Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 165 Jia Xingtian, I will take good care of your 2 granddaughters!

Chapter 165 Jia Xingtian, I will take good care of your two granddaughters! (Da Zhang!)

In the sky five hundred miles away from the imperial capital, Chen Feng spread out his huge thunder wings and flew towards Wu Tan City at the speed of an ordinary fighting king.

Suddenly, behind Chenfeng, there was a rushing sound of piercing through the air.

"It seems that the puppet pill must be rewarded!"

Hearing this voice, Chen Feng's face was very calm. As early as two hundred miles away from the imperial capital, he had already discovered this powerful aura following him.

Soon, a dazzling yellow light group came from behind and appeared in front of Chen Feng, stopping him.

The yellow light group was introverted, revealing the figure of a white-haired old man in a hemp robe. This person was the guardian of the overweight royal family that Chen Feng and Hai Bodong met yesterday, Jia Xingtian.

"Jia Lao, you have followed me for three hundred miles, and you are finally willing to show your face!"

Looking at Jia Xingtian who appeared in front, Chen Feng said with a faint smile on his face.

"What? This kid actually found me a long time ago?"

Hearing this, Jia Xingtian's calm old face suddenly showed a look of surprise. Chen Feng said this, and it was obvious that he had already noticed that he was following him.

Moreover, at this moment, Chen Feng's face still looked very calm. This kind of cultivation talent and a stable state of mind made De Jia Xingtian's heart full of murderous intent.

"Young man, I have to admit that your sensory ability is very strong... I think you should also know the purpose of the old man's coming here today!"

Jia Xingtian sighed softly, his words filled with murderous intent.

"Hehe, what's not clear about this, Jialao just thinks that my existence poses a threat to your royal family, and wants to kill me to avoid future troubles!"

Hearing Jia Xingtian's words, Chen Feng chuckled, his face still calm.

"You are indeed a smart person, and you are also very courageous. Unfortunately, people who are too smart and too bold often don't live long!"

As the words fell, Jia Xingtian's side was no longer in ink, his killing intent was completely released, his body shot towards Chenfeng, and a pair of withered palms slapped towards Chenfeng's forehead with heavy fighting energy.

However, the moment Jia Xingtian rushed out, a black shadow suddenly flashed beside Chenfeng, and after the black shadow appeared, it faced Jia Xingtian's withered palms straightly.


The two collided, and a ferocious energy ripple erupted from the point of collision, sweeping across a small piece of heaven and earth.

After the collision, Jia Xingtian and the little black shadow retreated a lot.

At this moment, Jia Xingtian clearly saw the appearance of the thing that collided with him just now, an extremely small black cat.

"It's actually a sixth-order high-level monster!"

Sensing the powerful aura from Lingyou, Jia Xingtian's complexion suddenly became ugly.

Lingyou's small body contained enormous power. If Jia Xingtian hadn't cultivated the earth attribute battle qi, which was thick and majestic, he might have suffered a big loss in the confrontation just now.

"It's the old man who underestimated you. I didn't expect you to have a sixth-level advanced monster to help!"

Next, Jia Xingtian didn't continue to attack, he now finally understood why Chen Feng acted so calmly.

"Unfortunately, you know it too late!"

Chenfeng sighed, and then shouted at Lingyou: "Lingyou, beat him down!"

As Chenfeng's words fell, Lingyou's figure suddenly rushed towards Jiaxingtian again. This time, her body was covered with a layer of hot black flames.

"It's actually beast fire!"

Seeing the black flames permeating Lingyou's body, Jia Xingtian didn't dare to be careless, and quickly gathered a thick khaki armor around his body.


In the sky, every time Lingyou and Jia Xingtian collided, huge energy ripples would erupt. In order to condense the battle energy armor to resist the burning of the black flame, Jia Xingtian consumed a huge amount of battle energy in his body.

It was obvious that Jia Xingtian, who was also at the peak of the Douhuang, would not benefit at all from Lingyou's hands.

"Purple Demon Vulture, come out too!"

Looking at the scorching battlefield in the sky over there, Chen Feng summoned the Purple Demon Vulture with a thought.


After receiving the order, the Purple Demon Vulture immediately fluttered its wings, and its huge body rushed straight to Jiaxingtian.

"It's another sixth-order beast, how did it appear?"

The appearance of the Purple Demon Vulture made Dejia Xingtian's heart tremble. Before, Lingyou appeared beside Chenfeng out of thin air. Although he felt a little surprised, but Lingyou's size was small. Hiding on Chenfeng's body, the breath is well covered.

