Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 121 Yun Yun: "Take care of your eyes!"

Chapter 121 Yun Yun: "Take care of your eyes!"

"Sorry for hurting you!"

Hearing Yun Yun's muffled snort, Chen Feng stopped immediately.

The next moment, a stream of silver grudge condensed in his palm, and finally divided into very thin silver threads, which cut off the sticky blood connecting the skin and the black robe with great care.

Seeing the extremely serious look on Chen Feng's face, Yun Yun's beautiful eyes showed a trace of complicated emotions, and she didn't try to stop him, she acquiesced in Chen Feng to help him deal with the wound.

"Okay, you can take off your clothes now, I'll give you some medicine!" After dealing with the dry and sticky blood that made the clothes and skin stick, Chen Feng said in a very natural voice with a jade bottle in his hand.

Hearing this, Yun Yun immediately fell silent, she was very conflicted, should she take off her clothes in front of this man again?
"Forget it, if you take it off by yourself, I'm afraid it will affect the wound, let me help you!" When Yun Yun was silent, Chen Feng said to himself.

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng put the jade bottle on the stone platform next to him, and was about to help Yun Yun untie it. At this moment, Yun Yun's jade hand moved, she turned her back to Chen Feng, and very quickly put the black bottle on the bottle. The robe was unbuttoned, and then fell to the waist.

Immediately, Yun Yun's white and tender back with charming curves appeared in front of Chenfeng's eyes. Even if there was a long scratch, it did not affect its beauty at all.

In front of the man's face, her upper body was bare, so that Yun Yun, a strong woman who was once a Douhuang level, could not help but glow a faint pink on her snow-white skin, and her delicate body kept trembling slightly.

"While taking the medicine, take care of your eyes!" Yun Yun gave a warning softly, but this warning seemed very imposing.


Chen Feng nodded his head lightly, this time, he didn't cross the line and take a peek at anything.

Taking out some clean cloth from the ring, Chen Feng poured some light green liquid from a jade bottle, and then slowly wiped the blood near the wound on Yun Yun's back.

With the gentle wipe of the morning breeze, Yun Yun's eyelashes kept trembling slightly, and her face was a little more feminine like laziness.

After carefully cleaning the wound, Chen Feng picked up the jade bottle on the stone platform and poured some white powder onto the wound. Stimulated by the powder, Yun Yun frowned slightly, and let out a low pained moan from her pretty nose. Low moans.

"Don't worry, it will be fine soon!"

Smiling slightly, Chenfeng evenly sprinkled the powder on the wound, then took out some cotton cloth for hemostasis, and carefully wrapped her wound up.

Of course, during the process of wrapping the wound, although Chenfeng didn't look sideways, he still saw some spring scenery that he shouldn't have seen. Seeing the white snow on Yunyun's front, Chenfeng felt a strange impulse in his heart, but he was soon caught by him. Suppress it.

After a while, Chen Feng clapped his hands, pulled Yun Yun's black robe that had been faded to his waist and put it on his shoulders, and said with a smile, "Okay, the wound has been treated!"

Seeing that Chen Feng's hands and feet didn't mess around the whole time, Yun Yun felt a little more fond of him again, and said softly, "Thank you!"

Hearing these three short words, Chen Feng's heart was filled with joy. He could feel that Yun Yun did not reject him as much as before.

Afterwards, the relationship between the two was finally not as stiff as before. However, the conversation between the two was still very little, and Yun Yun was silent most of the time.

In the cool cave, it seemed a little quiet. Chenfeng seemed to remember something, and rekindled the bonfire, and then went to the bottom of the waterfall to catch a few fish and put them on the fire.

This time, Chen Feng handed the grilled fish to Yun Yun's side, and she did not refuse. After lightly nodding her head, she took it in her hand, and immediately tore off a small piece of fish meat. Her red lips squirmed slightly, chewing and swallowing slowly, The movement is very elegant.

"Why did you come to the Warcraft Mountains?" Swallowing the fish in her small mouth, Yun Yun asked suddenly, with some curiosity in her eyes. She felt that a powerful young man like Chen Feng must be from a certain family or A genius of the sect, how could the sect of the family be willing to arrange for him to enter such a dangerous place to practice alone?
"Come to do a very important thing!" Hearing this, Chen Feng raised his head, looked at Yun Yun, with a smile on his lips, and replied very seriously: "Also, it's already done!"

Hearing Chen Feng's answer, Yun Yun felt a little strange in her heart, but she couldn't figure out what was wrong.

"Oh, then congratulations!" Yun Yun said flatly.

"What about you, why did you come to the Warcraft Mountains?" Chen Feng asked.

"I came here to find the Amethyst Winged Lion King in exchange for the Amethyst Spirit Crystal, but I haven't fought it, and accidentally got its seal... I may have to go again when I recover from my injury!" Yun Yun felt that there was nothing to hide, so she said something.

However, when talking about the Purple Spirit Crystal, a young figure suddenly appeared in Yun Yun's mind.

"Speaking of which, this person's figure is similar to Feng'er, and both of them are of thunder attribute..." Yun Yun muttered in her heart, her thoughts lingering.

"Is it such a coincidence, the purpose of my coming here is mainly for the companion Amethyst source. When the Amethyst Winged Lion King was not around, I went to its cave, followed by the companion Amethyst source, Ziling I also took out things like Jing by the way!"

While Yun Yun was thinking wildly, Chen Feng said with a smile, and then a fist-sized, irregularly sharp purple spirit stone appeared in the palm of her hand.

On the purple spirit stone, the brilliance flows, and it is beautiful in an instant.

"It's really Purple Spirit Crystal!"

Seeing the purple spirit stone in Chenfeng's hand, Yun Yun's expression was a little surprised. At the beginning, her idea was also to secretly go to the Zijing Wing Lion King's cave to steal the purple spirit crystal. What the others failed, was accomplished by a person who only had the cultivation level of a great fighter.

"No wonder, the Amethyst Winged Lion King had such an attitude before! It turns out that someone has stolen his lair once!" Combined with the information in Chenfeng's chat, Yun Yun's doubts were immediately resolved.

The next moment, Yun Yun looked at the Purple Spirit Crystal in Chen Feng's hand, parted her red lips slightly, and said with a little hesitation: "Your Purple Spirit Crystal...can you exchange it for me?"

"Okay, what are you going to exchange with me?" Chen Feng nodded slightly, looking at Yun Yun with a smile in his eyes.

"This one……"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Yun Yun was a little silent again, feeling very entangled in her heart, because, according to Chen Feng's previous combat performance, he definitely did not lack any mysterious skills and fighting skills, such as magic core and elixir. For this kind of thing, she herself didn't have anything on hand that could be equal to the purple spirit crystal, so she was a little bit in trouble for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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