Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 152 Queen Medusa: No, you can't do this!

Chapter 152 Queen Medusa: No, you can't do this! ([-] words!)

"Elder, the humans and monsters directly broke into the holy city of our snake-human tribe and killed so many of our tribesmen. Why did we agree to their request? Wouldn't this make the tribe feel cold? What is the majesty of our snake-human tribe? ?”

Seeing Chenfeng away from the city wall, Mobas still couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, came to the headed old woman, and asked loudly.


Hearing this, the old woman scolded Mobas sharply as before.

"The strength of that monster is considered outstanding among the Nine-Star Fighting Emperor, and now two of the leaders of your eight major tribes have come, even if all eight come over and perform combined attacks, it is probably not the sixth-level peak monster at all. Opponent, and your Majesty the Queen suddenly disappeared at this time, how can you win the opponent?" The old woman asked back.

Hearing the old woman's tone, Mebas lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "Here, didn't the elders take action?"

"We make a move...I'm afraid that after this battle, the remaining decades of life will be reduced to only two or three years!"

The old woman said slowly, her old face was a bit sad, their lifespan was about to come to an end, and they had always lived in seclusion before, not caring about world affairs, and trying to slow down the passing of life as much as possible.

"This, it turned out to be like this... Supreme Elder, please forgive Mobas for his recklessness just now!"

Hearing this, Mobas was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted, and said very guilty.

"Hey... now I can only try to procrastinate for a while, and hope that Her Majesty the Queen can come back during this period... If at the last moment, Her Majesty still hasn't returned, the leaders of the eight major tribes should also be here. By then, there will be eight of you Let the leaders work together to assist, and we old guys can also contribute less."

The old woman sighed for a long time, and said helplessly, at this moment, in the old woman's heart, she was blaming Queen Medusa. If Queen Medusa hadn't disappeared suddenly, why would the snake-human race be here.


Outside the holy city of the snake-human tribe, after Chenfeng let the purple magic eagle land on the ground, he directly entered the small world.

In the small world, Xiao Xun'er and the ghost Yanmao mingle together to pass the boring time, while Queen Medusa is practicing alone in the corner of the small world, looking like she is racing against time to break through the seal of medicine dust.

The breath of the morning wind was completely covered by the hidden spirit stone. After entering the small world, Queen Medusa, who was practicing with her eyes closed, did not notice it.

"Master~ You are here!"


When Xiao Xun'er and Lingyou saw Chen Feng appearing, they immediately posted it coquettishly.

Hearing Xiao Xun'er and Lingyou's charming shouts, Queen Medusa's beautiful eyes also opened immediately, and she stopped her cultivation.

"Where are we now?"

Queen Medusa asked Chenfeng coldly. Now, she also knows that she is trapped in a movable space.

"It's just a few miles away from the holy city of the snake race!" Chen Feng replied with a smile.

"Beyond the Holy City!"

Hearing what Chenfeng said, Queen Medusa's eyes suddenly became complicated. She was very worried that Chenfeng would wreak havoc on the holy city and hurt the snake people.

After a while, Queen Medusa suppressed the thoughts in her heart, and asked Chen Feng again in a calm tone: "Human, didn't you say you wanted to come to the Holy City to find the Mandala of Sand? Go arrange someone to find you!"

"There's no need for that. After the four old fellows of your snake-human race showed up, they agreed to help me find them without saying a word. There should be results soon!" Chen Feng shook his head and said.

"What, the four elders showed up?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Queen Medusa was even more surprised. She knew that the four snake-human old women would never show up until they reached a certain level. A major event related to the peril of the ethnic group.

"What did you do in the holy city?"

Queen Medusa stared at Chenfeng with evil eyes and shouted angrily.

Seeing the anger in Queen Medusa's eyes, Chen Feng slowly walked in front of her, and said casually, "I didn't do anything, just kill some snake people who dared to offend me, that's all."

Knowing that Chenfeng was killing people in the Holy City, Queen Medusa's pretty face turned cold, and she angrily scolded: "You liar... didn't you say before that as long as I get caught with my hands, I won't hurt my people? villain!"

The next moment, the angry Queen Medusa raised her white palm and breathed towards Chenfeng's face, but without any surprise, Chenfeng pinched her wrist again.

At the same time, Chenfeng's other hand directly pinched Queen Medusa's fair chin.

"I mean don't take the initiative to shoot them, but that doesn't mean anyone can offend me!"

