Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 120 Yun Yun: "Ghosts only care about you!"

Chapter 120 Yun Yun: "Ghosts only care about you!"

"Didn't I tell you that it's dangerous outside the cave! Still running outside?"

Chen Feng didn't answer Yun Yun's question, he stared at Yun Yun's blood-soaked back, frowned slightly, and said a word of blame impatiently.

"Let go of your hands, you don't have to worry about my affairs..."


Being blamed by Chen Feng's tone, Yun Yun just wanted to refute, but her body was hugged tightly by Chen Feng again. At this moment, her body tensed up again, like an electric shock. Even though she had already had an intimate relationship with Chen Feng, She is still somewhat girlishly sensitive.

The next moment, Yun Yun was quickly brought by Chen Feng to an open space more than ten meters away. The original position of the two was swept by a huge red foot, and the ground shook.

"This guy's movement is so fast!" Seeing Chen Feng's figure moving like a ghost, Yun Yun was secretly surprised. Counting this time, Chen Feng has saved her life twice, and, Yun Yun could actually feel the tension on Chen Feng's expression when he spoke just now, it was very real, it didn't look like a fake at all.

"Could it be that he really cares about me so much?" A strange color flashed in Yun Yun's beautiful eyes, and her gaze began to size up the man who hugged her.

"Jungle Giant Ape, you are courting death!"

Under Yun Yun's gaze, Chen Feng showed a hint of anger on his face. He let go of the hand around his waist, and lightly touched the ring with his palm. Immediately, a blood-colored spear appeared directly in front of him. In the hands of Morrowind.

The gun was long and hard, and it was red all over, and the gun body exuded a strong and fierce aura.

Looking at the bloody spear that suddenly appeared in Chenfeng's hand, Yun Yun also looked sideways. With her knowledge, she could naturally see that Chenfeng's spear was very unusual.

On Chenfeng's side, after taking out the Coiling Dragon Spear that was rewarded by the system, he quickly gathered his fighting spirit into the Coiling Dragon Spear. On the bloody Coiling Dragon Spear, several thick lightning arcs appeared.

"This is?"

Sensing the energy fluctuations on Chenfeng's coiled dragon gun, Yun Yun became even more surprised. Although her strength had dropped, her vision was still there. She could be sure that Chenfeng's cultivation was only at the level of the Great Fighter. However, at this moment, the energy gathered on the Coiling Dragon Spear seemed to have reached the peak of Dou Ling, and even threatened the level of the Dou Wang powerhouse.

"How did he do it? Could it be that he used some kind of extremely powerful fighting skills? But, what kind of fighting skills can have such power, earth-level fighting skills..." Yun Yun guessed in her heart.

At this time, the huge pupils of the jungle giant ape also showed a very shocked look. The energy condensed on the bloody spear in Chenfeng's hand made it feel a great threat.


As if to interrupt Chenfeng's energy accumulation, the jungle giant ape roared, and a pair of huge fists condensed violent red energy and slammed towards the top of Chenfeng's head.

"Heavenly thunder filling!"

This move is the first form of the Heavenly Thunder Spear Technique that Chen Feng began to practice after he became a Great Fighter. The Heavenly Thunder Imbues the Body, and the Heavenly Thunder Spearmanship is a heaven-level combat skill. Even the simplest first form , and almost exhausted the Dou Qi in Chenfeng's body.

When the jungle giant ape shot, Chenfeng's power storage was finally completed. At the tip of the dragon gun, the space fluctuated slightly. Immediately, a huge silver thunder gun of more than ten meters suddenly shot out, and suddenly shot towards the jungle giant ape. swept away.

That huge silver thunder gun was bigger than the body of the jungle giant ape, and it hit the jungle giant ape's body in the blink of an eye.


Hit by the silver thunder gun, the body of the jungle giant ape was immediately blasted into a scorched black hole. Under the impact, the huge body flew upside down for nearly a hundred meters, and then fell down a row of tall trees heavily. to the ground.

Even at a distance of more than a hundred meters, Yun Yun could see that the giant ape that fell on the ground still had lightning arcs running around its body, and its huge body twitched from time to time, but it couldn't stand up again, and finally , when the thunder light on his body dissipated, he was filled with flames.


At this moment, even Yun Yun couldn't help but gasp.

Being able to kill a fourth-order magical beast jungle giant ape with a strong body defense ability in one blow, this is something that even some ordinary fighters cannot do, but now, a young man with only a great fighter can do it.

"Who is he, and why can he master such advanced fighting skills?"

Yun Yun became a little curious. Although Chen Feng showed the attribute of thunder now, Yun Yun didn't think about the attribute of her own apprentice at all, because there was still a big gap between the performance of the two.

"How's your injury? Does it hurt?"

Because of killing the jungle giant ape, Chen Feng's words were not as irritable as before, but became very soft. However, his voice seemed a little weak.

"I'm not in the way! It's just a few minor injuries, but you, I don't know what kind of fighting skills you have used, and you will drain all the fighting energy in your body!" Looking at Chen Feng with such soft eyes, Yun Yun's beautiful eyes Some dodged, said softly.

"So, are you concerned about me?" Chen Feng grinned.

"Ghosts will care about people like you!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Yun Yun's red lips curled up slightly, and she turned away.


Because of the move just now, Chenfeng's fighting energy in his body was consumed too much, and his legs were actually a little weak at the moment.

"Are you OK?"

Seeing this, Yun Yun quickly stretched out her hand to support Chen Feng, and asked with concern.

"Hey, you still said you don't care about me!" Even though his face was so weak that he was pale, Chen Feng still didn't forget his poor mouth.

Seeing Chen Feng's appearance, Yun Yun didn't refute anything this time. She supported Chen Feng and looked around.

"Roar! Roar!"

Suddenly, in the forest, there were several consecutive roars of beasts coming from a distance, which made Yun Yun's face change greatly.

"It seems that I can only go back to the cave to hide for a while. After I break the seal of the Amethyst Winged Lion King, these crises will naturally be resolved!"

At this moment, listening to the directions of the beast roars, Yun Yun made a decision in her heart, and supported the weak Chen Feng to walk in the direction of the cave before.


In the cool cave, Chen Feng, who had recovered to some extent, looked at Yun Yun's scratched back with distress, and said softly, "I'm fine, let's take a look at your wound first!"

"If this wound is not treated, it will recover very slowly!" Chen Feng said, and his palm wanted to poke into the hole in the black robe on Yun Yun's back.


Chen Feng's hand had just pushed aside some fabrics, and the blood sticking to the black robe affected the wounds on Yun Yun's body, making her expression a little painful.

(End of this chapter)

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