Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 154 Morrowind: Queen Medusa, next, you should know what to do, right?

Chapter 154 Morrowind: Queen Medusa, next, you should know what to do, right?

"How could this happen, that little black cat can release such a terrifying beast fire!"

"Too bad, the five chiefs don't seem to be the opponents of the black cat at all!"

At this moment, as Lingyou shot and easily disintegrated the fusion technique performed by Yin Shi and others, the eyes of many strong people of the snake-human race suddenly showed extreme horror.

This scene, for the Snake People, was even more shocking than Yao Chen's appearance before.

This is not to say that Lingyou is stronger than Yaochen, but because her appearance has exceeded the limit that the snake people can resist now, and has become the last straw that crushes the snake people.

"How could this be? How could this human have a sixth-level high-level monster to help?"

"How did that sixth-order monster appear? Why was there no sign at all before, as if it appeared out of thin air?"

Knowing that in Yinshi, Mobas and other snake-human leaders' defeat, and another battlefield, the four elders of the snake-human tribe who were in a fierce battle with Yaochen and Purple Demon Vulture were also greatly affected.

Originally, after Yao Chen appeared, the four of them were already greatly surprised, and hoped that those snake-man commanders would bring many snake-man warriors to assist them, but now, not only could they not give any help, On the contrary, they still need to share their strength to help.

"Fourth, hurry over there and help!"

In desperation, the Great Elder of the Snake People hurriedly shouted at an old woman beside him.


Hearing this, the eyes of the four elders of the Snake Human Clan showed hesitation. The four of them were already at a disadvantage against Yaochen Soul and the Purple Demon Vulture. If there was one less person at this time, the situation here would become even more difficult .

On Yaochen's side, they didn't have much time to think about it. A cloud of white flames gushed out from his body, completely enveloping his soul. Afterwards, a fire ruler formed by the white flames was shot down. Yao Chen took it in his hand.

"This is?"

When Yaochen sacrificed the cold fire of the bone spirit, the elder of the snake-human tribe could clearly feel that the white flames exuding hot temperature outside Yaochen's body seemed to be like pieces of ten thousand-year-old ice, but the ice, and How could it release a fiery flame.

"What the hell is this? It's so weird?"

Sensing the scorching heat emanating from the strange white flames on Yaochen's body, the four elders of the snake-human tribe swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling a sense of uneasiness in their hearts.

If the white fire ruler in Yaochen's hand hit them, and it was stained with a little bit of flame, it would be beyond redemption.

After all, snakes are yin and cold, and things like strange fire suppress them very much.

Before Yaochen didn't use Bone Spirit Cold Fire, the three of them could barely fight together, but now the four of them might be no match.

"It's over!"

Looking at the four people over there who seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, Yaochen had a strange smile on his face, and the white ruler in his hand suddenly burst into a dazzling glare.

The strong light on the ruler body became more and more intense, and in the end, it was almost like a round of shining sun, making people afraid to look directly at it.

Yao Chen let out a low cry, and slammed down the heavy ruler fiercely at the great elder of the snake-human race.

"The flame divides the wave ruler!"

The sound of shouting resounded through the sky, and a white energy blade in the shape of a crescent moon with a width of ten feet shot out from the top of the white ruler.

The huge white flame energy meniscus blade shot into the sky, and disappeared in a flash. The sudden feeling of heat almost made the surrounding snake people feel as if they were in a wave of fire.

The crescent blade brought a series of piercing sonic booms, piercing the sky, with that indomitable power, it even had the momentum to split the sky in half.

"What a terrifying fighting skill!"

Yao Chen's move of Flame Divide the Wave Ruler made the pupils of the four elders of the Snake Human Race on the opposite side shrink suddenly.

The next moment, the four of them worked together to block the direction of the white meniscus blade with a series of huge fighting spirits.

"call out!"

The crescent blade sliced ​​through the sky, and finally, under the watchful eyes of countless eyes, it collided with the fighting spirit of the four elders of the snake-human clan. In an instant, a thunderous noise exploded in the sky Suddenly, a terrifying energy shock wave burst out from the collision point. The huge pressure caused the sand and rocks below to fly, and the original landform structure was completely changed.

However, even though it was blocked by the four people, the crescent moon blade with white flame energy was still not destroyed. In a split second, it burst out from the center of the energy storm and slashed at the elder of the snake-human tribe.


