Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 132 Heading to Mocheng, Charming Xiao Xun'er!

Chapter 132 Heading to Mocheng, Charming Xiao Xun'er!
Of course, Chenfeng went to the desert this time not only to bring back Haibodong, but also for Qinglin in the desert and the aloof Queen Medusa.

Chen Feng had been thinking about Qinglin and Queen Medusa for a long time, and this time, they finally met soon.

"Teacher, I'm leaving now!"

After Chen Feng and Yun Yun bid farewell, they went directly down the mountain.

On the side of Pill King Guhe, Chenfeng didn't bother him this time.

Furukawa, because of the attachment to the strange fire in his heart, proposed such a reward for refining medicine. Such a thing as reward for refining medicine is a common thing for some alchemists. Of course, those who ask them to refine medicine People can also refuse, or negotiate further.

Now that Chenfeng has the pill formula, just let Yaochen refine the Purple Crystal Pill, so there is nothing wrong with Furukawa.

However, if after this incident, Gu He dared to have any ideas about Chenfeng, or had any crooked ideas, Chenfeng would definitely kill him without hesitation.


Before going to the desert, Chen Feng went back home and explained that Nalan Yanran was going out.

After that, Chenfeng left the imperial capital and headed towards the eastern border area of ​​the Jiajia Empire.

"Purple Demon Vulture, come out!"

After a distance from the imperial capital, Chenfeng finally extracted the flying mount rewarded by the system.

The feeling of stepping on the back of a sixth-level flying monster is completely different from the ordinary flying monster used for transportation. Not only is the speed many times faster, but it is also extremely free.

"Yaochen, take a look at this volume of pill formula, and refine the pill as soon as possible!"

After glancing at the scenery below, Chenfeng had a thought and communicated with Yaochen's soul in the soul streamer.

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing Chenfeng's order, Yaochen's soul quickly floated out from the soul streamer, and then picked up the pill that Chenfeng handed over to study.

"Master, although this elixir is a sixth-grade elixir, it is left over from ancient times. Its effect is far beyond that of ordinary sixth-grade elixir!"

After Yao Chen saw the pill formula, he couldn't help admiring it.

"How long will it take you to refine it?" Chenfeng asked.

"in three days!"

Yao Chen said very confidently.

"Okay, then you can refine it now!" Hearing Yao Chen's answer, Chen Feng nodded, and then handed the materials such as the Purple Spirit Crystal to Yao Chen.

And the next moment, he directly entered the small world, intending to visit Xiao Xun'er.


In the small world, when Xiao Xun'er got along with Lingyou, some behaviors became more and more similar to Lingyou, especially her voice, which became full of charm.

"Master, you are here! Xun'er misses you so much!"

Seeing Chen Feng appearing, Xiao Xun'er, who was only wearing a thin purple nightgown, immediately twisted her body and approached, and then directly snuggled her delicate body into Chen Feng's arms.

Seeing the once pure and pure girl now sticking to her body and acting like a baby, Chen Feng felt a little excited.

Xiao Xun'er in this posture, combined with her beautiful face, is simply a combination of purity and charm, with a unique charm.

Under Xiao Xun'er's considerate care, Chenfeng's trip to the desert this time can be said to be extremely comfortable.

Soon, more than two days passed, and the Purple Demon Vulture had already carried Chen Feng and others to the eastern border area of ​​the Jiajia Empire.

"Master, this subordinate has already refined the Purple Crystal Pill! The quality of this pill has reached the peak of the sixth rank!"

Yao Chen respectfully presented the refined Amethyst Pill to Chen Feng.

"That's right, the elixir of the pinnacle of the sixth rank has been refined so quickly!"

Looking at the round purple crystal-shaped pill in the exquisite wooden box, Chen Feng smiled and nodded. Having Yaochen as a refining tool makes him feel a lot easier.

Putting away the Purple Crystal Pill, Chen Feng looked down. At this moment, the scenery on the ground was completely different from when he came.

Below is a golden-yellow desert with no end in sight. As the few people gradually went deeper into the desert, waves of heat waved towards them.

"Master, are we now in the Tagore Desert?"

Looking at such a scene, Xiao Xun'er asked curiously.

"Well, this is the Tagore Desert!" Chenfeng nodded, and then picked up a map to check.

"Is it really the Tagore Desert? I remember, Xiao Ding, Brother Xiao Li seems to have formed some kind of mercenary group here..."

Xiao Xun'er couldn't help flashing some memories, but it was just a flashback, and she didn't have any other complicated thoughts.

On Chenfeng's side, after looking at the map, they stared at a loess city standing in the distance in the golden desert.

"This is it! Mocheng!"

After confirming that the loess city was the desert city he was looking for, Chen Feng quickly brought Xiao Xun'er and the Purple Demon Vulture into the small world together, and Yao Chen's soul also entered the soul streamer.

At the same time, a pair of huge silver wings appeared behind Chen Feng.

Vibrating the silver wings, Chen Feng's figure slowly landed towards the ground. When he reached the loess city and was still several hundred meters away, his flying speed gradually slowed down. His body trembled slightly, and the thunder behind him The wings contracted extremely quickly, and finally turned into two mysterious runes.

The body turned over in mid-air, and Chen Feng's feet stood firmly on the ground.

Perhaps due to the proximity to the desert, the weather here is quite dry and hot. The scorching sun swayed down from the sky, baking the ground under your feet until it emitted a smoky heat.

The hot air rose slowly, causing people's vision to appear distorted and blurred.

Chen Feng looked up, then walked slowly towards the loess city that was not far away.

Gradually approaching the city, there are more and more passers-by around, and most of these passers-by are men with bare arms, with dark skin and lean skin. Although the woman's skin is also slightly dark, it has a somewhat sexy bronze color.

The women here are not as reserved and shy as the women in the empire. A tight-fitting leather jacket just barely covers the breasts and the area below them, while those slender waists are boldly exposed. , the slender and tight thighs are also only wrapped by some short skirts or shorts. When walking, the waist twists and turns like a water snake, which does not have a charming charm and style.

Along the way, Chenfeng can be regarded as a feast for the eyes, and experienced a lot of exotic women.

(End of this chapter)

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