Chapter 144 Qinglian Earth Heart Fire!
After the green scales were placed, Morrowind came to the crypt again, and then vibrated the wings of thunder, projecting down on the hot magma in the crypt.


Plunging into the magma, Chenfeng's ears immediately heard the violent and fiery sound of the wind.

The temperature was getting higher and higher, and at a certain moment, the noise from the outside world was finally completely isolated.

The body stopped in the hot magma, looking at the slowly flowing flaming red magma around him, Chen Feng didn't have any fear in his heart.

Although he himself is not a fire attribute cultivator, his cultivation is close to that of a Douwang, and he still has the body of a dragon and elephant, so he still has the confidence.

What's more, under the protection of the white flame covered by the medicine dust, all the outside temperature is separated, and Chenfeng is inside, so he can't feel the heat at all.

Withdrawing his gaze, Chen Feng turned his gaze to the huge two-headed Fire Spirit Snake over there, and said flatly, "Fire Spirit Snake, lead the way!"

Hearing Chenfeng's words, the Fire Spirit Snake, who had received Qinglin's order a long time ago, turned around and dived into the magma quickly without any hesitation.

In the magma, it was all fiery red, but with the support of the bone spirit cold fire, Chenfeng could see some of the surrounding environment clearly. Together with Yaochen, he followed the fire spirit that was constantly drilling into the depths of the magma. snake.

In the fiery red magma world, undercurrents are surging, and occasionally an extremely ferocious undercurrent of magma surges out from some unknown place. These undercurrents contain extremely huge energy, which is very powerful for ordinary people. Said the threat was great.

However, the Fire Spirit Snake is very familiar with this place, and before the undercurrents come, it can always find the most suitable route to sneak, and Chen Feng, who is closely behind it, also naturally avoids these undercurrents of magma.

In this flaming world, there seemed to be no other creatures except the Fire Spirit Snake. No wonder, after all, the living conditions here were too harsh.

If it weren't for the two-headed fire spirit snake, a strange beast that swallows magma for a living, other monsters, even a sixth-level monster with the strength of the Amethyst Winged Lion King, would not be able to come and go freely in this kind of place, without any fear. Affected.

As they continued to dive towards the bottom of the seemingly endless magma, the temperature of the outside world almost doubled.

On Chenfeng's side, with the protection of the medicine dust at first, he didn't feel much, but as the fiery red lava below gradually turned blue, he began to feel some heat.

But it's just a little bit hot, Yao Chen's recovered strength is not comparable to when Xiao Yan entered the magma in another timeline.

Not long after, at the end of Chen Feng's line of sight, there was a thing with a green glow.

A cyan light shrouded the magma. Chen Feng looked at it calmly, and faintly saw a blue lotus standing gracefully in the cyan light.

"The blue lotus...Master, this is likely to give birth to the inner fire of the blue lotus!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Yao Chen said very excitedly.

Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, ranked No.19 on the list of different fires, was born in the depths of the earth, experienced countless times of tempering, fusion, compression, and carving by the fire of the earth... It takes ten years to become a spirit, a hundred years to form, and a thousand years to become When the lotus is at its peak, its color is blue, and a cluster of green fire grows in the heart of the lotus, which is called Qinglianhuo, also known as Qingliandixinhuo.

The power of this fire is unpredictable, and it can even trigger volcanic eruptions near the volcanic area, forming a destructive force of nature.

"Hmm! This Qinglian did give birth to Qinglian's heart fire!"

Chen Feng stared at the blue light and nodded slightly.

"Hey! Hiss!"

Behind Chen Feng, the Huo Ling Snake made a sharp sound from its huge mouth. Chen Feng looked back and found that the beast's huge eyes were looking at the blue light with a hint of fear, and its huge body was also a little nervous. trembling.

Ignoring Huo Ling Snake's actions, Chen Feng waved his hand and shouted: "Yao Chen, let's go over, you should strengthen your protection!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng rushed directly towards the blue light, and the white light around him flourished.

As his body got closer and closer to the blue light, Chen Feng could clearly feel that the temperature around his body had risen again, but at this moment, he didn't hesitate, and his body directly rushed into the envelope of the blue light.

The body entered the cyan light, the expected heat did not come as expected, but the temperature of the whole body dropped a lot.

Without thinking about these things, Chen Feng's eyes hurriedly swept around, and finally stopped on the blue lotus flower in the center.

The cyan lotus flower is divided into eight leaves and eight cyan leaves, which are as perfect as the most perfect sapphire.

Among the lotus flowers, there seems to be a small lotus platform about two or three feet in length. Some holes on the lotus platform are exuding a little fluorescent light, which must be lotus seeds condensed by the purest fire attribute energy.

Below the blue lotus, there is an extremely slender rhizome, more than ten meters long. On the rhizome, there are densely packed with tiny tentacles. When these tentacles sway, Chenfeng can clearly feel them. In an almost greedy state, he is frantically absorbing the violent fire attribute energy in the surrounding magma.

This cyan lotus flower is just suspended in the endless magma, like duckweed in the sea, drifting around.

Fortunately, Qinglin controlled the Fire Spirit Snake and let the Fire Spirit Snake lead the way, otherwise, even Yao Chen would have to spend a lot of effort to find it in the magma.

"Yaochen, Qinglian's heart fire must have been bred here, go and get it out!" Chenfeng suddenly ordered to Yaochen.

"As ordered!"

Yaochen responded respectfully, and then rushed to the top of the lotus platform.

In the center of the small lotus platform among the lotus flowers, a blue flame is slowly rising.

This group of cyan flames is very spiritual. When it is slightly tossing, it sometimes condenses into the shape of a lotus flower, and sometimes condenses into a small cyan flame snake, hovering in the center of the lotus platform, its docile appearance is extremely cute.

"Master, if I collect the strange fire later, I may not be able to distract you to protect you. You need to deal with the surrounding magma yourself! But master, don't worry, it won't take long to suppress it!"

Sensing the huge energy contained in the seemingly docile flame, Yao Chen didn't make a direct move, but sent down a sound transmission to remind Chen Feng.

"I understand!"

Chen Feng nodded and said, he still has the strength to resist the magma for a while.

After saying this sentence, Chen Feng gushed out his fighting spirit, and condensed a pair of hard silver fighting spirit armor around his body.

(End of this chapter)

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