Chapter 150 Her Majesty is gone?

In the small world, Queen Medusa was in a slightly better mood after bathing. However, just as she took out a red brocade robe to change into, she suddenly noticed that the two powerful monsters that originally existed in this small world There is one breath missing.

"what's going on?"

Queen Medusa frowned slightly, quickly put on the red brocade robe, then opened the curtain, and slid out with her purple tail twisting.

Looking around in this small space, Queen Medusa found that the huge purple vulture was gone.

"Heck...that's right, after washing it, it looks much more enchanting than before, the master will definitely like it!"

When Queen Medusa came out, Xiao Xun'er glanced at her, then let out a proud laugh, and commented.

For Xiao Xun'er's gesture, Queen Medusa was too lazy to get angry with her now, and just asked, "Where did that big guy go?"

"big guy?"

Hearing Queen Medusa's question, Xiao Xun'er was stunned for a moment, then immediately understood, and said with a smile: "The big guy you're talking about is the Purple Demon Vulture... She was taken out by the master just now!"

Hearing this, Queen Medusa frowned slightly and said, "He came here just now?"


Xiao Xun'er shook her head and said: "The things in this space, the master can take them out with just a thought! It's like taking things out of the ring!"

"It's like taking something out of the ring... Then wouldn't he be able to see every corner of this place instantly after injecting his soul power?"

Hearing Xiao Xun'er's words, Queen Medusa's expression turned cold.

If it was really as she guessed, then the scene of her bathing just now may have been completely exposed to someone's eyes.

"Despicable human, actually peeping at this king! Shameless!"

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, Queen Medusa couldn't help shouting at the sky of the small world.

"Queen Medusa, how can you think like this... We should be honored that Master has noticed us!"

Seeing this, Xiao Xun'er comforted her patiently.

"Stop saying 'we', you hear me!"

As Xiao Xun'er's voice fell, Queen Medusa almost roared.

Xiao Xun'er managed to divert Queen Medusa's attention with just one sentence. Obviously, Queen Medusa really disliked Xiao Xun'er's use of the word "we".

If her strength hadn't been sealed, the Queen Medusa would definitely kill Xiao Xun'er without hesitation.

Xiao Xun'er is used to Queen Medusa's overreaction now, she directly ignored Queen Medusa's words, and reminded with a smile: "Queen Medusa, I hope you can get used to it as soon as possible. , otherwise, when Master comes here next time, you will regret it!"


The slavishness displayed by Xiao Xun'er completely left Queen Medusa speechless. She calmed down a bit, and then stopped talking to Xiao Xun'er, holding a seal with her bare hands and breathing out on the spot.

Yao Lao's seal is not unsolvable, as long as Queen Medusa is given a certain amount of time, she is sure to break the seal by herself.


Above the clear sky, a huge blazing sun hangs high above the sky, like a big fireball constantly releasing flames. Smoked and roasted like little red iron grains.

In the desert, due to the scorching temperature, wisps of hot air seeped out from the yellow sand, and finally evaporated the space into a twist and illusion.

In the depths of this hot golden desert, human beings are almost extinct, because this is an area controlled by the snake people. If a human enters here, they will be besieged and killed by a large number of snake people immediately.

On Chenfeng's side, riding on the back of the sixth-level flying monster, the Purple Demon Vulture, there is no such trouble at all, because even if ordinary snakemen find something abnormal in the sky, they are far behind. Will the huge monsters attack them?

In addition to some small and medium-sized tribes, the snake-human tribe in the Tagore Great Desert has eight huge guys. They are the most powerful tribe among the snake-human tribe, and they have a very high status in the desert. Besides, even they disagree with each other.

Eight huge tribes are distributed in several directions in the Great Tagore Desert, and the straight trunk road arranged by Morrowind for the Purple Magic Vulture to fly happens to pass over one of the tribe's areas.


When the huge shadow created by the purple magic vulture moved over a desert oasis, a woman with a fiery figure suddenly rushed out from the bottom of the lake in the clear lake of the oasis.

