Chapter 151 The Snake-Human Race Submits? ([-]-character chapter)

"Her Majesty is missing?"

Hearing Hua She'er's sound transmission, Mebas was very surprised.

"Has Her Majesty the Queen told you anything before?" Mebas asked nervously.

"No, Her Majesty should have left suddenly five nights ago! You didn't tell me anything!" Hua She'er frowned and shook her head.

"No, this doesn't look like Her Majesty's style at all!"

After listening to Hua She'er's words, Mebas was even more confused.

Compared with the sixth-order monster breaking into the hinterland of the snake-human race and rushing towards the temple, Mebas obviously cared more about Queen Medusa's whereabouts.

After talking with Hua Sheer in Mobas, an old gray-haired snake man with a cane also arrived here.

Although this old snake man looks very old, no snake man dares to despise him. This old snake man, named Yinshi, has the same status as Mebas, one of the eight major tribes A leader, and also known as the think tank of the snake people.

"Her Majesty left suddenly?"

After listening to what Hua She'er said, a thoughtful look flashed across Yin Shi's old and wise eyes.

The next moment, he suddenly asked: "Hua Snake, do you know what Her Majesty the Queen was doing a while ago, or what she was more concerned about?"

"This... some time ago, Her Majesty the Queen seemed to go out often, looking for news about the different fires in the desert, but Her Majesty would explain to me every time she went out, this time..." Hearing the question of the underworld, Hua Snake was a little He hesitated and said.

"Heavenly fire? Why is Her Majesty looking for the different fire?"

Hearing this, there was a trace of confusion in Yin Shi's old eyes. After a while, he seemed to think of something, turned his head and looked at Mobas, and whispered in horror: "Could it be..."

"It should be... Otherwise, why did Her Majesty spend so much time looking for the strange fire? Apart from what she intends to do, there should be no other purpose!" Taking a light breath, Mobas whispered .

"Is this really the case... The failure rate of that thing is extremely high! If something happens to Her Majesty, then we snake people!"

Hearing Yin Shi and Mobas' analysis, Hua She'er's face suddenly showed a hint of worry.

"Sigh... Her Majesty has been at the Douhuang level for many years. Maybe she is a little impatient. Although she doesn't seem to care much about these things, I know that she really wants to become stronger. Because once you reach the level of Dou Zong, the power of the snake people will expand rapidly, and you don't have to be trapped in this vast desert in the future. Although after so many years of adaptation, we snake people are not suitable for this place. His blood is cold after all!" Mebas sighed lightly.

"Yes, but this is too risky!"

Hua She'er had a complex expression, and said in a low voice, she didn't want Queen Medusa to take that risk at all.

"Don't worry, even if Her Majesty got the Heavenly Flame, she would have to go back to the Holy City to undergo that step of evolution... But, having said that, it's useless to persuade Her Majesty to do what Her Majesty has decided to do! "Mobas said halfway, his tone suddenly changed again, with a wry smile on his face.

"Hey, that matter is too risky, and we really need to think long-term... This time, the sixth-level monster is rushing to the holy city. What is the situation? Have you found out the origin of the sixth-level monster?"

Yin Shi temporarily put aside some things about Queen Medusa, and asked about a troublesome matter at present.

"I don't know, the news from Yue Mei said that she had seen the sixth-order monster with her own eyes, but she had never fought against it, nor had she talked with it. Its speed was too fast, it passed by in a flash..." Hua Snake said bluntly.

"A sixth-order flying monster that I don't know where it came from broke into the hinterland of my snake-human clan alone. What is the reason for? Could it be related to Her Majesty the Queen?"

Yinshi kept thinking, he is one of the few snake people in the snake people who knows that there are four elders in the snake people, so even if Queen Medusa is not in the temple, he is not particularly worried that the sixth-order monster attack will kill the snake people. How bad it is, if something earth-shattering happens, the four elders will definitely take action.

While thinking in the dark world, outside the huge city, there was a rush of breaking wind in the sky, and the strange birds hovering above the city also called out in unison.

