Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 153 Oh my god, he still has a second hand!

Chapter 153 Oh my god, he still has a second hand!

As Chen Feng's voice fell, every snake-human strongman on the city wall was filled with a hidden murderous intent.

Among them, the pupils of the two snake leaders, Mebas and Hua Snake King, were even more red.

The atmosphere in the arena became very delicate, as if it was about to explode.

"Hua Snake, bring the things here!"

In this quiet atmosphere, the old woman headed by the snake-human race suddenly greeted Hua Snake.

"Yes, Great Elder!"

Hearing this, Hua She'er immediately walked up to the old woman holding the black box respectfully.

"Humans, look, is this the sand mandala you need?"

As the old woman spoke, she reached out to open the box, and then picked up a pale yellow plant inside and placed it in her palm.

The shape of this plant is quite strange, it looks like a long coiled yellow snake. At the top of the plant is the high snake head. Above the snake head, there is a fist-sized protruding slightly. The tumor, this tumor, is where the essence of the whole plant is the most concentrated.

Although Chenfeng has never seen what the Mandala of Sand looks like, he still has some impressions of its appearance description. Therefore, after seeing the yellow plant in the hand of the snake-human old woman, he is very sure that this is The sand mandala he was looking for.

"Hehe, there is indeed such a thing in the holy city of the snake-human race... take it here!"

Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

Hearing Chenfeng's words, the elder of the snake-human clan put the plant in his hand back into the black box, and said coldly, "If you want this thing, come and get it yourself!"


Hearing the old woman's words, Chen Feng frowned slightly. The old woman could obviously throw things over, but she wanted him to go and get them in person, obviously with impure motives.

Moreover, Chen Feng could also feel the eyes of Mobas, Hua Snake King and others looking at this side, full of strong killing intent.

When this time passes, I am afraid that they will be besieged immediately.

"I advise you not to make mistakes, hand over the things quickly, and everyone will be happy!"

Chen Feng's voice was also a little cold, and his footsteps did not move half a step.

"If that's the case, then you'll take it!"

Seeing that Chenfeng couldn't come over, the elder of the snake-human tribe had a gloomy look in his eyes. She grabbed the black box and threw it towards the bottom of the city wall.

"Stop that box!"

Watching the box containing the Mandala of Sand fall down the city wall, Chen Feng immediately ordered to the Purple Demon Vulture.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, the Purple Demon Vulture moved forward again, and then opened its mouth, a huge suction force acted on the falling black box, pulling it towards the Purple Demon Vulture.


At this moment, on the city wall, a sharp, murderous shout came from the mouth of the elder of the snake-human race.


In an instant, on the city wall, more than a dozen auras burst forth suddenly, rushing towards Chenfeng.

The speed of the four snake-human old women was extremely fast, and they erupted with the mighty aura of a high-level fighting emperor. Just when the purple magic eagle took the black box back, they formed a formation, and the four purple magic eagle and Chenfeng Surrounded in all directions, four fierce and powerful auras burst into the sky, condensing into four huge pillars of air with different colors, like four pillars of the sky, firmly standing on the huge blue sky.

Yin Shi, Mobas, Hua She'er and other snake-human powerhouses headed straight for Chenfeng on the back of the purple magic vulture.

"Hehe, stubbornness!"

Looking at the actions of these snake-human powerhouses, a sneer appeared on the corner of Chenfeng's mouth. Their actions were almost exactly the same as what Queen Medusa had guessed before.

At this moment, although the four old snake-human women had already surrounded the Purple Demon Vulture and the morning wind on its back, they did not make a move.

And the eight figures rushing over from the direction of the city wall were all condensed with fighting energy. When they were about to get close to the Purple Demon Vulture, the eight of them shot out a powerful fighting spirit at the same time, and they converged in one place, facing Chenfeng's. Bombing from the direction.


Facing the attack of these eight powerful fighting spirits of different colors, the huge figure of the Purple Demon Vulture did not move a single bit, its huge mouth opened, and suddenly shot out a beam of purple light several feet in size.

As soon as the purple beam of light came out, the space there seemed to be distorted. The beam of light fiercely swept over the eight turbulent fighting spirits, and seven of them were completely annihilated in an instant.

The last burst of red fighting spirit escaped the interception of the purple beam of light, and with a sharp sound of piercing the air, it rushed straight towards Chen Feng.


