Chapter 141 Taking You Underground!
"Qinglin, in the future, you can fly in this vast sky by yourself!"

Seeing the strange and seductive smile suddenly appearing on Qinglin's face, Chen Feng's hand around her slender waist gradually increased a little bit of strength, making that soft body lean against him tightly.

Chen Feng's action immediately made Qinglin's little face blush, revealing a touch of shyness.

Their current posture can be said to be very intimate, and they can feel each other's body temperature and heartbeat.

"My lord, I don't know your name yet?"

Qing Lin lowered her head, opened her small mouth slightly, and asked Chen Feng.

"My name is Chen Feng, you can call me Young Master from now on!" Chen Feng said softly.

"Alright, Master Morrowind!"

Qing Lin nodded, and replied softly, at this moment, she was not as cautious as before in front of Chen Feng.

Moreover, Qinglin felt that Chenfeng's attitude towards her was never like other people's, with discrimination and disgust, which made her feel very comfortable.

"Master Chenfeng, where are we going now?" Qing Lin looked towards the direction of Chenfeng and asked again.

"Take you to the ground!"

Chenfeng laughed.

"Underground? Isn't that..."

Hearing Chenfeng's reply, Qinglin was stunned for a moment. Obviously, she was a bit misunderstood. She once heard that the underground world is the place where people's souls gather after death.

Chenfeng didn't care about the change of Qinglin's expression. At this moment, while flying, he was communicating with Yaochen's soul in the soul streamer.

"Yao Chen, take a closer look and see where the strange fire's approximate location is!"

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing Chenfeng's order, Yaochen in the soul streamer immediately spread out his soul power to sense it carefully.

The place Chenfeng chose is not too far away from the magma area where Qinglian Earth Core Fire is located.

Therefore, on Yaochen's side, after careful induction, he discovered it in a short while.

"Master, go ten li ahead to the right, there is a very strong breath of strange fire in that area!" Yao Chen excitedly reported to Chen Feng, he did not expect that Chen Feng, who is such a prophet, would be able to judge the strange fire so directly What area is it probably in.

"Front right, that's the south-east part of Stone Desert City!"

Hearing the information reported by Yaochen, Chenfeng groaned in his heart, then quickly changed the direction of flight, and after flying for about ten miles, he stopped slowly and landed on the ground.

At this moment, in front of Chenfeng is a flat desert. The terrain here is extremely ordinary, without any features that can attract people's attention.

There are almost countless flat sandy lands like this in the vast desert.

After landing on the ground, Qinglin's hands and feet finally got off Chenfeng's body. She glanced around and asked weakly, "Master Chenfeng, do you really want to take me underground?"


Chen Feng nodded lightly, and said with a smile: "When you go underground, you will be able to discover your own abilities!"

Fortunately, Chenfeng has a handsome face and looks good when he smiles, Qinglin only thinks he is joking, otherwise, if a person who looks obscene and vicious smiles at someone in such a deserted place and says such Words, I'm afraid it will make people feel hairy.

"But isn't this a desert? How do we go underground? Do we have to dig up all the sand and soil? How long will it take!"

There were still many doubts on Qinglin's face.

"Don't worry, other people will do these things!"

"Yaochen, come out!"

Chen Feng laughed, and then directly ordered Yao Chen's soul to come out.

Hearing Chenfeng's order, Yaochen's soul quickly floated out of the soul streamer, and turned into an illusory figure two meters in front of Chenfeng.

"Ah, ghost!"

Seeing the phantom soul figure that suddenly appeared, Qing Lin was startled immediately, and her petite body quickly hid behind Chen Feng.

"Qinglin, don't be afraid, he is not a ghost... In this world, everyone has a soul, and only those with strong souls can leave their bodies without dying..." Looking at the frightened Qing Lin , Chenfeng casually explained.

Hearing Chenfeng's words, Qinglin slowly poked her head out from behind him, looking curiously at the illusory Yaochen soul.

"Master, do you have any orders?"

Yao Chen didn't care about Qing Lin's reaction at all. At this moment, he saluted Chen Feng respectfully and asked about the mission.

"Yao Chen, next, you need to open a passage leading to the underground magma!" Chen Feng ordered.

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing the order, Yaochen took action immediately without hesitation.

He rose into the air, his whole body filled with white flames, a huge energy suddenly condensed in the palm of his hand, and then shot a white energy column about the size of Zhang Xu toward a sand surface.


The white energy column bombarded the sand surface, and did not cause a big explosion. However, the moment the sand on the surface touched the white energy column, it was instantly melted, and in an instant, a deep hole formed there. Hole.

"This old man is so strong!"

Seeing the scene of Yaochen's attack, Qinglin's eyes widened, full of surprise.

She could feel that the strong aura emanating from Yaochen was ten times stronger than that of Chenfeng.

Under the watchful eyes of Chenfeng and Qinglin, after Yaochen opened up a passage more than 100 meters deep, he directly entered that passage and continued to open downwards.

About an hour later, Yaochen came out from the tunnel.

"Master, as you expected, underground magma appeared about a thousand meters underground!" Yao Chen said excitedly, "In that magma, I sensed a strong aura of strange fire!"

"very good!"

Hearing this news, Chenfeng was very satisfied.

Listening to the conversation between Yaochen and Chenfeng, Qinglin was a little dazed. For her, such things as strange fires were really appallingly cherished, and she basically only heard about such things in rumors.

"Let's go, let's go down!"

Chen Feng stretched out his hand, embraced Qing Lin in his arms again, and then directly cast the Thunder Wings, entering the passage opened by Yao Chen.

The passage opened up by Yao Chen's energy bombardment is very smooth, basically no stone protrudes from the cave wall.

Under the cold fire of Yaochen Bone Spirit, the pitch-black passage seemed to be lit up. Chenfeng moved down quickly with the green scales. As the diving distance increased, the surrounding temperature became higher and higher, but there was Qinglin didn't feel much discomfort from Chenfeng's grudge protection.

Soon after, Chenfeng, Qinglin, and Yaochen came to the end of this passage.

What appeared in front of their eyes was a huge crypt. In the crypt, fiery red magma flowed slowly in it. Occasionally, huge bubbles would emerge from the magma. But after a while, with a With a slight sound and a bang, it exploded, and hot magma shot out from it, as gorgeous as a fiery red firework.

(End of this chapter)

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