicinal power.

With the outbreak of the aphrodisiac in her body, Yun Yun's footsteps stopped on the spot, holding a big tree beside her with one hand, her beautiful face showed a look of struggle.

"It's hot, what's wrong with me?"

Yun Yun felt that her body was getting hotter and hotter, and she wished she had the urge to take off her clothes, but after all, she was a Douhuang powerhouse, even if her strength was sealed now, after all, the previous concentration was still there, and she temporarily suppressed her heart The dry heat.


At this moment, a beast roar suddenly came from behind, and Yun Yun hurriedly turned her head. In her sight, a cyan monster with a length of three meters appeared. The head of the storm leopard was staring at Yun Yun fiercely with a pair of big blood red eyes.


Knowing her own situation, Yun Yun suddenly became tense, and a trace of vigilance rose in her heart. At this moment, due to the sharp drop in her strength, she was no longer as graceful and luxurious as before. panic.

(End of this chapter)

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