Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 129 Yunyun is Pregnant!Rich rewards!

Chapter 129 Yunyun is Pregnant!Rich rewards!
"Master~ please give Lingyou your best instructions~"

The ghost Yanmao squatted halfway, its tail swung, and it made an extremely charming and seductive sound.

Hearing this, Chenfeng felt a numbness in his ears, stretched out his hand and stroked the soft hair on the head of Youling Yanmao, and said with a smile: " seems that you have your own name, from now on, you will be called Lingyou !"

"Thank you master~"

Ghost Yanmao gently rubbed its head against Chen Feng's palm, the gesture was very intimate.

"This voice is too numbing to listen to!"

Hearing the sound of the ghost Yanmao, Xiao Xun'er was stunned for a moment, but the next moment, she saw Chenfeng stroking the ghost Yanmao and some gestures of the ghost Yanmao, and she seemed to understand something in her heart .

"It seems that I want to change myself and try to get as much favor from the master as possible!"

Xiao Xun'er made up her mind, she felt that Lingyou had many things worth learning.


The next moment, Xiao Xun'er smiled tenderly, stretched out her jade hand and put it on the back of Chenfeng's hand, lowered her voice, and said slowly: "Master, you are so kind! Sending Lingyou to be my companion, I really am so happy!"

"Just be happy, during this time, Lingyou will stay here to accompany you!"

Feeling the smoothness from the back of his hand, Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

"Okay, now that we are approaching the imperial capital, I should go out!" Chen Feng continued, and then put Lingyou in Xiao Xun'er's hands.

Hearing that Chen Feng was leaving, Xiao Xun'er looked affectionately, and said softly: "Master, you have time to come and see Xun'er, Xun'er will miss you!"

"Don't worry, the master will come to see you soon!"

Looking at Xiao Xun'er's charming eyes and slightly twisting willow waist when he spoke, Chen Feng felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. Now Xiao Xun'er has finally achieved the effect of training.

"Ding, it is detected that Yunyun is pregnant, reward the host with a big gift bag!"

"Ding, may the host open the big gift bag?"

Just when Chenfeng was about to leave the small world, a system notification sound suddenly sounded in his mind.

"The teacher is pregnant!"

Hearing the notification sound from the system, Chenfeng was a little stunned, but what followed was a burst of surprise.

Originally, the little doctor was pregnant so quickly, but there was no news from Yun Yun for a long time. Chen Feng once thought that he hadn't planted it that day, but now that he has recovered, with the system's reminder, the matter of Yun Yun's pregnancy is a certainty up.

"Perhaps it's because the teacher's cultivation level is relatively high, and the pregnancy has been delayed for so long!"

Chen Feng murmured in his heart, in the Dou Qi Continent, the higher the cultivation level, the more difficult it is to conceive. Otherwise, Gu Yuan, the patriarch of the ancient clan, would not have only a few children for more than a thousand years .

"I don't know what kind of treasure will be rewarded this time?"

The next moment, Chenfeng directly said to the system silently in his heart: "System, open the gift bag!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Heavenly Rank Kung Fu, Heavenly Snake Art!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the hidden spirit stone!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the sixth-order flying monster Purple Demon Vulture!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a primary puppet pill!"

"The above items have all been distributed to the system space, please pay attention to the host to check!"

Hearing this series of prompts, Chenfeng became even more excited.

The next moment, he didn't care about the existence of Xiao Xun'er and Lingyou beside him, and directly sank his mind into the system space, checking the items he had just obtained.

The first item is a cyan scroll, exuding some ancient flavor.

Heavenly Snake Jue: Heaven-level elementary skills, the skills cultivated by the ancient Heavenly Snakes, if practiced to the extreme, there is a chance to evolve into the legendary ancient Heavenly Snakes.

"It's actually a skill practiced by the ancient Heavenly Snake Clan!"

Seeing the introduction of this cyan scroll, Chen Feng was startled.

According to Chen Feng's knowledge, the ancient Sky Snake clan is one of the top monster bloodlines in the Douqi Continent, almost on an equal footing with top monsters like Taixu Gulong and Ancient Sky Phoenix.

That is a monster with a ninth-order bloodline.

Unexpectedly, this volume of Heavenly Snake Art, practiced to the extreme, has the opportunity to evolve a low-level monster into a ninth-level monster.

Chen Feng possessed a top-level kung fu technique like Tun Yuan Jue, so he was naturally not interested in other common heaven-level kung fu skills.

This volume of Heavenly Snake Art is obviously more suitable for the cultivation of those snake people's bloodlines.

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly thought of Qing Lin who had the mixed blood of snake man and human race, and Queen Medusa in the desert. Both of them, Chen Feng planned to be included in the palace in the future. The Sky Snake Art rewarded them for cultivation, and it can be regarded as a perfect use of this reward.

The next second item is a transparent diamond-shaped spar the size of a grape.

Hidden Spirit Stone: By fusing with this stone, one can freely hide one's own cultivation and soul fluctuations...

"This works well!"

After seeing the effect of this hidden spirit stone, Chenfeng was very satisfied. Simply put, this hidden spirit stone is to adjust it at will within the range of his own cultivation, aura and soul fluctuations, so that the other party can see that he only has a big fight. Master cultivation base hides the aura of cultivation until the stage of a big fighter, and can even adjust it to zero without revealing any aura of cultivation. The same is true for soul fluctuations. In this way, it can easily avoid the detection of some strong people.

"Recently, the progress of my cultivation has indeed been shocking. With this hidden spirit stone, I don't have to worry about causing too much sensation!"

Chen Feng immediately thought of the usefulness of the hidden spirit stone.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Feng's eyes rested on a big guy in the system space, a purple bird with a wingspan of tens of feet.

This purple magic vulture has the same level as the purple electric mink and the ghost flame cat, and has reached the sixth-level advanced level. However, it is very different from the purple electric marten and the ghost flame cat. It is huge in size and has a natural flying ability. Warcraft, in the future, Chenfeng will not have to worry about traveling long distances like before.

Riding a sixth-order flying monster, this is where there are many strong people in Zhongzhou, and not many people can be so impressive.

Chenfeng was very familiar with the last item. Back then, he controlled Xiao Xun'er's bodyguard Ling Ying by relying on this junior puppet pill.

"Who should this elementary puppet pill be used for? There are only a few people who have strengthened the empire's cultivation base and are in the Douhuang realm. Jiaxingtian of the royal family, the president of the alchemist guild, Haibodong the ice emperor..."

Looking at this junior puppet pill, Chenfeng was already thinking about who he should reward it to. Among them, the guardian of the royal family was the No. 1 choice he considered, because if there was a conflict with the royal family in the future, Controlling the extra days will undoubtedly reduce many problems.

(End of this chapter)

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