Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 130 Furukawa Wants to Borrow Different Fire 1?

Chapter 130 Furukawa wants to use the strange fire?
"System, integrate the hidden spirit stone!"

Withdrew his mind from the system space, and Chenfeng immediately chanted silently to the system.

Immediately, a white light burst out from the system space and entered Chenfeng's body.

As the hidden spirit stone merged into his body, Chenfeng could faintly feel that there was an invisible and intangible film on the surface of his body.

With a thought, Chen Feng hid his cultivation at the level of a Seven-Star Fighting Master. Although this kind of cultivation would still surprise many people, it was still much smaller than the sensation caused by his real cultivation of the Seven-Star Fighting Spirit.

"Master, what's wrong with you, why did your breath become so weak all of a sudden?"

On Xiao Xun'er's side, seeing some changes in Chenfeng's body after he stopped in place, he couldn't help asking with some concern.

"It's okay, I should go!"

Chenfeng shook his head slightly. He didn't explain much, but left the small world directly. At this time, the flying monster he was riding in had just landed in the extra capital.

Back in the imperial capital, the first thing Chenfeng did was to rush back to the Mittel family and meet Nalan Yanran.

Now, Nalan Yanran is his formally married wife, and she is still pregnant with his child, leaving her alone at home for more than a month, Chenfeng still misses her very much.


Soon, Chenfeng returned to the manor where the Mittel family lived, in his own quiet courtyard.

Walking into the small courtyard, Chenfeng saw Nalan Yanran walking along with two maids. At this time, Nalan Yanran, wearing an elegant white dress, could no longer cover her slightly bulging belly, and her face seemed to have faded. It's a little green and a little more mature.

"Yan Ran, I'm back!"

Morrowind shouted from the courtyard entrance.


Hearing the sound, Nalan Yanran turned her head to look, and her face suddenly showed surprise. At first, she wanted to run to embrace Chenfeng, but suddenly thought of the fetus in her womb, and her pace slowed down.

Chen Feng quickly came to Nalan Yanran's side and held her slender hand.

At that moment, the two maids who were following Nalan Yanran walked away tactfully after saluting Chenfeng.

As the saying goes, Xiaobiesheng is newly married, Nalan Yanran and Chenfeng have been separated for more than a month this time, both of them miss each other very much, and now they meet, naturally they have a lot to say.

"Husband, you are finally back!"

Nalan Yanran opened her arms and threw herself into Chenfeng's arms, sniffing the breath of Chenfeng greedily.

"Yanran, let me touch, is the child in your belly naughty..."

Chen Feng's palm gently stroked Nalan Yanran's bulging belly, and said softly.

"I hate it, how could it be so fast..." Nalan Yanran said with a charming smile.

After the two came to the room to talk, Nalan Yanran suddenly asked, "Husband, where have you been for more than a month? Master sent someone to look for you yesterday and wants you to go back as soon as possible!"

"Master sent someone to look for me? Then I will go back to the sect in two days!" Hearing what Nalan Yanran said, Chenfeng nodded, and then said with a smile: "These two days, I will accompany you well !"

Immediately afterwards, the two people in the room hugged each other and lay down.


Two days later, Chen Feng left the Mittel family early in the morning and walked towards the Misty Cloud Sect.

"The teacher asked me to go back to the sect this time. Could it be that Furukawa has helped her refine the amethyst pill?"

Coming to the huge square in front of the Yunlan Sect's main hall, Chen Feng guessed in his mind why Yun Yun summoned him this time.

"Young Sect Master is back!"

"I have seen the Young Sect Master!"

After being canonized as the Young Sect Master, Chen Feng had a very high status in the Misty Cloud Sect, so many disciples of the Misty Yun Sect respectfully saluted him along the way.

Soon, Chen Feng walked into the main hall of the sect, and Yun Yun happened to be in the hall at this moment.

Today's Yun Yun is wearing a tight-fitting brocade robe inlaid with gold and purple. Three thousand blue silks are drawn into the shape of a phoenix singing. She reveals an undisguised nobility, a beautiful and peaceful face, just like a round of clear springs in a secluded mountain. When people are in awe because of their noble status, they can't help but feel a little charming.

Now is not the time in the Warcraft Mountains, so after Chen Feng took a look, he quickly withdrew his direct gaze.

"Teacher, I'm back!"

Chen Feng stood at the entrance of the main hall and shouted loudly.

"Feng'er, what is your cultivation?"

On Yun Yun's side, the first time she saw Chen Feng, she frowned slightly, and she had obviously sensed the aura of the Seven Star Great Fighter exuding from Chen Feng.

"Teacher, this disciple has been cultivating hard for more than a month, and his cultivation level has improved a little!" Hearing Yun Yun's words, Chen Feng replied with a smile.

"Practice hard and make some progress?"

"In more than a month, the cultivation base has advanced from a three-star fighter to a seven-star fighter, which is too fast... It seems that Feng'er has practiced the double cultivation method, Longfeng Jue, but Yanran is now Pregnant, who did Feng'er find for training?"

"Feng'er is practicing that kind of skill, and his cultivation base is progressing faster and faster. The foundation may not be stable, which will affect his future practice. It seems that the Purple Crystal Pill must be refined as soon as possible, but..."

Listening to Chen Feng's casual answer, Yun Yun's mind was full of thoughts, and her eyebrows were slightly frowned.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

"This time, isn't there something to call Feng'er back?"

Seeing the expression on Yun Yun's face, Chen Feng asked with some concern.

"Feng'er, I came back this time because of the Amethyst Pill!" Yun Yun said softly after hesitating for a while.

"Amethyst Pill, teacher, has Elder Furukawa already refined Amethyst Pill?"


Yun Yun shook her head, then asked: "Feng'er, is there a strange fire on your body?"

How could the teacher know?

Hearing Yun Yun's words, Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, but soon he was relieved. He used the different fire to cure Nalan Jie's branding poison in Nalan's family, and some members of the Nalan family should know that he has the different fire. It is also very reasonable for it to be heard by Yun Yun, the head of the Yunlan Sect.

"Teacher, I do possess a strange fire!" Chen Feng nodded.

"Elder Furukawa also knew about your possession of the strange fire. This time, Master asked him to help refine the Amethyst Pill, and he changed a new condition!" Yun Yun continued.

"Could it be that the new conditions are related to the strange fire I possess?"

Hearing this, Chen Feng couldn't help but also frowned.

"Feng'er, you guessed it right, the new request made by Elder Gu He wants to borrow your strange fire for a period of time, only if you agree to lend him the strange fire, he will help refine the purple crystal pill for the teacher! " Yun Yun explained.

(End of this chapter)

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