Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 156 Return of the Ice Emperor!Qinglin is pregnant!

Chapter 156 Return of the Ice Emperor!Qinglin is pregnant!
"Master Chenfeng, is this the place where the senior of the family you mentioned lived in seclusion?"

Standing on the street, Qinglin looked at the quaintly decorated shop in front of her, and said curiously, on the way to Mocheng, Chenfeng briefly told Qinglin about Haibodong.

"Well, the senior who lives in seclusion here is one of the top ten powerhouses in the empire, Ice Emperor Haibodong, I will go in later, remember to greet me!"

"Master, I remember!"

Chen Feng nodded lightly, and then walked directly into the shop with Qing Lin.

On the street, quite a few passers-by had seen the scene of Chenfeng descending from the sky with the wings of thunder just now, and they were all very shocked.

How could there be such a young and strong man in a remote place like Mocheng?
Among these people, the girl who was closest to the landing place of Chen Feng and Qing Lin, who was about to enter the shop, seemed particularly excited.

This woman, wearing a tight red dress, looks quite pretty, and her figure looks exquisite under the wrap of the red dress.

"The top ten powerhouses in the empire, Ice Emperor Haibodong...Father's previous guess is indeed correct, that old senior is actually a reclusive Douhuang powerhouse!"

At this moment, after Chenfeng entered the shop, the girl in red couldn't help showing a look of excitement on her pretty face. Obviously, she heard everything Chenfeng said to Qinglin just now.

Next, the woman in red also followed Chen Feng and Qing Lin's footsteps, and stepped into the shop curiously.

In the 'Ancient Map' shop, there are very few customers, only two people are carefully selecting, and Hai Bodong is sitting at the counter as always, earnestly making a map of the desert.

As Chen Feng approached, Hai Bodong immediately sensed a powerful aura of cultivation, and immediately raised his head.

"So it's your boy!"

Seeing that it was Chen Feng who came, Hai Bodong breathed a sigh of relief, with a warm smile on his face.

"The king of battle?"

But the next moment, Hai Bodong's heart skipped a beat, and he stared at Chen Feng in disbelief.


Seeing Hai Bodong's reaction, Chen Feng nodded and said with a smile: "Elder Taishang, this junior went to the desert this time and got some chances to break through to the Dou Wang!"

"Okay, very good. Cultivation requires talent and even more opportunity. It's very good that you have this opportunity!"

Hearing Chenfeng's frank answer, the smile on Haibodong's face grew wider, and he couldn't stop nodding his head in praise.

"This young man is actually a fighting king, no wonder he exudes such a strong aura!"

The conversation between Chen Feng and Hai Bodong was also heard by the two people in the store who were picking out the map, and they all stared at Chen Feng in surprise.

Dou Wangqiang is still a young man who looks only fourteen or fifteen years old. This kind of information is too huge for them.

"This young Dou Wang powerhouse respects Master Bing so much, it seems that Master Bing is really a Dou Wang powerhouse!"

At this moment, the woman in the red dress felt more sure of Hai Bodong's identity.

As if aware that other people in the shop were getting in the way, Hai Bodong waved his hands impatiently, and said coldly, "Everyone, go out, this place is closed today!"

Hearing Hai Bodong's words, the two people in the shop who originally selected the map left angrily, but the woman in red who followed Chenfeng in stood still.

"Master Ice..."

The woman in red hesitated a little, and said timidly.

Hearing this, Hai Bodong glanced at the woman in red, and said calmly: "You should go back too, in the future, you don't need to come here to help again."

Hearing Hai Bodong's unceremonious repelling words, the woman in the red skirt was slightly taken aback, and then her eyes suddenly turned red, and she bit her red lips tightly with her white teeth.

Her original intention was to let Hai Bodong accept her as a student, but when Hai Bodong's words came out, it was obvious that she cut off her hope, and she felt very wronged in her heart, and the slight mist wet her slender eyelashes. past.

"Master, this elder sister looks so pitiful!"

Seeing the woman in red with pear blossoms in the rain, Qing Lin said to Chen Feng with some unbearable heart.

"Who is this little girl?"

Hai Bodong heard Qinglin's voice, and asked Chenfeng in surprise.

"I've met the Supreme Elder... My name is Qinglin, and I'm the young master's maid!" Qinglin hurriedly bowed to Hai Bodong and whispered.

"So it's your boy's maid!"

Hai Bodong replied lightly, and then seemed to remember what Qing Lin said to Chen Feng just now, after a slight pause, his fingers caressed the yellow ring on his fingertips. , a scroll flashed out.

