Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 155 Damn, do you treat me like a slave girl?

Chapter 155 Damn, do you treat me like a slave girl?
Hearing this, a panic appeared in Queen Medusa's beautiful eyes, and her eyes were a little dodgy, not daring to look directly at Chen Feng.

Immediately afterwards, her rosy mouth opened slightly, and she said with some hesitation: "Human, who knows what you have done... Let me out for a while, I have to see it with my own eyes to believe what you said is true! "

"Ha ha!"

As Queen Medusa's voice fell, Morrowind suddenly burst into laughter.

"What do you mean by that?"

This reaction of Chenfeng immediately made Queen Medusa a little surprised, and then she glared at Chenfeng with evil eyes.

Chen Feng stared at Queen Medusa. Her bewitching face was like a masterpiece from the heavens. Even though her bright eyes were full of evil spirits, she still possessed an undisguised enchanting charm.

This woman is a stunner in almost every man's heart.

"It's nothing interesting... It's just that I guessed that you would mess with these moths, so I made some preparations in advance!"

As Chen Feng spoke, he directly took out the Photo Crystal Stone, and then skillfully activated a wisp of Dou Qi and poured it into the Photo Crystal.

Suddenly, a picture appeared in the void in front of the two of them.

In the picture, what is shown is the scene where Chenfeng stepped on the purple magic eagle and just arrived at the holy city of the snake-human race today.

The dialogue between the great elder of the snake-human tribe and Chenfeng, and the scene where he threw the black box off the city wall and led the crowd to surround Chenfeng were all clearly displayed.

"This is... Great Elder, Hua She'er, Yue Mei, Mobas... how did they appear here..."

Seeing the images and sounds presented in the void, Queen Medusa's pretty face was full of surprise. She didn't know how Morrowind managed to reproduce the images that happened before. , too weird.

Finally, the scene in the void changed, showing that Chenfeng promised to let the snake people go and leave the holy city of the snake people. Of course, there was no picture of Chenfeng collecting the resources from the snake people's treasure house.

"It seems that everything has been guessed by me!"

After watching the scene presented in the void, Queen Medusa sighed with complicated eyes.

"Queen Medusa, do you still have any doubts now? Don't you want to say that the scene just now was a fantasy created by me?"

With a smile on his face, Chenfeng said softly.

"It's not an illusion... No illusion can be so realistic!"

Queen Medusa shook her head, her tone was very low.

At this moment, Queen Medusa's eyes showed hesitation, as if she was making an extremely important decision, her nails seemed to be deeply embedded in the flesh and blood.

She knew that if she didn't agree to Chen Feng today, Chen Feng might return to the Holy City and start killing again.

"Since you let my people go just now, I will do what I promised you before!"

Following a cold voice with some humiliation, Queen Medusa slowly stretched out her green fingers and unbuttoned the red brocade robe.

Immediately afterwards, the red brocade robe slipped off her body, and for a moment, a large piece of snow-white skin was exposed, and a beautiful snake with an extremely hot figure appeared naked in front of Chen Feng's eyes.

Sensing Chen Feng's gaze, Queen Medusa's originally beautiful eyes with a sense of humiliation were both shy and chilly, which seemed extremely complicated. She quickly stretched out her jade hands, and covered the proud pair of eyes It is covered over the **.

This kind of action, the sense of charm emanating from it immediately made Chen Feng feel an impulse in his heart, and the small flame in his heart burned more and more intensely.

But then, as his eyes moved down, Chen Feng's eyes shifted from the white and flat belly to the purple snake tail that released wild temptation, but suddenly frowned slightly.

"I don't know, Queen Medusa took the Transformation Pill, will it break through the seal on her body, or the strength will be much more refined?"

Chen Feng thought quickly in his heart. The Transformation Pill he obtained before was reserved for Queen Medusa, but he was also worried that after Queen Medusa recovered her cultivation, it would be difficult to control it again, or it would be in vain. Adding other changes, when the time comes, it will be like lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot.

"Forget it, even if you can't eat it now, you can still quench your thirst!"

Slightly shaking his head, Chen Feng put aside the thoughts in his heart, and once again concentrated his eyes on that beautiful face that was as seductive as a fairy.

At this moment, Queen Medusa lowered her head slightly, her complicated and beautiful eyes were fixed on the floor, she did not dare to raise her head at all.

