Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 117 Young Ye Pregnant, Huge Reward!

Chapter 117 Young Ye Pregnant, Huge Reward!
At this moment, Yun Yun completely lost her mind, her fair and tender face was covered with blush, her beautiful eyes were full of charm, her previous graceful and luxurious appearance was gone.

Chen Feng caressed Yun Yun's fair cheeks, and then kissed away the faint tears at the corners of her eyes... Soon, only a light blue inner armor was left of Yun Yun's delicate body, and her fair skin was And what was about to come out of the light blue inner armor... made Chen Feng lose his mind...

Time passed quickly, from the beginning of the sunrise to the sunset.

In the end, because of the exhaustion of her body, Yun Yun lay in Chenfeng's embrace with some weakness, her beautiful eyes were tightly closed, and soon she fell into a deep sleep.

His gaze softly swept across Yun Yun's rosy cheeks, and then focused on her exposed slender eyelashes. Chen Feng's mood was unusually peaceful at this moment.

After continuing to look at it for a while, Chen Feng took out a black robe and wrapped Yun Yun's fair body around her, then put his palms on the back of her head and between her calves, and hugged her up.

Soon, Chen Feng found a cave hidden behind the waterfall nearby, and gently placed Yun Yun on a stone platform in the cave.

"The teacher should feel hungry when he wakes up later, so let's prepare some food first!"

Looking at Yun Yun who was as peaceful as a Sleeping Beauty, Chen Feng's eyes became softer and softer. Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and walked out of the cave.

"Ding, Yaoye is detected to be pregnant, reward the host with a big gift bag!"

"Ding, may the host open the big gift bag?"

Just as Chen Feng stepped out of the cave, a system notification sound suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Yaoye is pregnant!"

Hearing the notification sound from the system, Chenfeng was stunned for a moment, and then his face showed ecstasy.

Today was really a double blessing. Not only did he successfully taste Yun Yun's body, but he also received the good news that Yao Ye was pregnant.

The next moment, Chenfeng directly said to the system in his heart: "Open the gift bag!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the Thunder Wings!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the sixth-order peak monster, the ghost Yanmao!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a primary experience pill!"

A series of system prompts sounded in Chenfeng's mind, and Chenfeng was elated when he heard it. However, his focus was on the last rewarding primary experience pill.

"Elementary experience pill, is it the kind that can directly increase cultivation?"

Hearing the elementary experience pill, Chenfeng said suspiciously, in his previous life, he also played some online games, and knew that there was something called experience pill in it, after using it, he could instantly increase experience and level up.

The next moment, Chenfeng's mind couldn't wait to sink into the system space and check it out.

The first thing that caught Chenfeng's eyes was a pair of huge suspended wings. The wings were covered in silver, exuding bright silver light, which looked very extraordinary.

Wings of Thunder: Flying fighting skills.

This huge silver wing is actually a flying fighting skill?

Looking at the strong thunder aura emanating from it, I'm afraid it has more than just the effect of flying.

Maybe, it also has a powerful means of attack.

Looking at the huge silver wings, Chen Feng thought for a while, but it was not time to learn fighting skills, so he turned his attention to the next reward.

This is a black cat about the size of a purple electric mink. Its black hair looks extremely soft, and its dark eyes look like a black swirl, very deep. Moreover, there is a black cloud around it. flame.

Nether Flame Cat: The sixth-order peak beast, with fast speed, amazing attack power, and beast fire in its body.

Except for the Beast Fire, the Nether Flame Cat has similar attributes and characteristics to the Zidian Mink.

"It's actually a monster with a powerful beast fire. Seeing the power of this black flame, the purple fire of the Amethyst Winged Lion King can't beat it, not bad!"

After glancing at the monster, Chen Feng nodded secretly in his heart, and then his gaze finally settled on the pill that was only the size of a soybean, but was blooming with dazzling golden light.

Elementary Experience Pill: After using it, it instantly improves the user's cultivation level for one year without any side effects.

"Sure enough, it is used to improve cultivation!"

Seeing the introduction of Junior Experience Dan, Chenfeng was very excited.

At present, although Chenfeng has many methods that can be used to deal with Dou Huang and some low-level Dou Zong powerhouses, they are all foreign objects. Only when his own strength becomes stronger can he feel more at ease. Now that he has This elementary experience pill can instantly improve one year's cultivation base, which is really awesome.

After checking the rewards he got just now, Chen Feng looked back and found that Yun Yun was still asleep, so he left the cave directly.

It's better not to let others see the instant improvement of cultivation base, and that kind of fluctuation may also awaken Yun Yun's fragrant dream.


Coming to the river formed by the impact of the waterfall outside the cave, Chen Feng stood in the water and directly used the primary experience pill rewarded by the system.

Immediately, a huge amount of energy surged out of Chen Feng's body. He just felt that huge amount of energy, and his cultivation continued to skyrocket.

From a three-star fighter, he directly broke through to a four-star fighter, and then quickly broke through to a five-star fighter!
Six Star Fighter!
Seven Star Fighter!

Nine Star Fighter!
When his cultivation continued to skyrocket, a continuous sound of dragon chant sounded in Chen Feng's mind, and he also found that almost every time he raised a small realm, a golden dragon would jump out of his body It rose into the air, and then quickly disappeared.

Six consecutive golden dragons flashed out of his body, and Chenfeng's cultivation was finally fixed at the peak of the Nine-Star Fighter, only one step away from the realm of fighting spirits. Moreover, there is another benefit of taking the experience pill, that is There are no side effects, as if he had really cultivated it himself, unlike those pills that enhance his strength, not only will he have a great resistance to pills after taking it, but it may also cause the fighting energy in the body to float and affect the foundation .

"It actually allowed me to break through from a three-star fighter to a nine-star fighter so quickly. It is indeed an experience pill!"

Sensing the power of the cultivation base just raised, Chen Feng clenched his fist and punched it into the water, venting his strength.

The next moment, a huge water wave appeared in front of Chenfeng. In the water wave, there were two or three frightened blue fish.

"Just right!"

Seeing the blue fish in the waves, Chenfeng tapped his toes, jumped out of the water, and quickly caught the three herrings.

(End of this chapter)

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