Aware of this, Mebas and Yin Shi, Hua She'er suddenly looked back at the sky outside the city.

In their line of sight, a gigantic monster with a wingspan of tens of feet has come to the sky hundreds of meters away from the city wall.

"Did it come so fast?"

"This sixth-order monster is indeed coming towards the holy city! What exactly does it intend to do?"

"All fighters ready!"

Seeing the huge beast flying towards them, Mebas and Yin Shi shrank their pupils, and slowly raised their palms. Suddenly, countless snake men on the city wall raised their poisonous spears high.

The next moment, under the eyes of countless snakemen, the huge purple monster lowered its flying height and came into the midair.

At this moment, Yin Shi and the others saw clearly that there was actually a human standing on top of this giant beast.

"It's human!"

"What is the identity of this human being? He looks very young. How can there be a sixth-order monster as a mount for him?"

"It is said that the plus royal family also has a sixth-order monster, but that monster has a very high status in the plus royal family, which is equivalent to being enshrined. How could it be driven by a young man!"

"No matter what his identity is, if he acts so recklessly, ignoring the majesty of our snake-human race and breaking into the holy city, he should be punished!"

Seeing a figure standing on top of the huge flying monster, Yinshi, Mobas, and Hua Sheer were very surprised. They didn't expect that a powerful sixth-order monster would be used as a mount for humans.

However, after being surprised, there was a burst of rage and killing intent.

Compared with Warcraft, the snake people hate and hate humans more.

"Why did this human go deep into the holy city without being discovered? Can't Yue Mei sense that there is a human breath on the monster?"

A lot of doubts arose in Mobas's heart. He hasn't noticed any cultivation of the young man on the monster until now, as if he is an ordinary person.

How could Mobas know that as long as Chenfeng possesses the hidden spirit stone, as long as he covers 100% of his aura, unless he can see it with the naked eye, even those extremely powerful alchemists will not be able to detect the slightest bit of his aura .

"Human, you are so brave, you dare to come outside the holy city of my snake-human race alone!"

"Tell me, what do you want to do when you come to my snake-human race? Do you want to start a war again!"

As Chenfeng drove the Purple Demon Vulture close to the city wall, Yinshi raised his crutch and pointed at Chenfeng and shouted angrily. In terms of strength, even the entire Overweight Empire is far inferior to the Snake Human Race, but the Snake Human Race The opponent is more than one overweight empire, and they have to guard against other empires around them.

"Hehe, you don't need to be nervous. I am here today not to destroy your snake-human race, but to ask you to help find a medicinal herb in the holy city!"

Seeing the tense look of the snake-human powerhouses on the huge city wall, Chen Feng chuckled and said casually.

"Speak wildly, just because you want to destroy my snake-human race, don't think that you can sit back and relax just because you brought a sixth-level monster here!"

"I still want us to find medicinal materials for you, I'm afraid you are not dreaming!"

Hearing what Chen Feng said, the anger of Mebas and others rose instantly.

"Do it, kill this human and the sixth-order monster!"

Mobas growled at the snake warriors on the city wall.

Hearing Mobas's order, there was a huge sound of angry shouting on the city wall. Countless snake men clenched the poisonous spears in their hands. Immediately, above the sky, a black shower of poisonous spears shot towards the morning wind and the purple magic vulture in mid-air.

There was a sharp sound of breaking the wind, and the shower of poisonous spears was extremely powerful.

Looking indifferently at the mighty shower of poisonous spears in the sky, the figures of Chenfeng and Purple Demon Vulture did not move at all.

The huge wings of the purple magic vulture vibrated slightly, and suddenly, a huge purple tornado suddenly floated out in front of it. The purple tornado rotated at a high speed, and the yellow sand and gravel on the ground were pulled and rushed towards it. poured.

