Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 119 Teacher, there must be nothing wrong with you!

Chapter 119 Teacher, you must be safe!

Smelling the enticing aroma, Yun Yun felt hungry, but she still endured it. She wanted to kill Chen Feng just now, but now if she eats what the other party baked, what would it look like.


Yun Yun gave a soft drink, then turned around directly, intending to leave the cave.

"With your current strength, you can easily eat two second-order monsters!" Chen Feng suddenly said as he saw Yun Yun walking towards the entrance of the cave.

"That's up to you!"

Yun Yun turned her head and glared at Chen Feng, then stubbornly walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Watching Yun Yun leave the cave, Chenfeng was very calm.

Now, outside the waterfall, there are at least four or five Tier [-] monsters and more than a dozen Tier [-] monsters wandering around. Of course, the reason why there are so many monsters gathered around here is because Chen Feng ordered the Amethyst Winged Lion King to drive them away. of.

At this moment, Chen Feng continued to tear off a piece of fish and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing slowly. According to his prediction, Yun Yun should be scared back by those monsters after walking a few steps.

After a while, there were bursts of ferocious roars from outside the cave.



The beast's roar was very loud, and it sounded a little violent.


"Teacher, you don't know that there are so many monsters nearby, but you still want to break out?"

Hearing this obviously abnormal animal roar, Chen Feng felt a little nervous. This time, it seemed that because of the relationship with Yun Yun, Chen Feng actually underestimated the woman who had been together for many years. The stock is stubborn and strong.

According to the situation just now, Yun Yun would rather go out and make a way out than stay in this cave.

"Blame me... Teacher, you must be safe, otherwise..."

Chen Feng slapped his forehead, with a look of annoyance on his face, immediately unfolded his movements, and rushed out of the cave like a madman.

Coming outside the cave, Chen Feng seemed to have thought of something, and immediately lifted the restriction on the perception of the outside world in the Soul Control Banner, and then quickly ordered to Yao Chen inside: "Yao Chen, quickly find the teacher's position!"

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing Chenfeng's order, Yaochen respectfully responded, and immediately launched his soul power to investigate.

"Master, to the east, in the dense forest a few miles away, there are two Tier [-] monsters chasing your teacher, and looking at that direction, she probably will soon enter the detection range of a Tier [-] monster. "Yao Chen detected Yun Yun's trace in just a moment.

"Quick, take me there!" Chen Feng shouted.

As Chen Feng shouted down, a huge force blessed him, making him extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he rushed more than ten meters away, and then quickly left the river area and entered the east. in the jungle.



In the dense forest, Yun Yun was running fast with a long sword in her hand. Behind her, two white wolves that were two meters long were chasing her closely.

These two white wolves are monsters with the strength of the second level, and their speed is faster than Yun Yun's now. If Yun Yun hadn't used the big trees in the forest to dodge, I'm afraid they would have been overtaken.

"Damn it, how come there are so many monsters gathered in this place? I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult to break through..." Facing the two white wolves who couldn't be shaken off like dog skin plasters, Yun Yundai frowned slightly, and quickly Thinking about how to deal with it.


At this moment, a thicker beast roar appeared in front of Yun Yun.

Hearing this beast's roar, Yun Yun's footsteps stopped, and she could sense that the one who could make such a roar was probably a monster whose strength had reached the fourth rank.

If she was surrounded by these monsters, she would really be doomed today.


Yun Yun stopped, and the two white wolves behind immediately rushed over, and one of the white wolves patted Yun Yun's head with its sharp claws.

At this critical moment, Yun Yun repeated her old trick and dodged behind a nearby tree to avoid the attack of the white wolf.


The big tree that Yun Yun was leaning on broke apart under the attack of the white wolf, but this also slowed down the momentum of the white wolf. She slashed heavily on the white wolf's front paw with a sword, and immediately cut open the paw. There was a big gash, and blood spattered everywhere.

The severe pain made the white wolf become more berserk, and another white wolf rushed towards Yun Yun at this moment, bared its sharp fangs, and opened its mouth to bite Yun Yun's arm.

Seeing the big, stinky mouth biting, Yun Yun hurriedly pulled back, narrowly dodging the attack.

The power that Yun Yun can use now is only equivalent to the cultivation base of ordinary fighters. However, relying on her strong combat experience, she forcibly injured the two white wolves in the follow-up battle, but, She was also scratched by the white wolf's paw on her own back. Fortunately, the wound was very shallow and would not be fatal.


Just when Yun Yun was about to defeat the two white wolves, a more powerful beast roar sounded around.

The smell of blood here attracted the fourth-order beast, a muscular jungle giant ape seven or eight meters tall.

"Jungle Giant Ape!"

Seeing the gigantic monster that appeared, Yun Yun knew that the real danger was coming. In the past, Tier [-] monsters like the jungle giant ape would not have been taken seriously by her at all, but now, she can easily beat them now. her.

The jungle giant ape was about the same height as some trees, and the speed at which he ran here could not be compared to even Yun Yun's ability to display the strength of a great fighter.

"It seems that I am really going to die here today!"

The huge gap in strength made Yun Yun somewhat desperate.

"To die at the hands of these monsters, I'm afraid my flesh and blood will be bitten and swallowed by them soon!" Yun Yun revealed a bitter smile.


On the side of the jungle giant ape, after discovering Yun Yun, bloodthirsty was revealed in its huge pupils, it raised its huge fist without hesitation, and smashed towards Yun Yun.

Because of its huge size, the giant ape's movement looks slow, but in fact it is extremely fast. When the arm is waved, there is a powerful sound of breaking through the air.

There was a huge amount of red energy emitting from that fist, if it hit Yun Yun, she might turn into a pulp on the spot.

At this moment, Yun Yun, under the consumption of those two white wolves, no longer has the strength to dodge the attack of the giant ape. Her beautiful eyes slowly closed, planning to wait for death to come.

However, when she closed her eyes, she felt an arm suddenly wrapping around her waist, quickly leading her away from her original position.


At this time, the giant ape's fist hit the ground hard, leaving a big hole on the ground.

"It's you, why did you follow here?"

Yun Yun immediately opened her eyes, and found that the person hugging her was none other than Chen Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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