Flicking his fingers on the scroll, Hai Bodong shot it at the woman in red, and said helplessly: "This is a scroll of low-level Xuan-level fighting skills. Seeing that you have helped me for so long, I will give it to you. I will give it to you." I know you want me to accept you as a student, but I really don't have that kind of intention, so this should be my compensation."

Following the scroll in a daze, the woman in the red dress tightly pursed her lips. After a while, she bowed down gratefully to Qing Lin who was beside Chen Feng, then with a gloomy pretty face, she exited the shop gently.

After the woman in the red dress left, Hai Bodong pressed lightly on a place behind the counter, and immediately, all the doors of the shop were closed.

Hai Bodong walked out of the counter with a smile, then put his hand on Chenfeng's shoulder, and asked, "Morningfeng boy, how are things going in the desert this time?"

"Elder Taishang, this time I went to the desert, I successfully found the Mandala of Sand, and even went to the senior alchemist to find him to refine the Po'er Pill!"

Hearing Hai Bodong's words, Chen Feng didn't hesitate, and directly took out the jade bottle containing the Po Er Pill, and handed it to Hai Bodong.

"Already refined successfully? Your kid's efficiency is really terrifying!"

Seeing this, Hai Bodong couldn't wait to open the jade bottle that Chen Feng handed over, and immediately, a refreshing fragrance of elixir emanated from the jade bottle.

Looking at the purple pill in the jade bottle, Hai Bodong's old face was filled with ecstasy and shock.

The ecstasy, of course, was because he got the Poe Evil Pill as he wished, and the shock... was because he was a little unbelievable that Chenfeng had gone into and out of the desert in such a short period of time, and he could still find a seventh-rank alchemist to pass the pill to him. Refined out.

Hearing this, Chen Feng didn't explain anything, he pointed to the elixir in the jade bottle, and said slowly: "Elder Taishang, you should try the effect of this elixir first, and see if the description of the elixir is exaggerated !"

"Alright, I also want to know if this elixir can break the seal on my body!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Hai Bodong immediately threw away all other thoughts, and concentrated all his thoughts on Po Er Pill.

"Go, follow me to a place!"

After finishing speaking, Bo Dong walked towards a side door, followed by Chen Feng and Qing Lin.

Entering the side door, a corridor appeared. The light in the corridor was slightly dim, and every ten meters or so, there was a lamp emitting a faint light.

In this dim environment, Hai Bodong walked in front with his head buried, and Chenfeng didn't speak, only the slight sound of footsteps echoed slowly in the long corridor, which lasted for a long time.

This kind of voice gave Qing Lin a creepy feeling, and timidly followed behind Chen Feng.

Although the corridor is straight, Chenfeng can feel that they seem to be walking downhill.

After walking like this for about 10 minutes, Hai Bodong in front of him suddenly stopped, turned his head, and smiled at Chen Feng: "Here we are!"

His eyes skipped over Haibodong, and Chen Feng's gaze swept ahead, only to see a thick iron door appear at the end of his sight under the light of the faint light. The iron door was deep and dark, revealing a A sense of solidity.

Looking at the iron gate, Hai Bodong's footsteps were obviously quicker. After a while, he came to the door and moved the head of a black iron lion in front of the door with his palm. Slowly opened it, and a bright light was also transmitted from it.

"come in!"

Facing Chen Feng, Hai Bodong walked in first with a smile.

Chenfeng didn't hesitate, and directly led Qinglin into the basement.

As soon as he entered the basement, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped a lot, and a faint chill lingered around his body.

This basement is an underground ice cave. On the ceiling of the ice cave and on the surrounding thick walls, there are snow-white icicles hanging. Above the head, there are sharp icicles like sharp long swords. , hanging upside down from the ceiling.

A faint cold mist radiates out, lingers in the basement, and persists for years. It is unknown how much time and energy Hai Bodong has spent on this kind of slightly huge basement.

"Hehe, boy Chenfeng, the Dou Qi I practice is more yin and cold, so the effect is better if I practice it in this kind of place, and there is a distance from the ground here, and the ice and mud can cover up the aura here. , so that it will not be noticed by other strong people."

Looking at the expressions on the faces of Chenfeng and Qinglin, Haibodong explained with a smile.


Hearing this, Chen Feng nodded slightly, then looked at Qing Lin, and said, "How is it, can the cold here be tolerated?"

"I'm fine!" Qinglin smiled and shook her head.

