Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 134 The Ice Emperor's Surprise, Be Honest!

Chapter 134 The Ice Emperor's Surprise, Be Honest!

In the impression of this old man, in the Jiajia Empire, even among the previous successors of the Yunlan Sect, or the successors of the royal family, and the children of several other big families, no one has ever been able to reach the heights at the age of fifteen or sixteen like Chenfeng. Tier Dou Ling's cultivation base.

That's why the old man felt that a talented young man like Chenfeng probably came from some big forces outside of the Jiajia Empire.

"Senior, you guessed wrong!"

Hearing the old man's speculation, Chenfeng shook his head, and said with a light smile, "My junior, Mittel~Chenfeng, comes from the Mittel family, one of the three major families in the Jiama Empire!"

"The Mittel family!"

As Chen Feng's voice fell, the eyelids of the white-haired old man jumped violently, and the expression on his face looked very excited.

After a while, the old man's gaze focused on Chen Feng's face again, and he asked, "Are you really from the Mittel family?"

"Naturally it is true, this is my family token..."

Chen Feng nodded with certainty, then took out a bronze medal from his body and waved it in front of Hai Bodong.

The bronze medal in Chenfeng's hand can only be held by some important members of the Miter family. Therefore, Hai Bodong recognized it at a glance, and he was sure that Chenfeng was not lying.

"Senior, you seem to be a little excited after hearing me mention the Mittel family. Could it be that you have some connection with my Mittel family?" Seeing Hai Bodong staring at the bronze medal in his hand, Chen Feng asked.

"Haha, it's more than Yuanyuan, little guy, according to your seniority, you should call me the Supreme Elder!" Hai Bodong laughed loudly. Dong immediately lowered his guard.

"Elder Taishang?"

Chen Feng frowned deliberately.

"Little guy, don't doubt it, let's see what this is?"

As Hai Bodong was talking, he took out a black sign. This sign was no stranger to Chenfeng, and only the head of the Mittel family and several other heavyweight elders could hold this sign.

"Elder Taishang, you used to be Douhuang cultivation level...Could it be, senior, you are the Ice Emperor?" Chen Feng pretended to be surprised.

"Haha, it seems that the old man's name has not been wiped out with time, you have even heard of it..."

Looking at the astonished expression on Chen Feng's face, Hai Bodong smiled proudly.

"Chenfeng has met the Supreme Elder!"

After the two of them revealed their identities to each other, Chenfeng did not spare a single courtesy. No matter what, this Hai Bodong was a family senior that even his grandfather respected.

"Haha, no need to be polite!"

"I never thought that the Mittel family could produce a genius like you!"

Hai Bodong waved his hand, looking at Chenfeng as if looking at a treasure.

"Elder Supreme, you used to be one of the top ten powerhouses in the empire, why are you in this state now?"

Chen Feng asked with doubts on his face.

Hearing this, Hai Bodong shook his head bitterly, and sighed: "Back then, after participating in the powerhouse conference among the empires, I came to the Tagore Desert. However, it attracted the pursuit of Queen Medusa, the emperor of the snake tribe in the desert. You must know that Queen Medusa is the top powerhouse among fighting emperors. If it weren't for the snake If there is only one such strong man in the human race, maybe they have already started attacking the human empire."

"In that battle, I was defeated by her without any surprise. Although I took the opportunity to escape afterwards, I was hit by her Snake Sealing Curse. Not only did my body age rapidly, but even my strength was sealed away. Fighting spirit level." Hai Bodong sighed: "For so many years, I have been hiding here to study the secrets of that fragmented map, hoping to get something that can lift the seal, but this fragmented map is just a small part of the entire map. Part, no matter how experienced I am, I can't crack it."

"It turns out that your strength was sealed by the Queen Medusa, the Supreme Elder... Then what is the residual picture that the Supreme Elder said, and it is worth studying for so many years?" Chen Feng pretended to be surprised.

Chenfeng naturally knows the residual map Haibodong mentioned, it is a copy of the Jinglian Yaohuo treasure map, it can be regarded as a treasure, but Chenfeng has no interest in it for the time being, otherwise, When he went to the Warcraft Mountains before, he would go to find the treasure in the cave.

The reason why Chenfeng is not interested in this fragmentary map is because the first two fragmentary maps are easy to get together, but the whereabouts of the last one is still unknown. If any one is missing, this fragmentary map is useless.

Besides, there are still more than ten years before the demon fire will come into the world. Maybe at that time, Chenfeng will no longer need the back trick left by the demon sage of Jinglian to subdue the demon fire of Jinglian.

On Haibodong's side, when he heard Chen Feng's words, he walked out of the counter without any hesitation, came to a wooden shelf at the corner of the store, and pulled out a slap from a pile of abandoned maps on the wooden shelf. Big broken picture.

"This is the remnant map I got back then!"

Hai Bodong put the remnant picture in his palm and presented it in front of Chen Feng. After learning of Chen Feng's identity, he didn't have the slightest precaution against Chen Feng, and told all about the remnant picture. , and put it in front of Chenfeng at this moment.

"This remnant image doesn't look like anything special?" Chen Feng just glanced at it, then looked away, showing a completely disinterested look.

"Master, this remnant image is not simple. It is made of a special material with extremely ancient lines. I guess, it is very likely..."

"To shut up!"

At this moment, Yaochen's soul in the soul streamer seemed unusual when he saw the remnant picture, and hurriedly reminded Chenfeng, but before he could finish speaking, Chenfeng stopped him.

"Perhaps, in the end, it is just an ordinary and useless remnant image!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Hai Bodong sighed, and immediately put away the residual map in his hand.

After decades of research, without any gains, no matter who it is, there will be a sense of emptiness in the heart.

"Elder Supreme, based on your achievements back then, living in this remote place is really not in line with your status. Also, is there really no way to break Queen Medusa's seal?" Chen Feng continued. asked.

"Queen Medusa's seal is not unbreakable... During the past few decades, I have obtained a prescription that can break the seal. As long as I refine the elixir mentioned above, I can recover my strength." Hai Bodong said in a deep voice: "It's just that the last medicinal material, Sand Mandala, and an alchemist who can refine sixth-grade elixirs are still missing!"

(End of this chapter)

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