Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 140 Qinglin's Service, Changing Qinglin!

Chapter 140 Qinglin's Service, Changing Qinglin!

"What the hell is going on, why did this lord take me away?"

The conversation between Chenfeng and Xiao Ding made Qinglin, who was bowing her head, feel dazed for a while, she couldn't understand at all, why such a big man like Chenfeng would suddenly want to take her away.

On Chenfeng's side, after receiving the satisfactory reply from Xiao Ding and the others, he turned his attention to Qing Lin again, and said softly, "Come with me, they have already given you to me!"

After saying this, Chen Feng turned around and walked towards the gate of the courtyard.

Hearing this, Qing Lin raised his head timidly, and glanced at Xiao Ding and Xiao Li.

"Qinglin, you will follow this lord from now on, hurry up and follow, don't let your lord get angry!"

Seeing Qing Lin's helpless eyes, Xiao Ding said helplessly.


Hearing Xiao Ding's words, Qing Lin nodded silently, and then trotted behind Chen Feng, because she had always felt that a person like her did not deserve the right to choose.


Seeing Chen Feng leaving the courtyard with Qing Lin, Xiao Ding couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Xiao Li, who was sitting beside Xiao Ding, also had a complicated expression on his face at the moment.

Qinglin's background is very special, and he has always been discriminated against by others. If Xiao Ding and his brothers hadn't taken him in, it would be a question of whether he would be able to live until now. Both Ding and Ding felt a little annoyed, but facing the mighty Chen Feng, they had nothing to do.

"Second brother, let's go, there is no need to stay any longer for this banquet!"

Xiao Ding sighed softly, pulled Xiao Li and left the City Lord's Mansion directly.

The other guests didn't stay long, and left one after another, while the city lord Xu Guang ordered someone to quickly dispose of the body of Rob, the leader of the Sand Mercenary Group.

After this night, the situation among the mercenary groups in Stone Desert City will undergo earth-shaking changes, and the deeds of that strange and strong man will also spread throughout the city.


On Chenfeng's side, with Qing Lin, he walked straight into an extremely quiet and luxurious room in the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Qinglin, close the door!"

Coming to the middle of the luxurious room, Chen Feng sat at the table and gave instructions to Qing Lin who followed.

"Yes! Your lord!"

Hearing Chenfeng's words, Qinglin quickly put aside the complicated thoughts along the way, turned around and trotted to close the door.

Looking at Qinglin's petite figure, Chenfeng's eyes suddenly glanced at her waist that could not be held tightly. At this moment, Chenfeng suddenly felt that Qinglin's slender waist twisted, it was as if , like a beautiful snake twisting her waist charmingly, there is a strange temptation.


On Qinglin's side, after closing the door of the room, when he turned around, he noticed the strangeness in Chen Feng's gaze, and immediately lowered his head timidly, not daring to look directly at Chen Feng.

Qing Lin's timid appearance, like that frightened little rabbit, made Chen Feng feel a little pity in his heart.

After lowering his head for a while, perhaps because of the silence in the room, Qing Lin took the initiative to speak, and said in a timid voice, "My lord, do you want to rest now? If you want to rest, I will undress you!"


Chen Feng nodded slightly, then stood up.

Seeing this, Qing Lin walked forward slowly, reached out and gently unbuttoned Chen Feng's coat.

Being served by Qing Lin's delicate hands, Chen Feng was very satisfied.

On Qinglin's side, after putting on Chenfeng's coat, he said in a soft voice: "My lord, if you want to rest, I will leave first!"

"and many more!"

Just as Qing Lin finished speaking, Chen Feng shook his head.

Hearing Chenfeng's words, Qinglin's little heart suddenly thumped and beat non-stop.

In Qinglin's impression, some hostesses would let the maid serve the bed when they rest at night. Therefore, she was also thinking at this moment, whether Chenfeng was planning to let her serve the bed or something like that.

"What am I thinking, how can a lowly person like me..."

However, when this idea was just born in her mind, she immediately denied it.

Just when Qinglin was thinking wildly, Chenfeng suddenly said to her: "Qinglin, do you want to become stronger in the future and no longer be viewed with discrimination by others?"

"Become stronger...don't be discriminated against?"

Chenfeng's voice drifted into Qinglin's ears, and it seemed that there was a magical power that hit her deep in the heart, making her a little stunned.

The next moment, Qing Lin, who had reacted, looked at Chen Feng, and replied weakly: "I, can I..."

"Yes, as long as you want to become stronger, I can help you!" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"How can you help me, my lord?"

Hearing this, Qinglin asked with some expectation.

"You should still be wondering why I took you away from your previous master... From the time I saw you, I knew that you have the blood of a snake, and I also discovered that you have a very special physique !" Chenfeng explained: "That kind of physique is called Jade Snake Three-Hua Tong!"

"I have a special physique, Jade Snake Three Flower Eyes?"

Qinglin was full of doubts, and some inexplicable colors appeared on his lovely and delicate face.

At this moment, Chenfeng suddenly noticed that three very thin green dots suddenly appeared in Qinglin's pair of dark green pupils.

Looking at those green pupils, even Chen Feng felt lost for a moment.

"I know, you don't really believe what I'm telling you now, so how about it, I'll take you to a place, and you will know it when the time comes!"

Chen Feng came back to his senses and said softly.

After saying this, without waiting for Qing Lin to react, Chen Feng grabbed her little hand and walked out of the room.

As soon as he walked out of the room, Chenfeng let go of his hand, and then directly hugged Qinglin's small and seductive waist. At the same time, a pair of huge silver wings appeared behind him, leading them to the sky above.


It was the first time to fly to such a high sky, Qing Lin felt a little scared instinctively, hugging Chen Feng tightly with both arms and legs, not daring to open his eyes.

"Don't be afraid, look at it boldly!"

Feeling the soft and delicate body tightly attached to his body, Chen Feng chuckled, and immediately accelerated his speed again, flashing towards the east of Stone Desert City.

The silver light group appeared in the dark night sky, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"My lord, have you left?"

The city lord of Stone Desert City stood in front of a large hall, looking at the silver light group in the dark sky, and murmured in his heart.

"Wow, the scenery above the sky is so beautiful!"

High in the sky, after getting familiar with the feeling of flying, Qinglin finally opened his closed eyes and looked around. On his lovely face, there was some excited smile.

(End of this chapter)

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