But with the huge size of the Purple Demon Vulture, it's impossible to hide on Chenfeng's body, right?

At this moment, there was not much time left for Jia Xingtian to think. After the Purple Demon Vulture rushed over, its huge and sharp claws already rushed towards his face with a strong wind.

Before fighting with Lingyou's petite monster, Jia Xingtian even dared to collide head-on, but at this moment, facing the huge claws of the purple magic vulture, he could only temporarily avoid the edge and try his best to dodge his body.

With the addition of the Purple Demon Vulture, Jia Xingtian, who had been unable to gain any benefits from Lingyou's hands, soon fell into a huge disadvantage.


At a certain moment, the thick yellow armor around Jia Xingtian's body was finally hit by the Purple Demon Vulture and shattered, and his back also suffered a heavy blow, and was scratched by sharp claws, leaving a deep bone wound.

As soon as the energy armor was shattered, black flames swept across the sky, enveloping his body.

"The time has come!"

Seeing this, Chenfeng seized the opportunity and quickly played a series of strange seals in his hands.

Immediately, a golden beam of light shot out from Chen Feng's hand, and shot straight into the huge black flame.

Relying on the powerful soul induction, even if the line of sight is blocked and the specific location of Jiaxingtian cannot be seen, the energy of the golden beam of light still hits Jiaxingtian without any deviation.

"Lingyou, stop, don't burn him to death!"

Just after the golden beam of light penetrated Jia Xingtian's body, Chenfeng quickly ordered Lingyou to remove the black flame.

Hearing this, Lingyou quickly took Hei Yan back into her body.

And as the black flame dissipated, an extremely embarrassing figure reappeared in Chen Feng's sight.

At this moment, Jia Xingtian has disheveled hair, many places on his body have been scorched black by the fire, and the hideous wound on his back is still bleeding.

"No, how could my cultivation base be sealed!"

Heiyan was withdrawn by Lingyou, but Jia Xingtian didn't make any movement to escape. He roared loudly, his old face showed a strong look of struggle, but the next moment, his breath began to weaken, and his back was yellow. The wings also began to fade, and then quickly disappeared.


Without the support of his fighting spirit wings, Jia Xingtian's body suddenly fell from the air and let out a scream, but when his body fell a hundred meters, the huge figure of the Purple Demon Vulture passed under him, making him fell on the back.

Soon, Chenfeng also came to the back of the Purple Demon Vulture with the wings of thunder.

Lying on the Purple Demon Vulture's back, Jia Xingtian raised his head with difficulty, and looked at Chenfeng who was looking down at him with his cloudy old eyes, his eyes were full of surprise and remorse, if he had known that Chenfeng had such two sixth-level monsters as his helpers Even if he was killed, he would not attack Chenfeng like this. Now that he has been defeated and his cultivation base has been sealed, the entire overweight royal family will lose support, and it will be a matter of time before they are destroyed.

"Hehe, Jia Lao, do you still want to kill me now?"

Looking at Jia Xingtian who was in a state of distress and extremely weak below, Chen Feng smiled slightly with a trace of disdain on his lips.

"How to kill?...Your means are so brilliant, I am inferior to others, I deserve to die!"

"However, this matter is my own decision. I hope that after the death of the old man, you seize the extra imperial power and let those two innocent girls, Yaoye and Yaoyue, not know about it!"

Hearing this, Jia Xingtian's eyes were lonely, and then he made a hoarse voice, pleading with Chenfeng.

"Haha... Yao Ye is innocent, it's a joke, she wanted to kill me earlier than you old bastard!"

Hearing Jia Xingtian's intercession for sister Yaoye, Chenfeng couldn't help but sneer.

"Sigh... It seems that you were the one who took care of the killers sent out by Yaoye last time!"

Jia Xingtian sighed heavily, and his eyes became increasingly dim. With that incident, it is basically impossible to plead for Chenfeng to let Yaoye go.

"Old thing, sisters Yaoye and Yaoyue, you don't have to worry, I will take good care of you..."

Chen Feng let out a laugh, and then quickly shot Jia Xing Tian, ​​who was injured and had been sealed, unconscious.

The next moment, with a thought in Chen Feng's mind, a black elixir appeared in his palm. Immediately afterwards, Chen Feng pried open Jia Xingtian's mouth and slapped the black elixir in.

The effect of the junior puppet pill is irresistible as long as the cultivation level is lower than Douzong, it will quickly establish a connection between the user and Chenfeng.