The white meniscus blade, which had lost most of its energy, still caused a lot of damage to the elder of the snake-human race, causing her battle qi armor to shatter, and her qi and blood surged.

"Big elder!"

Seeing that the great elder of the snake-human race was injured, the other three old women were extremely anxious.

Some of the snake warriors watching the battlefield from a distance also felt chills in their hearts.

"Unexpectedly, even several elders were defeated. Could it be that our snake-human race is really going to be in trouble today?"

"What about your majesty, our snake race is facing such a crisis, why doesn't your majesty show up?"

"Her Majesty will definitely come, it is impossible to sit back and watch the holy city of our snake-human race be destroyed!"

At this moment, countless snake warriors are expecting their queen to show up and save them.

At the same time, on the edge of the city wall, Yinshi, Mobas and other five snake-man leaders have retreated steadily under the attack of the ghost Yanmao. Everyone was seriously injured, and many parts of their bodies were scorched black by the black flame.

The fusion skills of the five of them may be able to deal with some ordinary Douhuang, but the gap between the peak Douhuang and the Douwang is definitely not something they can overcome.

"All fighters obey the order, guard our holy city, and attack me!"

Seeing that the people in Yinshi were defeated and retreated, Hua She'er immediately gave an attack order to the countless snake warriors on the city wall.



In an instant, countless snake warriors threw their poisonous spears in the direction of the ghost Yanmao and Morrowind.

Those countless sharp poisonous spears, covering the sky and the sun, are densely packed and extremely powerful. If so many attacks are all made by fighting spirits, people with a great Doushi cultivation level, even if it is a Douhuang or even a strong Douzong. It will feel a little tricky to get up.

However, above the city tower, most of the snake-man fighters are only fighting masters, and some are even at the level of fighters, unable to release their fighting spirit. This kind of attack covers a large area, but it is precisely because of this that they can Without concentrated output, it would be impossible to pose any threat to the phantom Yanmao and Morrowind.

"It looks quite passionate... Unfortunately, it's useless!"

Looking at the shower of poisonous spears coming from the city wall, Chen Feng shook his head lightly, his body surged with fighting spirit, forming a pair of hard silver armor.

Then, he stretched out his palm and slammed it in the direction of the shower of poisonous spears, and a huge silver palm print of Zhang Xu shot out immediately.

Wherever the silver palm print passed, the poisonous spears broke off one after another, and there was an empty space in the dense rain of poisonous spears, and none of the poisonous spears could hit Chenfeng.

On the side of Ghost Yanmao, it is easier to resist these poisonous spears. Although she looks petite, this petite body possesses a terrifying power that is astonishing.

The poisonous spear came bursting, and she didn't even dodge it. The sharp poisonous spear shot at her body, as if it touched steel, and broke off one after another.

After the shower of poisonous spears completely passed, both Morrowind and Phantom Yanmao were unscathed.

On the contrary, on the side of the snake people, not only a huge gap appeared on the high wall of the holy city, but also seven or eight warriors of the snake people died under the palm of Chen Feng.

"Human, don't be crazy!"

The great elder of the snake-human tribe caught a glimpse of the scene above the city wall of the holy city, and felt a burst of grief in her heart, her eyes were red. The next moment, she roared, and her body directly turned into a giant blue python with a size of more than ten feet.

Seeing this, the other three snake-human elders did the same. They quickly made some seals, and then a strong light flashed across their bodies, turning them into ferocious pythons of the same size.

"Hey! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!"

Four extremely huge pythons soared in the sky, with their mouths wide open and their fangs bared, which created a huge visual impact.

Once the people of the snake-human race turned into monsters, they basically planned to do their best. It seems that the elder of the snake-human race no longer cares about the loss of blood and is planning to fight.

At this moment, the four elders of the snake-human clan who had turned into monsters did not fight Yaochen desperately, but twisted their bodies and rushed towards the holy city wall at a very fast speed.

"Master, be careful!"

Seeing the target of the four giant pythons, Yao Chen and the Purple Demon Vulture quickly pulled back and returned.

"Grass, it seems that these four old things are planning to go all out!"

Seeing the four huge pythons rushing towards him, Chenfeng couldn't help swearing, then quickly vibrated the Thunder Wings, retreated quickly, hid behind the ghost Yanmao, and quickly joined Yaochen and Purple Demon Vulture.

After a while, in the sky outside the city wall, the powerhouses of the two sides confronted each other with a distance of more than a hundred feet.