As the queen of the snake-human race, she has never been naked in front of any man before, and no one dares to look at her with such obscene eyes. Therefore, the current Queen Medusa feels a huge sense of humiliation in her heart, but, For the sake of her people, she still had to grit her teeth and bear all this.

Looking at the beautiful man with his head slightly lowered in front of him, Chen Feng had a smile on his face, and then he took this graceful body into his arms.


The first time she was hugged and touched by a man like this, Queen Medusa screamed in panic, and then twisted her body, trying to break free, but now that her cultivation base is sealed, how can she break free.

On Chenfeng's side, feeling the tingling sensation coming from his hands and other parts of his body, he exclaimed in his heart.

The next moment, he fixed his eyes on the alluring face with evil intentions, and said with a light smile: "Hehe, Queen Medusa, I think you should know the rules of my place by now... From now on, I will be your master, Now, don't salute your master!"


Damn it, is this treating the king as a female slave?
Damn guy!
As soon as Chenfeng's words fell, Queen Medusa was furious in her heart. The safety of her people seemed to be temporarily forgotten by her. Called straight to Chenfeng's face.

However, when her palm was only an inch away from Chenfeng's cheek, she suddenly saw Chenfeng's cold eyes. At this moment, the reason in her heart defeated the huge anger, and her palm suddenly stopped. Here, there is no further advance.

Immediately afterwards, Queen Medusa took a deep breath, her alluring face was filled with humiliation, and she called out in a very soft voice: "Master~"

Queen Medusa's voice had a natural tingling feeling, saying such a sentence immediately made Chenfeng's face flush, and the evil fire in his heart rose.

"Not bad!"

Chenfeng nodded very satisfied, and the next moment, he stretched out his hand to hold Queen Medusa's jade arm that was still hovering in mid-air, and then grabbed that slender hand...


Being grabbed by the palm of Chenfeng and resisted... Queen Medusa's face turned pale for a while, and at the same time, she was filled with humiliation and shame.

"It seems you don't know what to do yet!"

"Xiao Xun'er, come here and teach her well!"

Seeing the expression on Queen Medusa's face, Chen Feng tilted his head slightly, and greeted Xiao Xun'er not far away.

"Yes, Master~"

Hearing Chen Feng's call, a charming smile appeared on Xiao Xun'er's face, and she walked slowly to Chen Feng's side with small steps.

Soon, under Xiao Xun'er's instruction, Queen Medusa bent down in an extremely humiliating manner...



After a while, Chen Feng let out a sigh of relief, and then looked at the seductive man with a sense of humiliation on his face, feeling very proud in his heart.

This normally lofty and extremely honorable Queen has become so weak now, even a little pitiful, but this is not a pleasant feeling.

"Next, it's time to prepare to go back! However, Qinglin and Haibodong must be taken back first!"

The hotness in his heart was released, and Chen Feng was thinking about business.

The next moment, following Chen Feng's thoughts, his figure disappeared into the small world in an instant.

"Queen Medusa, if Master comes back here in the future, you can't put on such a cold face like now, otherwise, Master will be unhappy, and you will never have the chance to go out to breathe in your life!"

After Chen Feng left, Xiao Xun'er looked at Queen Medusa who was in a daze, and warned her kindly.

As Xiao Xun'er's voice fell, Queen Medusa suddenly raised her head, glaring at Xiao Xun'er.

But soon, the anger in her eyes dissipated, and there was a self-deprecating look on her alluring face.

In her heart, she can no longer feel the contempt and disdain towards Xiao Xun'er as before, because now she is no different from Xiao Xun'er, they both call Master Chenfeng and do the same things. Those who please the lowly things.


"Yaochen, come out!"

On the Purple Demon Vulture's back, Chenfeng had just come out of the small world, when he lifted the restriction of the soul-controlling banner and summoned Yaochen.


Yao Chen's phantom figure appeared, and immediately saluted Chen Feng respectfully.

"Go to work!"

Chen Feng nodded, and then handed over to Yao Chen all the prescriptions and medicinal materials that Hai Bodong had given him, including the Mandala of Sand that he had obtained from the Snake Human Race in the morning.

"Yes, Master!"

Obtaining Chenfeng's order, Yaochen quickly sacrificed the Bone Spirit Cold Fire, the flame rose in Yaochen's palm, and then quickly condensed a huge white cauldron in front of Yaochen.

