Chapter 139 Take Qinglin away!

"In this way, I won't have to go to the Motie Mercenary Corps again!" Chen Feng thought to himself.

At this moment, Xu Guang, the city lord, raised his wine glass and said loudly to all the guests: "Everyone, today's banquet is specially for the seniors to clean up the dust. The cultivation of the seniors has already reached the realm of fighting kings, so I respect you. Come, let us toast to the seniors together!"

As Xu Guang's voice fell, the guests in the venue stood up one after another, raised their wine glasses and pointed in the direction of Chenfeng.

So many people toasted to him together, Chenfeng didn't refuse.

"Drink together!"

He got up slowly, had a drink with everyone, and then smiled and said to the people below: "Everyone, in fact, what City Lord Xu Guang said just now is a bit of a misunderstanding. I am not a strong fighter. The reason why I can fly is because I practice A volume of flying fighting skills!"


"It turns out that this person is not a fighting king!"

"Let me just say, how can there be such a young fighting king and strong man, so he has practiced flying fighting skills!"

"This is also very powerful. Things like flying fighting skills are rare and hard to come by. There are not a few people who have practiced flying fighting skills in the entire Overweight Empire!"

"Yeah, flying fighting skills are indeed extremely precious, I don't know where this young man came from!"

As Chenfeng's words fell, there was an uproar in the arena. Many people showed surprise on their faces, and voices of discussion quietly sounded out, but some people were not surprised. As expected.

On the side of Rob, the head of the Sand Mercenary Corps, after hearing Chen Feng admit that he is not a Dou Wang powerhouse, he was relieved immediately, and the gloom on his face gradually dissipated.

"Since this person is not a fighting king, then the matter during the day can be easily resolved!"

Rob spied in his heart, in his eyes, at Chen Feng's age, maybe he was just a great fighter, only a few stars higher than him.

The next moment, Rob picked up the wine glass that the maid beside him had just poured, and walked straight towards Chenfeng.

"My lord, what happened during the day is that my Rob's subordinates have blind eyes and offended you. I have already reprimanded them. Rob hereby apologizes to you on behalf of them!"

Rob picked up his wine glass and said in a very sincere voice.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing Rob's sincere apology, Chenfeng sneered.

Originally, if Rob could severely punish Mo Xing and those people, or deal with them directly, his apology today is acceptable to Chenfeng, but now he just wants to fool them with just a few words, and it is obvious that he will not Take Chenfeng's words to heart.

"Since those people have blind eyes, why do you keep their eyes?" Chen Feng said coldly.

Hearing this, Rob's complexion suddenly became a little ugly.

There were many respectable people in Shimo City watching, Chenfeng's behavior did not save him face at all.

The guests in the venue also fell silent, staring closely at Rob and Chenfeng.

Rob, who had a hot face on his face, got a little hot at the moment, and shouted angrily at Chenfeng: "My lord, I, Rob, is also a prominent figure in Stone Desert City after all, and I have lowered my posture today. Don't bully others too much!"

"This Rob is really looking for death. Do you think that this lord is either a fighting king or he can provoke?"

Seeing Rob's words like this, City Lord Xu Guang looked at Rob as if he was looking at a dead person. He was the only one present who knew the strength of Chenfeng, and it was unfathomable. level.

At this moment, the other guests present had the idea of ​​watching a show, wanting to see how Chenfeng would handle this matter.

"You are too deceitful, what can you do?"

Just when the idea was born in everyone's mind, Chen Feng's aura burst out suddenly.

Then, from his palm, a silver lightning arc shot out rapidly, and under Rob's horrified gaze, it instantly hit his chest.


Struck by this lightning arc, the clothes on Rob's chest exploded together with a large piece of flesh and blood, and his whole body was also thrown backwards by this huge energy impact, smashing several tables in succession before stopping.

"This man's strength is so strong, Rob's strength has reached the level of a great fighter, and he can't hold a single move!"

"Looking at the aura he exuded just now, even if he's not a Dou Wang, he's definitely a Dou Ling."

This sudden incident made many people see the power of Chenfeng, and at the same time, some guests and female relatives in the crowd were frightened, and the scene seemed a little chaotic.

In the chaos, the young maid behind Xiao Ding and Xiao Li was bumped accidentally and fell to the ground.

When Xiao Ding and Xiao Li noticed it, Qinglin had already stood up again, pressing his left hand on his right wrist and kneading it gently.

"Qing Lin, did you get injured?"

Xiao Ding looked back and asked with concern.

Hearing Xiao Ding's words, Qinglin let go of the palm that was pressing on his wrist, shook his head, and said softly: "Head, I'm fine!"



The scene of Qing Lin falling was happened to be seen by Chen Feng.

The next moment, he frowned slightly and walked towards Qinglin.

The movement of Chenfeng has always been concerned by many guests, but what makes them puzzled is that at this moment, Chenfeng did not go to the place where Rob fell, but quickly came to the two regiments of the Desert Iron Mercenary Group. Long sitting table.

"What does this man want?"

Seeing Chen Feng approaching, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li were also surprised, and at the same time a little nervous. They had witnessed the super strength of Chen Feng's defeat of Rob just now, and they knew that Chen Feng was definitely not an existence that the two of them could provoke.

What made everyone feel strange was that Chen Feng stayed at the table of Xiao Ding and the two of them, but he did not talk to them. His eyes stayed on the maid who fell down just now.

"Tsk tsk!"

Taking a closer look, Chen Feng found that Qing Lin in front of her was only thirteen or fourteen years old, but perhaps because of the same blood of humans and snakes, her petite and exquisite body was as convex as it should be, and as concave as it should be. The plump plump, the slender slender.

Facing Chenfeng's gaze, Qinglin panicked and lowered his head timidly.

After Qing Lin lowered his head, Chen Feng turned his eyes to Xiao Ding and Xiao Li, and said very casually: "You two, I took this maid of yours away!"


Chen Feng's words made Xiao Ding and Xiao Li stunned at the same time. They didn't know why Chen Feng wanted to take Qinglin away, but they didn't dare to hesitate at the moment after seeing Chen Feng's powerful strength.

"If you like it, my lord, just take it away!" Xiao Ding replied respectfully to Chen Feng with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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