Immediately afterwards, the purple tornado storm suddenly swept out, and the overwhelming shower of poisonous spears was also destroyed by the violent suction force emitted by the storm. Occasionally, the poisonous spears pierced through the storm and fell on The Violet Demon Vulture's body was just like scratching an itch.

"The strength of this monster should be on the same level as Her Majesty's Queen. No wonder they dare to enter my snake-human clan alone!"

Seeing that the poisonous spears thrown by those snake-man warriors were all blocked by the storm, the pupils of Mebas and others shrank suddenly.

The next moment, in their line of sight, the purple storm suddenly pushed forward. Even if Mebas, Yin Shi, and Hua She'er joined forces to block it, they still couldn't stop the storm.



The storm came raging, and even the hard city walls couldn't stop it, and soon it was incomplete. Dozens of snake warriors were involved in it, but they were strangled to death by the energy of the storm in an instant.

After tearing a huge gap in the tall city wall, the power of the purple storm was finally exhausted, and the stumps and short tails inside fell on the dilapidated city wall.

At this time, the eyes of all the snake-human powerhouses were red, and the purple magic vulture took away the lives of dozens of their elite fighters with just one blow.

"Your Excellency is really vicious. You barged into my snake-human clan like this, not only did you not apologize at all, but you were so arrogant. Are you really deceiving no one in my clan?"

Yin Shi's eyes swept over Chen Feng with a stern look, and said solemnly.

"Hehe, you are all going to kill me, if I fight back a little, you can't stand it?"

Seeing the hatred in the eyes of Yin Shi and the others, Chen Feng sneered, although he would not kill them, but if these snake people dared to offend his majesty, then he would not mind teaching them a little lesson.

"Mobas, the situation is not good now, you and Hua She'er take all the soldiers to stop him for a while, I will come as soon as I go!"

"Go, even if you die, I will keep this person out of the holy city!"

At the moment when this great enemy was present, the elder of the snake-human race, the Yin Shi with the strength of the eight-star fighting king, ran away and rushed towards the interior of the holy city.

"Is this planning to move rescuers?"

Chen Feng saw Yin Shi's actions, and after a little guessing, he knew that Yin Shi was most likely going to invite the four elders of the Snake Race to come out. He didn't have much reaction to this, even if it was The four old fellows of the Snake People came, and he was sure to deal with them.

"Medusa Snake Guard listens to the order and stops this person with all strength!"

Hua She'er said with a serious face.

The current situation is almost related to the peril of the snake-human race. Even though they knew that the purple magic vulture was very powerful, none of these snake-human warriors backed down, and rushed towards Chen Feng and the purple magic vulture without fear of death.

"Why bother, I just said that I want you to help find a medicinal plant, and I didn't want to destroy your family!"

Looking at the dozen or so snake warriors jumping up from the city wall, Chenfeng shook his head slightly.

Among the dozen or so snake-man warriors, there are four fighting spirits, and the rest are big fighters. They don't have the ability to fly, so they bounce and charge into the air with weapons. This lineup may be able to make some ordinary people The Douwang powerhouse felt a headache, but the Purple Demon Vulture just swept forward with its huge claws, and then knocked all the dozen or so snake warriors to the ground, vomiting blood wildly, and some internal organs were shattered , died on the spot.

Facing a monster of the sixth-order peak like the Purple Demon Vulture, Dou Ling, and a snake man with a cultivation level of a great Dou Shi, he basically rubbed against it, and his life would be in danger if he touched it.


The blood of the clansman aroused Mobas' ferocity. His eyes were red, his body was full of ink-colored fighting spirit, and a pair of fighting spirit wings formed behind him. It seemed that he planned to fight Chenfeng desperately.

"I fought with you!"

Mobas roared, and a strange big knife appeared in his hand, and the wings on his back were vibrating, and he was about to charge towards Chenfeng.

"Mobas, stop now!"

Just when Mobas had just rushed out, an old shout suddenly sounded in the holy city of the snake-human race.

Hearing this shout, Mebas froze and stayed in the air.

In the next moment, four relatively tyrannical auras came from a certain direction in the city, and then quickly appeared on the city wall.