Chen Feng's face was slightly cold, and he said in an equally cold tone: "You too! If you do what you did just now, I will make you cry and beg me!"

Being stared at by Chen Feng, Queen Medusa's aura, whose strength was limited, was immediately suppressed. There was a hint of panic in her eyes, and she stopped moving.

The next moment, Chen Feng's palm released, moved downward, and then gently slid across Queen Medusa's snow-white neck...

Chen Feng's expression gradually softened when he caught a glimpse of the proud scenery under the snow-white neck.

That touch of white and charming deep gullies are enough to fascinate any man.

Queen Medusa didn't care about Chenfeng's strange gaze at this moment, she was always reviewing what Chenfeng said just now in her mind.

"This person is causing massacres in the holy city of my snake-human race. How could the four elders agree to help so easily?...Could it be a tactic to delay the attack?"

"Now that I'm imprisoned here, the clansmen don't know it. The leaders of other clans are not there, and the strength of the holy city is empty. That's why the elders are forced to show up so soon. If they underestimate the strength of this human being in the end, what will happen to me?" If there is a conflict with this human being..."

Thinking quickly in her heart, Queen Medusa's face suddenly turned pale, and her heartbeat accelerated.

Looking at Chen Feng, who was sizing up her body with "appreciative" eyes, Queen Medusa pursed her red lips lightly, and said in a low voice: "Humans, if the four elders of our clan did not give you what you needed by then, I handed over the medicinal materials, but gathered strength to prepare to deal with you..."

"Then kill them all!"

Before Queen Medusa could finish her sentence, Chenfeng interrupted her directly.

" can't do that!"

Hearing Chenfeng's attitude, Queen Medusa pleaded in a pleading tone.

"If they have other plans, they are violating my trust in them and challenging my authority. Why should I keep them?" Chen Feng said bluntly.

"I beg you, don't kill my people anymore... How about you let me out for a while, I'll go and explain it to them, and let them find the Mandala of Sand and give it to you as soon as possible!"

Queen Medusa gently grasped Chen Feng's sleeve with her jade hand, and said almost beggingly.

Queen Medusa in this posture lacks some dignity as a queen, and has more of a feminine sense of fragility, which seems to have a different kind of temptation.

"Don't think about letting you out for now!"

Looking at Queen Medusa who released a different kind of temptation, Chen Feng smiled and shook his head, and then said: "If things are really as you guessed, what can you come up with to make me let go of these snakes who deceive me?" What about people? Just begging me for a few words is useless!"

"What do you want? You can take everything in my ring. If you are not satisfied, you can also take the resources of our snake people!"

After hearing what Chenfeng said, Queen Medusa carefully listed some conditions that she thought of.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing what Queen Medusa listed, Chen Feng smiled and said, "Do you think I am someone who lacks those common resources?"

"Then what do you want?"

Queen Medusa stared at Chen Feng with her eyes, and asked seriously.

"What do I want?"

Chen Feng was speaking, stretched out his hand to gently stroke Queen Medusa's fair and alluring face, and said with a smile: "A seductive and tempting woman like you is much more precious than those cultivation resources!"


Chenfeng's words were undoubtedly a huge insult to Queen Medusa. She never thought that Chenfeng's purpose was to...

Knowing what Chen Feng meant, Queen Medusa gritted her silver teeth lightly, and said firmly, "You are delusional, even if I die, I won't let you insult me ​​like this!"

"Since this is the case, there is nothing to talk about. If those four old guys have other ideas later, don't blame me for being cruel! Just slaughter the whole city!"

Hearing Queen Medusa's answer, Chen Feng put down the palm that was caressing her smooth and tender cheek, and said in a deep voice.

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng turned around and walked towards Xiao Xun'er.

"You are mean!"

Queen Medusa scolded Chenfeng angrily, but she was full of hesitation in her heart. She guessed about the four elders just now. There is a high probability that it will happen. When Chenfeng gets angry, the entire holy city of the snake-human race may be destroyed. .

"If that kind of ending really happens, the snake-human race will be completely wiped out if it is passed on to me! I am the eternal sinner of the snake-human race!"

Thinking of this, Queen Medusa felt a burst of heartache. Now she was very remorseful, why she wanted to snatch the strange fire in the first place, thus provoking the devil, Morrowind.

After going through a complicated psychological process, Queen Medusa's eyes flashed a strange color, as if she had made some kind of difficult decision, she looked at Chenfeng's back and shouted: "Wait a minute! "

"Oh, it seems that you have thought clearly!"

