Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 122 Yaoyue: "Sister, who is Cao thief, I will help you avenge!"

Chapter 122 Yaoyue: "Sister, who is Cao thief, I will help you avenge!"

Seeing the hesitant expression on Yun Yun's face, Chen Feng chuckled and said, "Haven't you thought of it yet?"

"Not yet, I can't think of anything I can give you yet!" Yun Yun shook her head lightly, and then, she seemed to have made a decision, taking off the ring on Yu Cong's finger, And disconnected.

"How about this, you can take whatever you like in this Naring ring... If you don't like anything, forget it!" Yun Yun said softly, her voice seemed to be without confidence, but she also With a little luck, I hope that Chenfeng can take a fancy to some of these treasures and exchange them with them.

"Alright, let me look for it!"

Originally, Chen Feng planned to give the Purple Spirit Crystal to Yun Yun. Seeing Yun Yun's move now, he followed the trend to search for it in her ring, and planned to take something casually to perfuse it.

However, the next moment, Chen Feng was suddenly stunned.

In Yun Yun's holding ring, he saw the light blue inner armor from before.

"Hehe, that's it!"

With a smile on Chen Feng's face, he took out the underwear that Yun Yun wore without hesitation and held it in his hands. There was still a faint feminine fragrance on it.


Seeing Chen Feng take out her underwear from the ring, Yun Yun was stunned for a moment, and immediately her cheeks and fair neck were blushing, full of embarrassment.

"No, this one is not acceptable, return it to me!"

The next moment, like a flustered little woman, Yun Yun let out a coquettish shout, and quickly stretched out her jade hand to snatch the inner armor from Chen Feng's hand.

Chenfeng grabbed the arm of the inner armor and lifted it, then dodged it, and then quickly said: "You said it yourself just now, as long as there is something I like in the ring, you can take it away. Sorry, it's too late!"

After saying this, Chen Feng handed the Purple Spirit Crystal in the other hand to Yun Yun.

Looking at the purple spirit crystal in front of her and the light blue inner armor held by Chen Feng, Yun Yun's beautiful eyes were full of complex colors. She knew that since Chen Feng chose that inner armor, it would be difficult for her to I'm coming back again.

"Take it as...a souvenir for him..."

Yun Yun sighed secretly in her heart, and finally chose to reach out to take the Purple Spirit Crystal that Chenfeng handed over.

"I've already got the Purple Spirit Crystal, once the seal is broken, let's leave here!"

Yun Yun murmured in her heart, then as if nothing had happened, she tore off a piece of fish and put it in her mouth to chew slowly.

Seeing another change in Yun Yun's attitude, Chen Feng was overjoyed. He stroked Yun Yun's personal thing, and then quickly put it into the ring.

For the next period of time, Yun Yun spent most of her time meditating and practicing, thinking of breaking through the Amethyst seal as soon as possible.

However, when she was not practicing, she would also come to help Chen Feng when she was making food, and the relationship between the two became more and more harmonious with this kind of contact.


Overweight the empire, the imperial capital, Yehua mansion, this is the mansion of the eldest princess of the empire, Princess Yaoye.

Eldest Princess Yaoye has management skills since she was a child, and she is better at winning people's hearts and winning over the strong.

Recently, Princess Yaoye's performance seems to be getting better and better. When dealing with state affairs, she carefully controls every small detail and has a big picture.

Such a eldest princess not only won the praise of many ministers of the empire, but also made the person behind the scenes of the empire very satisfied. Fortunately, there is a successor to the empire.

However, behind Princess Yaoye's beauty, there is a pain that outsiders don't know.

Every night, Princess Yaoye would clear everyone out of the hall and not allow anyone to enter, and in the princess' boudoir, there would be a burst of sobbing from time to time.

"Tie Cao, one day, I will tear you to pieces!"

After the sobbing gradually stopped, a cold voice came faintly from the room.

"Why is my sister crying? ... Also, who is the Cao thief that my sister is talking about? Did this person bully my sister?"

But at this moment, not far from Princess Yaoye's boudoir, there is a beautiful figure standing.

After Yaoye issued the ban, dare to walk into the hall at night and come to Yaoye's boudoir, who else would dare to do this kind of thing except the little princess of the royal family?

The person who appeared was wearing a purple dress with silver patterns. His exquisite appearance, under the influence of the royal family, revealed a faint innate noble temperament, with a slender waist. , wearing a purple belt, showing that small waist to the fullest.

Her age does not seem to be very old, she looks only fourteen or fifteen years old, quite elegant and peaceful, but those who are familiar with her know very well that this girl's personality does not match her appearance at all, Gu Lingjing is very strange.

But at this moment, the little princess, who usually loves to smile the most, frowned tightly, clenched her fists tightly, and immediately stepped forward, stretching out her hand to push the door of Yaoye Xianggui's room.


"who is it?"

The door was pushed open, and in the room, Princess Yaoye, who was wearing a red tulle nightgown and was wiping the corners of her wet eyes, was startled.

When she saw the petite figure at the door clearly, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Yaoyue, why are you here?"

"Sister, tell me, is there someone named Cao thief who bullied you? If so, I will immediately go and avenge you!"

The little princess didn't answer Yao Ye's question, but quickly walked into the house, and asked Yao Ye with some concern.

"Cao thief, what Cao thief... Yaoyue, what are you talking about?" Hearing what the little princess said, Yaoye was startled again, thinking that the little princess knew something.

"Sister, I'm not talking nonsense. I heard it outside the door just now. You said in the room that you were going to mutilate a man named Cao thief! Besides, you were crying all the time!" the little princess murmured. Xiaozui explained.

Hearing the little princess' explanation, Yaoye breathed a sigh of relief again. Looking at the situation, the little princess didn't know the secret about her, but just stood outside the door for a while.

"Sister, tell me who is Cao thief, and I will avenge you now!" The little princess waved her fist and said very seriously.

"Yaoyue, don't worry about my sister's affairs, and don't tell me about tonight's affairs. I'll just beg you as my sister, okay?" Yaoye put her hands on the little princess's shoulders, and said in an extremely dignified manner. , in her heart, that thief Cao is an out-and-out devil, and she doesn't want her sister to be involved.

(End of this chapter)

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