"Human, if you insist on killing my snake-human race today, we old guys will try our best to keep you!"

The blue giant python grown by the elder of the snake-human tribe roared loudly at Chenfeng, after fighting for so long, they have already seen that the strong men on the opposite side are all based on the weakest human youth. respect.

"Hehe, don't you find it ridiculous when you say this?"

Hearing the blue python's words, Chen Feng had a sneer on his face, and said with a sneer, "If you hadn't stopped me in the first place, I would have left here long ago, and you are all to blame for the ending now. !"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, the pupils of the blue python made by the elder of the snake-human clan had a very complicated look.

"Hey... human beings, what happened before, we were mistaken... What do you want now to make a truce with our race?"

After being silent for a while, the Great Elder of the Snake Human Clan sighed, and said helplessly, she had actually shown weakness in the negotiation by saying this, and next, if Chenfeng is willing to agree to stop, they will try their best to To complete the conditions proposed by Chenfeng.

There has never been a right or wrong in the war between humans and the snake race.

If Chenfeng had shown his trump card from the beginning, the snake people would never take the so-called face into consideration to deal with the intruder, Chenfeng, and they would definitely choose to send the mandala of sand to calm things down.

After this battle, not only many snake-human warriors were killed and injured, but also several snake-human leaders died one after another. The blood is depleted again, at least a few years of life will be lost.

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Mobas and others standing behind the four elders no longer dared to intervene indiscriminately, for fear of affecting the negotiation.

On Chenfeng's side, after hearing the cowardly words of the elder of the snake-human race, he hesitated a little.

Before he came to fetch the Mandala of Sand, he had anticipated and prepared for today's battle, so he was not particularly angry. Moreover, he had promised Queen Medusa that he would spare the snake-human race this time. horse.

But now that the Snake People have asked him to make an offer, they may be able to harvest a batch of supplies.

With the supplies of such a huge race as the Snake Human Race, if you just scoop up a little bit, I'm afraid it can bring great help to Chenfeng's own family and sect forces.

"If you want me to give up now, it's not impossible! If you donate one-third of the supplies in the treasure house of the snake-human holy city, I will agree to a truce!"

With a smile on his face, Chen Feng set out his own conditions.

"One-third of the materials in the treasury!"

Hearing the conditions set out by Chenfeng, the four elders and some leaders of the snake-human clan changed their expressions. The snake-human clan has been in a barren place like the desert for so long, and they are already in short supply. If they agree to Chenfeng's proposal With this request, the snake people will have a more difficult life than before.

"Human, why should I believe that you won't attack our snake-human race after taking the supplies!"

The Great Elder of the Snake Race spoke coldly.

"Ha ha!"

Chen Feng didn't bother to explain anything to this kind of questioning, and said with a sneer, "Do you still have a choice?"

As Chenfeng's words fell, the elders of the snake-human tribe fell silent again. If they continue to fight, even if they push Chenfeng back, they will run out of fuel in a few years. Knowing that the snake people are empty, the snake people will truly usher in a life of extermination and enslavement.

"Humans, remember what you said, if you dare to turn your back on what you said, even if our snake-human race is exterminated, you will not make it easy!"

In the end, the Great Elder of the Snake People chose to agree to Chenfeng's request and ordered someone to move out one-third of the supplies from the treasure house of the Snake People's Holy City and hand them over to Chen Feng.


"This trip to the desert was not in vain!"

A hundred miles away from the holy city, Chenfeng stepped on the back of the purple magic vulture, feeling very happy.

Even if he saw the supplies handed over by the snake people, he would still be moved.

Those materials, even the Mittel family that Chenfeng belongs to will be very surprised.

After leaving the holy city of the snake-human race, Chenfeng moved directly into the small world.

"Human, did you clash with my people just now!"

Chenfeng had just entered the small world, and Queen Medusa asked him anxiously. Ever since Lingyou left the small world, she had been in a state of anxiety.

"As you expected, those four old guys have changed their minds today!" Chen Feng said calmly.

"You didn't do anything to them, did you... You promised me to let them go yesterday!"

After receiving Chenfeng's affirmative reply, Queen Medusa became even more nervous.

"Don't worry, today is still just a small punishment for them!" Chen Feng nodded.

After saying this, Chen Feng paused, looked at Queen Medusa's alluring face, and asked with a smile, "I have already done what you asked me to do. Next, you should know how to do it, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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