Chapter 133: Ice Emperor Haibodong!
At the gate of Mocheng, more than a dozen soldiers in armor were holding spears and yelling at the passers-by entering the city to pay the city entrance tax.

Perhaps because it is close to the border and close to the snake people, the defense here is much stricter than that of ordinary large cities.

Moreover, because of the hot weather, the soldiers guarding here were also a little irritable by the hot weather, shouting and cursing unceremoniously, constantly urging the passers-by at the city gate.

Chenfeng's clothes, at first glance, make people feel very luxurious, and they are a bit out of place with the crowd here, and combined with his superior temperament and faint strong aura, some guards paid attention to him early on. arrive.

Therefore, when Chen Feng approached the city gate, these soldiers did not dare to charge him an entry fee, but all showed obsequious smiles.

"Young master, are you going to enter the city?" A soldier greeted Chenfeng with a smile.


Chen Feng didn't stop in his footsteps, he only glanced at the guards, and walked towards the city on his own.

Slowly walking out of the somewhat dim passageway of the city wall, Chenfeng's eyes lighted up slightly, and urban buildings with unique desert characteristics appeared in the field of vision, and the strange-looking houses and buildings opened Chenfeng's eyes a little. vision.

"If I remember correctly, Ice Emperor Haibodong should have opened a map shop called "Gutu" in this city!"

Standing on the street, Chen Feng scanned the busy street with his gaze. After a while, he directly approached a passerby and asked about the specific location of the shop named "Gutu".

"Master, you are going to Gutu, that is a map shop run by an old guy, just go straight there, then turn right..."

The passers-by caught by Chenfeng saw Chenfeng's luxurious attire, and did not refuse, but respectfully pointed out the direction for Chenfeng.

"Reward you!"

Chen Feng threw a small bag of gold coins to the passer-by who showed the way, and then walked towards the place he just mentioned.

"It's actually all gold coins... Thank you, young master, for the reward!"

Opening the bag and seeing the dazzling gold coins inside, the passer-by was overjoyed and thanked Chen Feng who had already gone away.


After arriving in Mocheng, Chenfeng didn't use hidden spirit stones to hide his aura. The aura of the eight-star Dou Ling expert on his body would frighten some passers-by from time to time.

Not long after walking, the map shop named "Gutu" appeared in Chenfeng's sight.

This shop is not as luxurious and ostentatious as other shops, it looks faintly a little quaint.

"It's here!"

Chen Feng pondered in his heart, and then strode into the shop.

The interior of the shop is not too spacious, and the faint light of the two moonstones illuminates the shop quite brightly.

His eyes scanned the inside of the store, and there were not many people who came to buy maps inside, and it looked deserted.

Chen Feng's gaze focused on an old man behind the counter who was carefully making a map with his head bowed. This old man was obviously quite old, but although he had gray hair all over his head, the man holding the black drawing pen The dry palm is still strong and strong.

"Master, the old guy in this shop is not as simple as it looks on the surface. According to my detection, the real strength of this old guy should be at the level of the Douhuang. However, he seems to be suppressed by some strange force. The strength in his body, Now it is only about the strength of Dou Ling!"

Just as Chen Feng focused his eyes on the white-haired old man behind the counter, the Yaochen soul in the soul streamer sent a reminder to Chen Feng.

"Well, I know all of this!"

Hearing Yao Chen's reminder, Chen Feng nodded lightly. Not only did he know that the old man in front of him had the Dou Huang cultivation level, but he also knew his specific identity.

The next moment, Chen Feng walked directly to the counter, and his eyes pretended to scan the large number of maps on the counter.

Perhaps sensing the aura of Chen Feng's cultivation, the old man who had been concentrating on drawing the map suddenly stopped, and slowly raised his head, revealing an old face.

From the left cheek to the corner of the eye of this old face, there is a frightening scar. Although the old man's eyes are quite peaceful, this scar still makes him faintly visibly fierce.

At Chenfeng's seemingly fifteen or sixteen years old, it's hard not to attract people's attention because of his aura of high-level Dou Ling cultivation.

The old man raised his head, and there was a strange wave in his gaze towards Chen Feng.

"Senior...can you choose the best map for me to go to the desert?"

Looking at the eyes of the old man, Chen Feng asked quietly.

Although Chenfeng had already confirmed that the person in front of him was the Ice Emperor Haibodong, he didn't point it out directly.

After all, the Ice Emperor Haibodong has disappeared for so many years, and even some senior members of the Mittel family may not be able to recognize him. If Chenfeng, who was born in the last ten years, recognized him, wouldn't it be It seemed suspicious.


As Chen Feng's voice fell, the look in the old man's eyes was rather complicated.

Under his observation, Chen Feng's cultivation had clearly reached the level of a high-level Dou Ling. It was obvious that calling him senior just now was not just a respectful title simply out of respect for the old man.

"I'm just a bad old man, I don't deserve the title of senior!"

The old man said something plainly, then lowered his head slightly, and carefully rummaged through the map on the counter.

"Hehe, senior may have been a Douhuang-level powerhouse, isn't it normal for me to call you senior?" Chen Feng also smiled flatly.

However, as Chenfeng's plain voice fell, the white-haired old man inside the counter was obviously startled, and the map he was holding was torn into pieces by him.

The old man raised his head and stared at Chen Feng, a faint chill appeared in his cloudy pupils.

"Who are you?"

Staring at Chen Feng for a while, the old man's eyes suddenly became sharp.

His palm tapped somewhere on the table, and the open door closed with a bang. Immediately, a cold and tyrannical aura spread from the old man's body, towards Chenfeng The shock came.

At this moment, a powerful aura surged from Chenfeng's body, offsetting the oppression of the old man's aura.

"Senior, don't get me wrong. I don't know you. It's just that my natural perception is a bit weird. I have a deep feeling for some energy around me. Earlier, I just detected the majestic energy in Senior's body, so..."

Looking at the old man who reacted so violently, Chen Feng spread his hands and said with a smile.

Hearing Chen Feng's explanation, the old man's expression became relaxed. He stared at Chen Feng's face carefully for a while again, and then sighed: "Young man, at your age, you have reached the heights. With the cultivation of Jie Dou Ling, the old man can be regarded as the only one I have seen in my life... Presumably, you are not a member of the overweight empire, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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