Chapter 142 Great Tonic!

Green land stared at the endless fiery red magma, Qinglin suddenly grabbed Chenfeng's hand, and reminded: "Master Chenfeng... there seems to be something hidden in this magma, its breath is a bit strong, it seems to be similar to the young master You're almost there!"

Perhaps it was stimulated by the environment here, Qinglin's strange physique caused her body to continuously release a somewhat chilly energy. At this moment, her little hand touching Chenfeng felt cold.

Hearing Qinglin's words, Chenfeng smiled slightly and said, "Qinglin, do you know why you can sense things under the magma?"

"Could it... have something to do with the kind of physique that the young master said?" Qinglin asked suspiciously.

"That's right, your green snake three-flower pupil physique makes your senses different from ordinary people! Especially the sense of snake creatures!"

Chen Feng nodded with a smile, and immediately took the blue scales and flew ten feet above the magma.

In the crypt, the temperature is terribly high, and the faint mist spit out by the magma bubbles is not only hot, but also contains a kind of fire poison. If ordinary people come here, it will definitely be dangerous, but on the side of Chenfeng, With the protection of the medicine dust, those fire poisons will be wiped out by the bone spirit's cold fire when they are just a foot away from them.

Flying in the air, Chenfeng felt the size of this crypt even more.

The magma flowing around has almost gathered here to form a huge magma lake. It is precisely because of the huge area of ​​magma that Chenfeng will let Yaochen dig a tunnel down after finding the approximate location.

Occasionally, with a wave of fiery air rushing in, a fiery red magma column will suddenly rush up in the magma lake, and every time at this time, the magma that was hugged by the morning wind will fly on top of the magma. Qinglin's heart skipped a beat with fright.

"Master Chenfeng, this place is so scary!"

Qinglin hugged Chenfeng tightly with both hands, and said very frightenedly, in her eyes, if it fell, even steel would be melted by the magma in an instant.

"It's okay, it won't fall!"

Chen Feng comforted Qinglin, and then looked at the magma again.

"Master Chenfeng, I sense that thing is approaching us quickly!"

Suddenly, Qinglin reminded her sharply.

As soon as Qinglin's scream fell, there was a muffled bang in the calm magma lake below, and countless fiery magma burst out suddenly at this moment.

While the lava was flying all over the sky, a huge mysterious creature suddenly rushed out of the magma, biting towards Chenfeng like lightning.

The mysterious creature broke through the magma and let out a sharp hiss, and shot towards the morning wind and green scales in mid-air. The random flying magma also stirred up the calm magma lake suddenly and violently, one after another magma The pillar of fire shoots up into the sky, which is extremely spectacular.

Seeing this scene, above the sky, Chen Feng flapped his wings behind his back, and with Qing Lin, he rose to a higher level again.

At this time, the two of them could clearly see that this mysterious creature that suddenly ran out of the magma was a snake-like magical beast.

Its body is extremely long, at least four or five feet long, and its whole body is fiery red. From a distance, it looks like a round piece of fire jade. On its body surface, palm-sized red scales are densely covered.

Moreover, this monster has two heads, where the slender neck forks, two ferocious heads, staring at huge diamond-shaped pupils, which are full of violent and bloodthirsty killing intent.

"It finally appeared..."

Seeing the two-headed fire spirit snake, Chenfeng didn't panic at all, he directly shouted at the soul of Yaochen who was already standing in front of him: "Yaochen, capture it alive!"


After receiving Chenfeng's order, Yaochen rushed over immediately.

At this moment, the neck of the two-headed fire spirit snake is gradually expanding, as if there is something about to spit it out.

Just as Yaochen's soul rushed up, the ferocious mouth of the double-headed fire spirit snake suddenly opened wide, and two huge lava columns composed entirely of magma and flames erupted like a volcanic eruption, viciously They shot towards Yaochen's soul and Chenfeng's side.

On Yaochen's side, the palm just stretched forward slightly, and suddenly, a strange invisible energy wave emanated from his palm, instantly forming an invisible energy shield in front of him.

A column of magma burst out, and when it was two feet in front of Yaochen, it suddenly exploded without warning. The scattered magma flowed down the air slowly, and finally turned the invisible energy cover into a fiery red color. color.


Seeing that the attack was blocked, anger appeared in the pupils of the double-headed fire spirit snake. Its figure emerged from the magma layer, and it seemed that its IQ was not low. It directly bypassed the invisible barrier just now, and once again pointed at Yaochen and Yaochen with its huge mouth. Chenfeng came biting here.


Seeing the movement of the two-headed fire spirit snake, Yaochen let out a loud shout, and without giving it any chance to react, he slapped his palm hard on its head, and suddenly, the hard fiery red scales burst unexpectedly When it opened, strands of bright red blood seeped out from the gaps in the scales, and finally dripped into the magma, turning into nothingness.

"Hiss, hiss!"

The head was suddenly hit hard, and the Fire Spirit Snake let out bursts of sharp hissing sounds, and its huge tail frantically flapped fiercely above the head.

The Fire Spirit Snake, which was violently churning in the magma, suddenly raised two huge heads, with huge diamond-shaped pupils, showing a bloodthirsty ferocity. A crimson flame burst out, and the flame gradually rose up, and after a while, it filled a small piece of heaven and earth below.


At a certain moment, the crimson flames all over the sky suddenly began to rotate rapidly. As the rotation intensified, the surrounding flames suddenly squirmed, and a dozen double-headed fire spirit snakes that were completely condensed by the flame energy suddenly appeared in the air. Among the flames.

The size of these ten double-headed fire spirit snakes is not much smaller than its own body. Dozens of huge pupils, suffused with ferocity, stared at Yaochen's soul. After circling each other for a while, they suddenly uttered a Neighing, sharp sound waves, echoing continuously in the crypt, extremely ear-piercing.

As the sound waves sounded, the dozen or so double-headed fire spirit snakes, which were completely made of hot flames, suddenly formed a flame formation, and then with a hot temperature enough to evaporate the air, they rushed towards Yaochen overwhelmingly. and go.

"Haha, this beast fire is a good tonic!"

Looking at the rushing red fire snake, Yaochen showed a touch of excitement on his face, and immediately, the white flames all over his body burst out, turning into a white wall of fire, welcoming the dozens of fire snakes.

As soon as the fire snake's head hit the white fire wall, half of it disappeared. Its flame energy was completely swallowed by the white flame.

(End of this chapter)

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