The woman shook her long hair, and the long hair was attached to her snow-white fragrant shoulders. Drops of water stained the fragile skin, and then along the fragrant shoulders, slipped across the very alluring tight skin. The waist, and finally dripped into the lake, splashing a circle of ripples.

It's hard to imagine, if it's on the bed, what kind of thrilling arc will be twisted by this flexible waist.

The perfect body carved from white jade is like a masterpiece from the heavens. The plump and perky breasts are proudly exposed in the slightly damp and cool air. A face shrouded in shadows is charming and enchanting, with a rhombus-shaped beauty. In the eyes, there are wisps of spring-like water.

Under the clear lake water, a cyan snake tail swayed slightly, releasing a wild temptation.

After the woman rushed out of the lake, she didn't care about her naked body at all. Her eyes suddenly looked up at the sky, and a trace of solemnity appeared on her charming face.

On the shore of the lake, seven or eight female snakemen with decent strength looked up at the sky very nervously.

The huge shadow did not stay in this oasis, it almost passed by in a flash, and then went to the distance.

The enchanting woman's snake tail swayed, her body leaped across the water, and quickly came to the shore. Those female snake figures quickly put on a luxurious big black robe for her.

"Master Yuemei, what was that just now?"

A female snake-man asked this charming snake-man with horror on her face. She only felt the coercion just now when she met the snake-human queen for the only time.

"A sixth-order monster is probably coming towards our snake-human race... You immediately rush back to the tribe to garrison, and I will go to the temple to inform Her Majesty the queen."

The voluptuous woman named Yue Mei gave orders solemnly, and then her body trembled slightly, a pair of huge wings slowly formed behind her back, and in an instant, they solidified into a pair of light blue energy wings .

With a slight movement of her wings, Yue Mei's body quickly lifted into the air, and then swept towards the direction of the huge monster in the distant sky.

However, Yue Mei is only a fighting king and cannot compare with the speed of a sixth-order high-level flying monster. In the blink of an eye, in the blink of an eye, the huge monster in the sky in the distance is only a small black spot, and then disappears completely not see.

"What does this sixth-order monster want to do when it comes to our snake-man tribe?"

Seeing the huge monster disappear from sight, Yue Mei's face looked cold and solemn. A monster with such a high level of cultivation could have unimaginable destructive power, and it might bring a huge disaster to the snake people.


"This woman from the Snake-Human Race is not bad in figure!"

Stepping on the back of the Purple Demon Vulture, Chen Feng glanced back slightly, with a faint smile on his face.

When he passed by that oasis before, he had noticed the fluctuation of Yue Mei's fighting king cultivation, but he didn't care whether the purple magic eagle would be discovered by Yue Mei. With the strength he has now, even the whole snake He has no fear when the human race is mobilized.

Moving on, a huge tribal fortress slowly appeared on the distant horizon, and the lights in the fortress were bright.

"This should be the Charming Snake Tribe..."

"Purple Demon Vulture, charge over!"

Seeing this large tribe that couldn't see the border at a glance, Chen Feng murmured in his heart, and instead of slowing down, he directed the Purple Demon Vulture to charge over directly.

In the fortress, on the huge city wall that is tens of meters high, there are countless arrow towers densely packed, with lavender arrow tips showing through the arrow towers, and under the moonlight, there is a chilly feeling luster.

If this kind of strict defense is used to deal with Da Dou Shi or Dou Ling, they may be shot into a hornet's nest in a short time.

On the city wall, countless heavily armed snake men were patrolling back and forth with sharp spears in their hands.

The huge size of the Purple Demon Vulture is extremely conspicuous even in this night. When the Purple Demon Vulture just entered the sky above the fortress, some snake people immediately heard some strange noises in the air. At the same time, a wolf-like fox The strange roar also sounded suddenly.

Hearing the roar, Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then looked up to the front right, where there was a dark and strange big bird hovering. Obviously, it should be a kind of warning that the snake man placed in the sky.

"Alert! Alert! There is a huge monster attacking in the sky, the Spearman is ready, poisoned, and ready to project!"