Looking at the ever-approaching red energy, Chen Feng had a thought, and a pair of huge silver wings appeared behind him in an instant, with a vast amount of Lei Wei overflowing from them.

"Dou Qi transforms into wings, this young man actually has the cultivation of a Dou Wang?"

"Before, his aura seemed to be covered by something... Now, it seems that his cultivation level seems to be from one-star Douwang to two-star Douwang!"

"It's just a one-star fighting king. I'll see how he can block the attack of the Flower Snake King."

The exposure of Chenfeng's cultivation level made the four old women feel surprised. Originally, in their eyes, at Chenfeng's age, at most he was a great Doushi. The breath far exceeded their expectations.

"Thunder Half Moon Slash!"

On Chenfeng's side, just as he condensed the wings of thunder, he immediately launched a thunder half-moon slash towards the rushing red fighting spirit.

The huge silver half-moon blade condensed from the silver wings, exuding a powerful aura, and then suddenly across the sky, with lightning speed, before the others could react, it bumped into the red arrow shot by the Flower Snake King. Practice fighting spirit.

Although Chenfeng's cultivation is only a one-star fighting king, but this thunder half-moon slash is equivalent to a high-level fighting skill at the ground level. With Chenfeng's cultivation, it is powerful enough to reach the level of a one-star fighting emperor. This move consumes only the Dou Qi required to perform a high-level Xuan-level fighting skill.


The silver half-moon blade collided with the red fighting spirit, destroying the latter almost instantly, and then unstoppably bombarded the big belly of the Flower Snake King behind him.


Hit by the silver half-moon blade, the Flower Snake King let out a painful roar, and his figure fell from the sky in an instant.

On the big belly of the Flower Snake King, there was a hideous incision, the intestines and internal organs inside were exposed, and the blood shot out, dyeing the sky red.

"Flower Snake King!"

Seeing the tragic state of the Flower Snake King, a leader of the Snake-Human Race immediately turned back with vibrating wings and caught the falling Flower Snake King.

"how can that be?"

"The attack just now has reached the level of an ordinary Douhuang. How could a one-star Douwang make such an attack?"

"Could it be that this person has mastered some extremely powerful fighting skills? However, even if it is an elementary fighting skill at the earth level, it is impossible to have such a large increase in strength? Unless, what this person just performed is an advanced fighting skill at the earth level or The legendary heaven-level fighting skills!"

"This son has such strength at such a young age. Today we have become enemies. If he grows up, our snake-human race will definitely be destroyed in his hands. Therefore, we must take him down today no matter what!"

"Yes, we can't give this human being a chance to grow up, and kill him in the cradle today!"

Seeing the scene where Chen Feng hit the Flower Snake King severely, the four elders of the Snake Human Race became even more surprised. Afterwards, the murderous intent in the eyes of the four became even stronger.

One of the old women, with her body flashing continuously, came directly to the back of the Purple Demon Vulture, and with a pair of withered palms, she slapped Chen Feng's head with enormous power.

Chen Feng still couldn't resist the power of the high-level Dou Huang, so when the old woman made a move, he quickly called Yao Chen out.


When the withered palm of the snake-human woman was less than a foot away from Chen Feng's head, an illusory figure floated out of the soul streamer carried by Chen Feng in an instant, and then, a dark white energy wall appeared in Chen Feng's body. In front of him, he pushed down the withered palm.

"who are you?"

As the attack was blocked by Yaochen's soul, the eyes of the snake-human old woman who attacked Chenfeng suddenly revealed a look of astonishment.

"This kind of breath, could it be the Dou Zong powerhouse!"

"Looking at his state, it seems to be just a soul!"

"The soul of Dou Zong's cultivation base is also terrifying. I didn't expect this young man to have such a backhand!"

At the same time, the other three old women who did not make a move were also surprised.


"Dare to attack the master, die for me!"

On Yaochen's side, after helping Chenfeng resist the attack of the snake-human old woman, he immediately launched a counterattack, hitting the old woman with incomparably powerful attacks one after another, leaving the old woman helpless.

"Fourth, be careful!"

Seeing that the snake-human old woman fell into a disadvantage in an instant, the other three old women also rushed up with a loud cry.

These four snake-human old women are all in the high-level Douhuang. Among them, the elder of the snake-human has reached the peak of the Nine-Star Douhuang. The four of them teamed up very well. .