This fire cauldron condensed with different fires is much better than the ordinary medicine cauldron, it allows the alchemist to control the temperature of the alchemy more perfectly.

The white cauldron condensed, and Yaochen's illusory withered palm suddenly waved rapidly like picking leaves from flowers, and with the flick of Yaochen's fingertips, inside the cauldron, the fiery white flames were extremely obedient. It turned into more than a dozen clusters of tiny white flames, enveloping the injected medicinal materials.

Looking at Yaochen's flowing movements, Chenfeng was very satisfied. With Yaochen as a refining tool, he would indeed save a lot of trouble.

Yao Chen's process of refining Po'er Pill this time went very smoothly. There was no accident at all because it was the first time refining. In less than a day, a refreshing pill was emitted from the white fire cauldron. fragrant.

Then, with a move of Yao Chen's hand, the white fire cauldron dissipated, and a round elixir the size of a thumb, lavender all over, exuding a faint luster, twirled and entered into his palm.

"Master, the elixir has been refined!"

After putting the pill into a jade bottle, Yao Chen respectfully presented it to Chen Feng.

"Well, good job!"

Chenfeng took away the jade bottle brought by Yaochen, praised it, and then looked at the huge stone city standing on the yellow sand in the distance.

The next moment, the huge Purple Demon Vulture disappeared instantly at the foot of Chen Feng, and behind him, a pair of silver wings exuding the power of thunder appeared.


In the quiet courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion, Qinglin sensed something, left the room early, and came to the courtyard to wait.

After a while, above the sky, in Qinglin's line of sight, a fast-moving silver light group appeared.

"Master Chenfeng, you are back!"

Seeing Chenfeng come back, Qinglin stood in the yard, excitedly waving to the sky.

Soon, Chen Feng landed in the small courtyard where Qing Lin was under the gaze of some surprised eyes.

"Master Chenfeng, you should have done everything you had to do before!"

Qing Lin looked at Chen Feng with a smile, and said softly.

"Well, it's all done!"

Chen Feng nodded with a smile, and then focused his eyes on Qinglin's petite body. He found that Qinglin's cultivation level had actually increased by another stage, and now he was at the third stage of fighting spirit.

It took him less than five days to go back and forth to the holy city of the snake-human race this time. Qinglin can make such progress, which is very good.

This may also be related to the fact that she has never practiced before. Ordinary practitioners start from a few years old. By the age of eleven or twelve, those who can break through the fighters are considered to be very talented.

Once Qinglin's special physique is fully utilized, it can continuously absorb the cultivation base of the controlled monster. At that time, her cultivation base will really skyrocket.

Chen Feng touched Qinglin's smooth and tender cheeks, and said softly: "Qinglin, this time the matter is settled, I am going back to the family, you go back with me too!"


"Thank you sir!"

Hearing this, Qinglin's eyes flashed with joy, and she nodded obediently.

In Qing Lin's mind, the fact that a noble status like Chen Feng's ability to bring her back to her own family shows that she doesn't care about her blood of a snake at all. Therefore, there is a warm current rushing to her heart at this moment.

Next, on Chenfeng's side, he didn't stay long in Stone Mocheng, but he took Qinglin and headed towards Mocheng.


At the junction of the desert and the land, occasionally a few blue grass leaves are dotted on it. Although the dots are quite rare, they are undoubtedly much more pleasing to the eye than the uniform golden yellow sand in the desert.

Since this place is already close to the edge of the desert, you can occasionally see pedestrians passing by and mercenary teams returning from hunting monsters in the desert.

"Look, what is that in the sky?"

"It's people, two people flying in the sky!"

Suddenly, a silver light cluster moving at high speed in the sky attracted the attention of a large number of mercenaries, and countless pairs of eyes looked at the sky.

The figure above the sky was Chen Feng who came from Stone Mocheng. This time, he was very high-profile and flew directly into the huge city in front of his sight, Mocheng.

In this city called Mocheng, the Ice Emperor, Hai Bodong, one of the top ten powerhouses of the Jia Ma Empire, lives in seclusion. At the same time, he is also a high-ranking senior in the Chenfeng family.

Flying all the way into the city, Chenfeng landed directly in front of the shop named 'Gutu' with Qinglin.

 Suppress the Dou Qi Continent with endless monsters!

(End of this chapter)

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