Hearing this, Chen Feng paused, with a faint smile on his face, and slowly turned around.

"If you really clash with my clan again at that time, I hope you will be merciful...I can give you what you want!"

Queen Medusa replied to Chen Feng with a solemn expression. When she said the last sentence, her voice became very weak, but Chen Feng could still hear it clearly.

"it is good!"

"Since you agreed, I can give them a chance later!"

Chen Feng nodded, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"However, if they hand over the medicinal materials you need according to the agreement, and nothing else happens, what you said just now will not count! If you lie to me, you will die!" Seeing the smile on Chen Feng's face, Medu Queen Sha quickly added a sentence.

"If that's the case, of course I won't lie to you with this matter, but at this moment, I'm afraid that even you yourself don't believe that they will do things obediently?"

Chen Feng sneered, after being reminded by Queen Medusa, he also felt that the behavior of the four old women was too weak just now.

Hearing these words, Queen Medusa fell silent for a moment, with a sense of helplessness in her eyes.

Seeing this, Chenfeng didn't say much anymore, and sat cross-legged in the small world to practice.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, a day is over.

During this day, five more tribal leaders from the Snake Human Race rushed to the Holy City, namely Kuixing, Nan Snake, Flower Snake King, Black Venom, and Yue Mei, the leader of the Snake Tribe who had seen the Purple Demon Vulture flying overhead. The remaining flame spurs that were farther away never arrived.


In the early morning, in the spacious and luxurious hall in the holy city of the snake-human race, a beautiful figure leaned slightly tiredly on the back of the chair, occasionally glanced lazily at the vacant purple crystal throne on the high platform, and couldn't help shaking helplessly. shook his head.

Surrounding this beautiful figure, there are also sitting Mobas, Yin Shi, and several leaders of the snake-human race. All of them have worried expressions on their faces.

Suddenly, a burst of crisp footsteps sounded outside the hall.

Hearing the sound, the leaders of the snake people in the hall all followed the saint.

A female snake-man in red armor walked in holding a black box.

Seeing Hua She'er, the captain of the Medusa Snake Guard who entered the palace, Yue Mei sighed softly, straightened her waist slightly, her plump figure was suddenly highlighted with a charming outline, and said lazily: "Hua She'er, What you hold in your hand is the mandala of sand that humans want, right?"


"I sent someone to search for it all night, only to find this thing in an inconspicuous corner of the Holy City!" Hua She'er nodded.

"That human being is too arrogant, killed so many of our clansmen, and still wants to get medicinal materials from us, I won't give it to him if I destroy it!"

Suddenly, a bald snake man covered in flesh and blood stood up angrily, raising his hand to snatch the box from Hua Sheer's hand.

"Flower Snake King, stop!"

Seeing this, Mobas quickly stopped him.

"Why, Mobas, do you really want to hand over this thing obediently and be a dog to that human being?" The Flower Snake King said violently.

"Flower Snake King, the four Supreme Elders have already said that yesterday was just a tactic to delay the attack... As for this medicinal material, let's keep it for now, maybe it will have other uses!" Mobas explained.

Yue Mei pursed her sexy red lips, and echoed: "Flower Snake King, since this was arranged by the Supreme Elder, let's keep it for now!"

"Hmph, if that human being comes over today, I will definitely tear him to pieces!"

The Flower Snake King snorted coldly and said angrily.


At this moment, outside the palace, a siren unique to snake people suddenly sounded.

"He's here, let's go there!"

Hearing the siren, several people in the hall quickly rushed towards the city wall.

Soon, the four elders of the snake people, the seven tribal leaders who rushed over, and Hua She'er, the leader of the Medusa snake guard, all stood on the tall giant stone wall.

Their gazes were all fixed on the huge flying monster that kept approaching from afar.

After a while, a huge purple flying monster came to the mid-air outside the city wall, and there was a human teenager standing on top of it.

Standing on the back of the Purple Demon Vulture, Chen Feng glanced at a group of snake men standing on the city wall.

He found that on the city wall today, there were five more snakemen with the cultivation of fighting kings. Moreover, the atmosphere on the city wall was not very peaceful, and it didn't look like they were coming to make a deal at all.

"It seems that Queen Medusa really hit it off!"

With a thought in his heart, Chen Feng calmly asked the old snake-human woman on the city wall: "Have you found the medicinal materials I want?"

(End of this chapter)

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