Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 116 Yun Yun: "Who are you? Don't come here!"

Chapter 116 Yun Yun: "Who are you? Don't come here!"


The next moment, the Gale Leopard let out a low growl, and rushed towards Yun Yun with its bloody mouth wide open. With Yun Yun's current strength, encountering this Gale Leopard was almost a certain death situation.

At this moment, behind a tree between Gaifengbao and Yunyun, a figure of a promoted young man came out.


As soon as the young man appeared, he raised his foot and kicked the head of the Gale Leopard in the impact. He seemed to have infinite power, but with just one kick, he actually kicked this huge and fierce third-order monster away. When it hit, the Gale Leopard's skull was cracked by kicking. After encountering such a heavy blow, the Gale Leopard fell to the ground, and soon lost its breath.


Yun Yun breathed a sigh of relief seeing the monster that was still threatening died at the feet of the young man who appeared just now.

"Miss, are you alright? Why did you appear alone in the depths of this dangerous monster mountain range?" The young man approached Yun Yun a few steps and asked with concern.

"I'm fine!" Yun Yun shook her head lightly when she heard the young man's words.

"Are you really okay? I think your condition is a little bit bad!" The young man asked again with concern, and took a few steps forward.

"Don't come here!"

Looking at the young man who was gradually approaching her, Yun Yun suddenly raised the long sword in her hand and pointed it forward, shouting coldly.

Even a cold drinking sound is very pleasing to the ear.

Hearing Yun Yun's voice, the young man did not stop, but continued to walk a few steps forward until he was less than five meters away from Yun Yun.

"If you dare to move forward again, I will kill you!" A murderous intent flashed in Yun Yun's eyes.

"It seems that the teacher really can't recognize me!"

This young man who appeared in front of Yun Yun, who else could there be except Chen Feng, at this moment, at such a close distance, Yun Yun did not recognize him at all, which made Chen Feng feel relieved.

The next moment, Chen Feng's eyes swept across Yun Yun recklessly. Chen Feng and Yun Yun had been together for many years before, but they had never been as unscrupulous as they are now. Chen Feng still had a feeling of amazement in his heart. It is not an exaggeration to describe Yun Yun with beautiful words such as picturesque eyebrows, icy muscles and jade bones.


Staring at Yun Yun's delicate and pretty face, Chen Feng's Adam's apple moved, and he swallowed subconsciously.

Being stared at by a strange man like this, Yun Yun's face became even colder. Perhaps it was because of the decline in her strength and the fact that Chen Feng had saved her just now. She still didn't attack Chen Feng, but threatened in a cold voice. Said: "If you don't leave again, don't blame me for being ruthless under the sword!"

"The teacher is always so good-looking when he threatens people!"

Being threatened by Yun Yun with a sword, Chen Feng felt a strange feeling in her heart, she had never seen Yun Yun in such a panic before.

The next moment, Chenfeng had a faint smile on his face, changed his voice, and explained in a calm tone: "Miss, don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no malicious intentions, it's just because this is the depths of the Warcraft Mountains, and you, a woman, are here It's too dangerous to walk alone... Do you need help?"

"Do you need help!"

Chen Feng's words drifted into Yun Yun's ears, her red lips curled up slightly, she shook her head without hesitation and said, "No need, you hurry up and leave!"

However, just when Yun Yun had just finished speaking, her brows were furrowed again, and the hot feeling in her body struck again, making her body twist around uncomfortably, and, She also has a strong... urge.

In this case, no matter how much Yun Yun doesn't know about men and women, she still understands what kind of poison she has been poisoned. She quickly tried to use her battle energy to resist, only to find out that her battle energy had been sealed by the amethyst seal. Something made her suppress the lust in her body.

"Miss, there seems to be something wrong with your condition! Let me help you!" Seeing Yun Yun twisting her body, Chen Feng chuckled, and took another step forward, only a few feet away from the sharp sword tip. Palm distance.

Getting closer, Chen Feng finally saw that Yun Yun's pretty face was covered with seductive crimson at the moment, her pair of clear eyes became a little blurred, and her slender neck like a white swan was also climbing. Putting on a touch of pink, this reaction is almost exactly the same as the reaction of the little doctor fairy in the early stage of the drug effect a few days ago.


Yun Yun, with a struggling expression, saw Chen Feng approaching again, her soft body leaned forward slightly, and the sharp sword tip immediately stabbed towards Chen Feng's lower abdomen.

When the long sword stabbed, Chenfeng didn't dodge it, and still arrived from the tip of the sword.


Immediately, there was a not-so-loud collision sound from the tip of the sword.

This sword is indeed a treasured sword, but at this moment, in Yun Yun's hands, without the blessing of fighting energy, it is weaker than ordinary people's stabbing force, so how can it hurt Chen Feng who has the body of a dragon elephant? Woolen cloth.

The next moment, Yun Yun let go of her palm, and the long sword that was touching Chen Feng's lower abdomen fell to the ground, and she herself also fell forward.


Seeing Yun Yun falling in his direction, Chen Feng hurriedly reached out to support her, and put his palm on her willow waist.

At this moment, being grasped by Chen Feng's slender waist, Yun Yun's body suddenly stiffened, she raised her jade hand like a conditioned reflex, and slapped Chen Feng's face with a slap, but because her condition was too bad right now, As a result, the jade hand that was touching Chen Feng's face was soft and weak, like a massage between lovers.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Yun seemed to feel that her palm was weak and had little effect on resistance, Yun Yun suddenly opened her mouth and bit Chen Feng's shoulder.


Chen Feng, who was originally relaxed, felt more powerful when Yun Yun bit his shoulder like this, which made him let out a slight cry of pain.

Fortunately, this slight pain only lasted for a short while before it turned into a soft and slippery touch.

It turned out that after Yun Yun came into contact with the man's breath at such a close distance, the heat in her body suddenly burned like dry wood meeting a raging fire.

The little mouth that was biting on Chenfeng's shoulder was also slowly released,... unexpectedly slipped out quietly, and lightly licked the wound on Chenfeng's shoulder that looked like it had been bitten by a mother cat.

At this moment, Chen Feng's body trembled involuntarily as he was licked by Yun Yun's soft and fragrant tongue, and immediately slid his hands upwards, towards...

At this moment, Yun Yun suddenly recovered a little bit of sobriety again, her pretty face suddenly paled, she withdrew her mouth from Chen Feng's shoulder like lightning, then slammed Chen Feng's palm away, biting the silver Ya, said in a low voice with difficulty: "If you dare to do that to me, I will kill you after I recover!"

Because the effect of the medicine was too strong, Yun Yun's voice was a little numb at the moment, but in the serious voice, there was a little bit of crying that was rare.

Just when her sanity was about to recede again, crystal tears suddenly dripped from Yun Yun's beautiful eyes, and a vague voice came out from those seductive red lips: "If I lose my body, I will cut you to pieces and commit suicide!"

Chen Feng was stunned by Yun Yun's earnest and bitter voice. He hesitated in his heart, and even felt a little guilty. He felt that bullying Yun Yun like this was a bit too much.

"There are not many such opportunities. Since I am sure that I like Teacher, and now I have such a great opportunity, why not cherish it?"

That guilty thought was fleeting in Chen Feng's mind, because Yun Yun, who was controlled by desire, threw herself into Chen Feng's arms again... This strong tingling feeling made Chen Feng change his mind instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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