Chapter 143 Activating Physique!

Looking at the flames it emitted, it was completely swallowed by the illusory people in the air. In the huge pupils of the fire spirit snake, a very human shock and fear passed clearly. At this moment, it is very clear that this way Illusory people are not something it can resist.

The next moment, the two-headed fire spirit snake had the idea of ​​running away. Its huge body twisted, and its two heads pierced downwards, trying to dive into the magma and escape.

"Can you run?"

Watching the movement of the two-headed fire spirit snake, Yaochen had a sneer on his face. Chen Feng assigned him the task of catching the fire spirit snake alive, and it would be fine if it escaped.

As soon as the Fire Spirit Snake moved, Yao Chen took a step forward and came under one of the Fire Spirit Snake's heads, then quickly kicked it away.


Yaochen kicked down, and with the huge force, the head of the Fire Spirit Snake was almost separated from the body, and the huge body that dived was also stagnant, and then was brought to the top of the magma again by that force.

At this moment, Yao Chen quickly played out a mysterious seal formula, and an invisible wave appeared around the Fire Spirit Snake, forming a space cage, making it impossible to break free from it.

"The time has come!"

Seeing Yaochen's success, Chenfeng directly brought Qinglin to the front of the double-headed fire spirit snake.

"Hey! Hiss!"

As Chenfeng and Qinglin approached, the irritable Fire Spirit Snake opened its mouth wide towards the two, showing its sharp fangs, and spit out the long snake apricot.


Although the Fire Spirit Snake didn't break free from the spatial cage, because the distance was too close, Qinglin still felt a burst of fear, screamed, and then lowered his head, not daring to look.

Seeing Qinglin lower her head directly, Chenfeng comforted her: "Don't be afraid, just look at it, and you will know the secret of yourself!"

Hearing Chenfeng's words, Qinglin mustered up her courage, raised her head, and fixed her eyes on the huge creature in front of her.

Under the tension, three small green dots suddenly appeared in Qinglin's green eyes that were crystal clear like emerald jade.

The three green dots that appeared this time were much clearer than what Chenfeng saw last time. Even, if you looked carefully, you could find these three green dots, which seemed to be like three small flower buds.

The three green dots in Qinglin's pupils suddenly glowed with dim light, and the three dots transformed into three extremely small green flowers in an instant.

With the emergence of this weird green flower, a strong gloomy light suddenly shot out from it, illuminating the fire spirit snake in front of it.

When irradiated by this strange light, the Huo Ling Snake's huge body suddenly stiffened, and its two pairs of giant eyes stared at Qinglin with a little horror.

The strange light moved slowly over the body of the fire spirit snake, and finally stopped at the center of the foreheads of the two snake heads... When the light stopped moving, it began to shrink slowly, and with the The range of light is getting smaller and smaller, but the light contained in it is getting more and more abundant.

The range of Youguang is getting smaller and smaller, and in the end, it is only about the size of a palm, and when Youguang shrinks to this area, it stops and continues to shrink. With a burst of Youguang, the two small Small green flowers were engraved on the two heads of the Fire Spirit Snake.

After the flowers appeared, the gloomy light began to gradually disappear. After a while, the tiny flowers in the blue eyes quickly faded away, and in just an instant, they returned to their previous emerald green.

After her pupils returned to normal, Qinglin's body became weak for a while, her eyelids gradually drooped, and finally she fell asleep in Chenfeng's arms.

The next moment, the imprisoned giant Fire Spirit Snake foolishly paused on the spot without continuing to struggle. When its gaze touched the green scales in Chen Feng's arms, the ferocity and hideousness in it would be involuntary. It disappeared quickly, and was replaced by a wave of meekness.

At the same time, Chen Feng hastily administered some recovery pills to Qing Lin.

After a while, Qing Lin woke up.

"Qinglin, how do you feel now?" Seeing Qinglin wake up and turn around, Chen Feng asked.

"Master Chenfeng, I don't know why, I seem to have established a strange connection with it, I can sense its thoughts... Could this be the effect of the green snake three-flower pupil physique that the young master mentioned?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, her blue-scaled green eyes glanced at the Fire Spirit Snake, and said in a low voice, at this time, she finally believed what Chen Feng had said to her before, and believed that she herself might have a magical and strong physique.


Chen Feng nodded with a smile, and explained: "The green snake three-flower pupil is a kind of strange natural pupil, which usually only appears in the offspring of humans and snake people. If you are proficient, it can make people hallucinate, think about it, if you are fighting with people, suddenly make the other party go into a trance, or directly control the other party, isn't it very powerful?"

With a bright smile on Qinglin's face, she nodded and said: "If this is the case, it is indeed very powerful!"

"Qinglin, your pupils can almost be said to be the nemesis of all snake-shaped monsters, because it has some chances to form a unilateral forced connection with snake-shaped monsters. There should be some mysterious contracts." Chenfeng continued to explain: "Now, this fire spirit snake was signed by your green snake three-flower pupil!"

"The contract, so it's like this, no wonder...that is to say, this Fire Spirit Snake has become my most loyal monster guard..."

Hearing Chenfeng's explanation, Qinglin finally realized something.

"Master's insights and insights are really terrifying. He could tell from the very beginning that this little girl has such a strange physique..." Listening to Chen Feng and Qing Lin's conversation, Yao Chen secretly clicked his tongue.

"Master Chenfeng, didn't you say before that you wanted to come here to find the strange fire? This big fellow, maybe you know the exact location of the strange fire!" Qinglin reacted and said suddenly.

"Okay, since this is the case, let this fire spirit snake lead us the way!"

Hearing Qing Lin's words, Chen Feng nodded slightly, with the two-headed fire spirit snake leading the way, it was faster than letting Yao Chen search for the strange fire.

The next moment, the space confinement dissipated, and the double-headed fire spirit snake regained its freedom, but it did not dive into the lava to leave, but floated on the surface of the magma. Where fire exists.

On Chenfeng's side, because he considered that other situations might arise when he collected Qinglian's heart fire later, he didn't plan to take Qinglin to the magma, but arranged her at a place [-] meters above the crypt. In a passage, and also recruited the ghost Yanmao from the small world to guard her, just in case.

(End of this chapter)

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