Seeing this, Chenfeng got off the Purple Demon Vulture's back and ordered it to assist Yao Chen in dealing with the four snake-human old women. With the Purple Demon Vulture joining, the situation on the battlefield was instantly reversed.

The four elders of the snake-human tribe had to assign one of them to deal with the purple magic vulture.

In this severe situation, they seem to no longer hold back their hands, and the strength of their shots is gradually increasing.

Above the sky, the roaring sound of one after another energy collision resounded, and the huge energy coercion shocked the minds of some ordinary snake warriors.

In Yin Shi, Mobas and other snake-man leaders watched the battlefield over there for a while, and finally came to their senses, and set their target on Chen Feng in another sky.

"The four elders are dragging the souls of the monster and Dou Zong. Let's take down this human boy first, and then go to help the elders!" Mobas shouted with red eyes.


Hearing what Mobas said, Yin Shi nodded, and then said loudly: "South Snake, you take the Flower Snake King to treatment first! Flower Snake, you organize the Medusa Snake Guards to help this side!"

"This young man is fierce in fighting skills, don't fight with him alone, the rest of you, form five snake poisonous seals with me!"

Shouting loudly, Yin Shi's hands quickly formed a series of strange seal knots first, and as the seal knots moved, a huge blue light quickly condensed in his palm.

Immediately after Yinshi formed the handprint, the other four people also completed the handprint quickly one after another. For this kind of handprint, they have practiced countless times, so as soon as they heard the order, they could move the handprint at an extremely fast speed. The cumbersome printing is completed.

At the moment when the five people bonded together, a faint light energy shield emerged out of thin air, wrapping them tightly. Obviously, this was a measure to defend against the opponent's sudden attack.

Looking at the increasingly intense energy in the hands of the five people, a look of interest flashed across Chen Feng's eyes.

He knew in his heart that the snake-human race's fighting skills are unique and self-contained, especially some fusion fighting skills, which can fuse the strengths of many people together, and then spray them out together, so as to achieve the purpose of competing against high-level powerhouses .

Looking at the fusion fighting skills used by several people in the underworld, the level should be around the high level of the mysterious level. This level of fusion fighting skills can already be regarded as an extremely advanced level among the snake people, so there are only eight tribes. Leaders have the strength and qualifications to practice it.

"Five Snake Poison Seals! Reveal!"

Following Yinshi's low shout, the light in the palms of the five fighting kings suddenly became brighter, and after an instant, five huge pillars of green energy that were several feet long burst out from the palms of the five people .

When the Youqing energy column shot out of the palms of the five people, it began to intertwine. In a short time, an extremely huge energy column suddenly appeared in the sky.

When this huge energy column appeared, a gust of wind suddenly rose in the desert, and a bloody and violent aura suddenly emerged from the energy column.

The huge energy column suddenly began to tumbling, and in an instant, the energy column turned into an energy green snake more than ten feet long.


As soon as the energy green snake appeared, the strong wind in the desert became stronger, and wisps of wind rolls visible to the naked eye swirled rapidly around the energy green snake.

Looking at the huge energy green snake formed in the sky and rushing towards him, Chen Feng's expression still didn't change much.

"Hehe, this fusion of fighting skills is indeed a bit strange, but in the face of absolute strength, everything is false!"

Chenfeng chuckled, and then the soul power instantly entered the small world and brought Lingyou out.

A powerful aura suddenly emanated from Chenfeng's side.

"He actually has a backhand!"

"My God, this kind of breath is another sixth-order monster!"

The appearance of Lingyou shocked the five people in Yinshi who were forming seals to unite their forces, and Hua She'er, who commanded the Medusa Snake Guard on the tower, was also very surprised and felt unbelievable.

After Lingyou came out of the small world, he almost teleported to the huge energy green snake. Then, a huge black flame was released from its body, swept across the sky, and then swept the huge green snake like a huge wave. The green snake swallowed it in one bite.

When the huge green energy snake came into contact with the sweeping black flames on the first day of the new year, it began to dissipate rapidly like the remnant snow meeting the blazing heat.

In just the blink of an eye, the ferocious giant snake whistling in the sky disappeared in such a sudden manner, leaving only the slightly shrill hissing sound, which slowly resounded through the sky until it dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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