Hearing the siren humming in the dark night, a cold shout came from the city wall.

With the sound of shouting, the slightly flustered snake guards suddenly fell silent, quickly coated the flying spear with the venom worn around their waist, and then looked fiercely at the flying spear flying above the sky. The Purple Demon Vulture is here.

Although the Violet Vulture is very large and exudes a powerful aura, the snake people showed great courage in the face of the intruders. They shouted in unison, took a step back with their right feet, half-spun their bodies, and then suddenly Leaning forward, suddenly, the spear stained with venom in his hand pierced through the air, and the sharp sound of breaking the wind resounded through the silent night sky.


Looking at the hundreds of flying spears, Chen Feng's face was very calm.

As the purple magic vulture's giant wings vibrated, a purple defensive cover instantly formed on the body surface.

"Puff puff!"

The spear shot fiercely at the purple defensive cover, as if hitting steel, sparks sparked, and then bounced back and fell down, causing many snake warriors below to suffer.

Seeing this scene, the snake warriors below finally knew the horror of the huge monster above.

When they were still about to take the next move, the Purple Demon Vulture flew past and flew out of the attack range of this part of the snakemen. Behind the fortress, a group of snakemen warriors who organized another attack also joined forces with those who launched the attack for the first time. Like the attacking snakemen, their spears couldn't do any damage to the purple magic vulture at all.

The huge body of the Purple Demon Vulture quickly crossed the tall city wall and disappeared into the night.

"damn it!"

Staring blankly at the huge figure that disappeared in an instant, on the city wall, a cold and beautiful snake girl slammed her fist on the wall in front of her. Suddenly, cracks spread out, killing the nearby snake people. The soldiers were too terrified to speak.

"Pass down the order and immediately send the information to all the nearby snake-man tribes, and at the same time notify the leaders of the other seven tribes, asking them to send out strong men as soon as possible to surround the invading monsters in the desert!"

The glamorous snake girl looked at the dark night sky, her icy voice was full of murderous intent.

The way of communication between the snake people is very special and the speed is extremely fast. Therefore, it didn't take long for the leaders of the eight major tribes to get the news that a sixth-order monster of unknown origin invaded the snake people's domain.

Moreover, the route of Morrowind and Purple Demon Vulture was very obvious, heading towards the Holy City. Therefore, many tribal leaders rushed towards the Holy City at full speed even if they did not receive the Queen's order.

In the very depths of the desert stands a huge city. Here is the temple city where Queen Medusa lives. At this moment, all the snake warriors in the city are under a state of martial law.

On the city wall, fully armed snake guards patrolled the city wall back and forth. In the empty space on the city wall, a dozen big black birds were also circling back and forth, their sharp eyes constantly scanning the outside of the city. Then, any slight disturbance would make these beasts sound the alarm.

Suddenly, a black dot appeared on the edge of the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it shot towards the huge city with a sharp sound of breaking the wind.

Not long after the black spot appeared, the guards on the city wall discovered it. Immediately, with the sound of an alarm, countless snake men raised their poisonous spears high, ready to be shot down by the future. Down.

When the ink black figure was about to reach a hundred meters away from the city, it suddenly stopped in mid-air, and a slightly cold voice resounded: "The leader of the Black Snake Tribe, Mobas, has an audience with Her Majesty the Queen!"

"It's the leader of Mobas, everyone stop!"

On the city wall, a female snake-man with red hair and red armor stepped out. After seeing the black figure of Mo Mo, she immediately stopped the snake-man guards who were about to attack.

"Hua Snake, the Charming Snake Tribe has sent a message that there is a sixth-level monster running towards the temple. I received the message and immediately rushed to the temple to defend Her Majesty. Where is Her Majesty now?"

Mobas landed on the city wall and asked the red-haired snake girl.

Hearing Mobas's words, Hua She'er showed embarrassment, and said via voice transmission: "Mobas, Her Majesty is gone... I haven't seen Her Majesty for almost five days, and I haven't been able to contact you..."

(End of this chapter)

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