Next, Chenfeng was not polite, and took Qinglin to sit down on the seat in the center of the basement.

"Wait a minute, if this elixir is effective, I should be able to break through the seal in a short time!"

Watching Chenfeng and the others sit down, Hai Bodong greeted him, then tapped his toes on the ground, his body flashed onto a platform made of ice, and sat cross-legged. Then he stuffed the broken pill in his hand into his mouth, rolled his throat slightly, and swallowed it into his stomach.

After that, the basement was very quiet, Chenfeng and Qinglin silently watched Haibodong on the ice platform over there.

Half an hour later, a circle of ferocious energy ripples broke the tranquility.

On the ice platform, Hai Bodong, who had been in silence all this time, suddenly trembled violently.

Waves of ferocious energy ripples rapidly spread out from his body. Wherever the energy ripples passed, the surrounding tables and icicles were all crackled and shattered.

Seeing this, Chen Feng shot quickly, condensing a silver energy shield on himself and Qinglin's body, blocking all the raging energy ripples.

Hai Bodong on the ice platform didn't seem to notice the damage he caused, his body trembled violently for a while, and his old face suddenly became tense.

On his forehead, strange blue energy condensed rapidly, and after a while, a small blue energy snake pattern was formed.

The snake pattern hovered over Hai Bodong's forehead, sealing the surging fighting qi in his body.

The moment the snake pattern appeared, the lavender energy slowly lingered upwards at the position of Hai Bodong's neck, and in just the blink of an eye, he began to come into contact with the small green snake.

The contact of the two ferocious energies caused the previous wave of energy ripples to appear.

The purple energy and the green snake pattern were in a stalemate on Hai Bodong's forehead. The faint light released by the two energies imprinted on Hai Bodong's face quite strangely. In fact, due to the two kinds of energies competing for such an important position in the brain, the severe pain caused caused Hai Bodong's face to be slightly distorted, and it looked like this, unexpectedly had a faintly sinister taste.

The two energies of purple and cyan were stalemate up and down on Hai Bodong's face, but when the stalemate lasted for about half an hour, the faint green snake pattern finally faded slightly. Apparently, this so-called Po'er Pill really has the miraculous effect of restraining this kind of seal.

With the help of the effect of restraint, the purple energy slowly drove away the territory occupied by the snake pattern. When gradually driving the latter away from the top of Haibodong's forehead, the purple energy surged up violently, with a fierce force , unexpectedly squeezed that snake pattern out of Hai Bodong's head.

As soon as the snake pattern broke away from Hai Bodong's head, there was a violent tremor, which immediately turned into a puff of blue smoke, and then dissipated.

At the moment when the snake pattern was separated from the body, Hai Bodong's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and the light burst out from the eyes like a real substance, a fierce momentum, like a awakened lion. The inside of the body, which had been deeply suppressed for nearly decades, burst out.

Under this powerful momentum, the ice crystal layer in the basement actually started to crack.

"Haha, this damned seal is finally gone! This old man has become the Emperor of Fighting again!"

With the soles of his feet on the ice platform, Hai Bodong's body was suspended in mid-air like lightning, his face was filled with ecstasy, he raised his head and laughed wildly.

The violent sound wave, carried by the fighting qi, shook the cracked ice layer around it with a loud bang and burst down.

"Elder Supreme, congratulations on breaking through the seal!"

Seeing Hai Bodong laughing wildly in mid-air, Chenfeng stood up from his seat and congratulated with a smile.

"Haha, it's all thanks to you boy! Without you, I don't know how much time I, an old fellow, would have wasted here!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Hai Bodong moved and quickly returned to the ground, his words were full of gratitude.

"Elder Supreme, since you have recovered your cultivation, Chenfeng wants to welcome you back to the family. I think the old man will be very happy to see you back!" Chenfeng continued.

Hearing this, Hai Bodong scanned the ice room and sighed: "After this time, I really don't have any reason to stay here... Let's go back in a few days!"

"Elder Supreme, you have stayed here for decades, and there are more or less things worth remembering. How about this, I will not bother you today, and I will come back at noon the day after tomorrow, and then we will return to the imperial capital together!"

Looking at the emotional expression on Hai Bodong's face, Chen Feng felt a little empathetic, and after that, he took Qinglin and left here temporarily.

"Ding, it is detected that Qinglin is pregnant, reward the host with a big gift bag!"

"Ding, may the host open the big gift bag?"

Just as Chen Feng left the basement, a system notification sound suddenly sounded in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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