When Jia Xingtian woke up again, he looked at Chenfeng with extreme respect. He bent down and bowed to Chenfeng: "Jia Xingtian pays his respects to the master!"

Seeing this, Chen Feng nodded in satisfaction, and then made a series of seals, adjusting Jia Xingtian's cultivation base to the peak state of the Nine Star Douhuang, and instructed: "Jia Xingtian, after you go back, don't let people see you. Show the wounds on your body, and order to marry the eldest princess Yaoye to me as a concubine..."

"Obey, master! This subordinate will definitely handle this matter well!"

Hearing Chenfeng's order, Jia Xingtian replied very respectfully.

Today, even the people in power behind the Jia Ma royal family are under the control of Chenfeng. In the future, the entire Jia Ma Empire will fall into the hands of Chen Feng.


Utan City, Mittel Auction House.

Some time ago, in the city of Wutan, the Mittel Auction House was always managed by Yafei.

However, since more than two months ago, Ya Fei suddenly began to retreat and stopped asking about anything, and the business of the auction house became worse day by day. This inevitably made some other auction house managers complain in their hearts. People are already reporting Yafei's actions back to the imperial capital, intending to let the people above put pressure on Yafei, or directly replace Yafei, and send other members of the family to take care of the Wutan City branch.

In the depths of this auction house, in a luxurious pavilion.

Wearing a thin red nightgown, Ya Fei was sitting alone in the room, biting her red lips tightly with her white teeth, that cheek that was as charming as a beauty, but at this moment there was a faint sadness that made people feel heartbroken.

At a certain moment, Yafei looked down at her slightly protruding belly, the sadness in her eyes dissipated immediately and turned into tenderness.

It turned out that the reason why Ya Fei didn't go out for more than two months was because the child in her stomach had grown up slowly, so she couldn't hide the changes in her stomach. If she went out, people would know that she was pregnant immediately. At that time, an unmarried person with a big belly will be flooded with unbearable words.

"Son, it looks like your father won't come to marry me before you were born... He just married the eldest lady of the Nalan family not long ago. If he comes to marry me now, the pressure will be too great!"

Caressing her stomach with her palm, Ya Fei sighed softly, there was some loss in her words.

The cool night wind blew into the room from the window, making her in thin clothes feel a little chilly.

Yafei got up, faced the cold wind and walked to the window, looked up at the bright moon in the sky.

"No matter what, I am pregnant with Brother Chenfeng's child... With Brother Chenfeng's talent, he will definitely become a powerful and powerful person in the future, so there is no harm in waiting a little longer."

After a long time, Ya Fei's charming eyes suddenly curved slightly, like the eyes of a fox, shining with firmness and temptation.

"It's so cold, and you still run to the window to blow the wind, aren't you afraid of getting sick?"

Just when Ya Fei's thoughts were lingering in her mind, a familiar soft voice suddenly sounded behind her, and a black robe was also gently covered her body from behind.

Turning her head suddenly, Ya Fei stared blankly at that familiar handsome face, in a daze, the tip of her nose felt a little sour.

"Brother Chenfeng, you finally came to see me!"

Sniffing lightly, Ya Fei opened her hands and plunged into Chen Feng's arms, her cheeks pressed against his chest, feeling the warmth from his body.

Looking at the charming woman in his arms, Chenfeng also showed tenderness in his eyes, and said softly: "Sister Yafei, it's because I'm late that I've made you feel wronged!"

Chen Feng could clearly feel Ya Fei's grievances and her love for herself. She was able to give up the achievements of the Mittel Auction House branch that she had carefully managed for many years for the sake of her children.

Ya Fei bet everything on Chen Feng, how could Chen Feng have the heart to let her down.

"It's not too late, Brother Chenfeng, I'm very happy and satisfied if you can come!" Ya Fei shook her head lightly, her voice choked up.

"Sister Yafei, I came here this time to take you back to the imperial capital and marry you in!" Chen Feng said bluntly.

"Really? Brother Chenfeng, are you trying to make my sister happy?"

As Chen Feng's voice fell, Ya Fei suddenly raised her head, her charming face showed a look of anticipation.

"Really, the patriarch is already arranging the wedding for the two of us, and the wedding invitations have been sent to the big families!" Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

"Great, I knew I was right!"

Hearing Chen Feng's affirmative answer, Ya Fei finally showed ecstasy on her face, she stood on tiptoe, and her sexy red lips touched Chen Feng's lips.

Feeling the sweet and slippery corners of his mouth, Chen Feng also responded fiercely, and the palms that hugged Ya Fei's delicate body became more forceful.

(End of this chapter)

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