These are four old women of the Snake-Human Race, they seem to be much older than those in the Yin world, and the aura they exude is extremely huge, and they should all be at the level of a high-level Douhuang.

"I have seen the elders!"

Following the appearance of the four old women, Hua She'er, the captain of the Medusa Snake Guard, immediately bowed to salute.

Although the countless snake warriors don't know their identities, but seeing the gestures of Hua She'er and Yin Shi who came after them towards the four of them, they also know in their hearts that these four old women with the same breath as the huge monster are their snakes. The elders of the human race bowed to the four old women one by one.


Of the four old women who rushed over, one of them nodded slightly.

Afterwards, her pair of vertical pupils looked towards Chen Feng and the Purple Demon Vulture coldly.

Stared at by these four high-ranking fighting emperors, Chen Feng's expression remained unchanged.

He could tell that these four snake-human old women had high cultivation bases, and they had obviously stayed in the current state for a long time, but the qi and blood in their bodies were very decayed and close to exhaustion.

According to the degree of decline of the blood of these four people, if they go through another big battle, they may be exhausted and have a few years to live.

"It's no wonder that these four people in the original book have never made a move. It turned out that they were regarded as old antique townsmen. They might be gone after one use!" Knowing the situation of these four people, Chen Feng murmured in his heart.

"Your Excellency came to my holy city of the snake-human race, is it really just to find a medicinal herb?"

Staring at Chen Feng, the old woman in charge suddenly spoke, her voice was quite unpleasant, like a sharp instrument piercing through glass, which made people feel uncomfortable all over her body.

Although the voice was ugly, the old woman's attitude was not bad, at least it could be heard that she was discussing.

"That's right, as long as you snake people find the Mandala of Sand for me, I will leave..." Chen Feng nodded.

Hearing the conversation between the old woman and Chen Feng, Mebas, with red eyes, looked a little ugly, and quickly said: "The Supreme Elder, this person killed so many people from our clan, please take it down with the Supreme Elder! "

"To shut up!"

"Here, it's not your turn to make up your mind."

As soon as Mobas' words fell, the old snake-human woman reprimanded him. Captured by the aura of the snake-human woman, Mobas clenched his fists tightly, with unwillingness in his eyes.

After saying this sentence, the eyes of the snake-human old woman showed hesitation.

Even she couldn't detect the aura of Chenfeng's body. In her opinion, such a mysterious young man with a sixth-level high-level monster as a mount must have a very deep background. Moreover, the current eight leaders of the snake-human race and The other powerhouses have not arrived yet...

After going through some psychological struggle, the old woman seemed to have made a decision. She sighed and said to Chenfeng: "Since Your Excellency wants the Mandala of Sand, I, the Snake Race, can find it for you, but Please leave the domain of our family immediately after you take the Mandala of Sand, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, my snake race will keep you here forever no matter the cost!"

At the end, the old woman's tone changed from flat to gradually cold, with a hint of killing intent.

"Haha, you old guys still know the current affairs! Don't worry, as long as you get the Mandala of Sand, I will leave immediately!"

Hearing the old woman's words, Chen Feng was very satisfied and laughed.

"Then please wait outside the holy city first, and when our family finds the Mandala of Sand, I will bring it to you immediately!"

After saying something quickly to Chenfeng, the old woman turned her head and ordered again: "Hua Snake, you immediately arrange for the clansmen to search for the Mandala of Sand!"

"Yes, Elder Taishang!"

The result of the conversation between the old woman and Chen Feng made Hua She'er extremely unwilling, but she had no choice but to act according to the order at the moment.

"Very good, I hope you don't let me down!"

Seeing the old woman's handling attitude, Chen Feng directly told the Purple Demon Vulture to turn around and landed a few miles away from the holy city of the snake-human tribe to wait.

After seeing Chen Feng going away, on the city wall, the expression of the old woman who had just given the order to Hua She'er suddenly changed, and a strong murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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