Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 166 Yun Yun: I don't see you bringing Zhang Zijing Dan, you are all focused on getting

Chapter 166 Yun Yun: I don't see you bringing back the Amethyst Pill, you're all focused on getting a wife, right? (big chapter)
Jia Xingtian, who had healed his wounds and put on a clean robe in the imperial capital, Jia Ma Palace, immediately sent people to summon many ministers in the imperial capital to enter the palace.

Not long after, a magnificent hall in the imperial palace was filled with dignitaries from the imperial capital, including Mu Chen, the head of the Mu family, and Nalan Jie and Nalan Su, the father and son of the Nalan family.

These two, Mu Chen and Nalan Jie, are not only the patriarchs of the three major families in the imperial capital, but also serve as marshals of the empire, which can be said to be of high authority.

At this moment, Nalan Jie and Mu Chen, who were urgently called into the palace, stood at the front of the crowd, speculating about today's court meeting in their hearts.

"Old fellow Nalan, guess what is the reason why Jialao suddenly held a court meeting today?"

Before Jia Xingtian appeared in the hall, Mu Chen turned his head and asked Nalan Jie beside him in a low voice.

"How would I know Jialao's thoughts?"

Hearing Mu Chen's question, Nalan Jie shook his head lightly, and replied perfunctorily.

In fact, the two people had the same guess in their hearts. This court meeting was probably related to the return of the Mittel family's supreme elder, the Ice Emperor Haibodong, but neither of the two old foxes said anything clearly.

It's not just these two people, many dignitaries in this hall think so at the moment.

"Mittel Tengshan was actually summoned!"

Suddenly, several surprised voices sounded from the crowd, and everyone looked back in unison.

At the entrance of the main hall, a white-haired old man with a serious face walked in slowly. This person is the current head of the Mittel family, Mittel Tengshan, who was stared at by so many people, Mittel Tengshan The expression on his face became more serious.

This morning, from being suddenly called into the palace to walking into the hall, Mitteltenshan has been feeling a little uneasy.

Mittel Tengshan also knew in his heart that the rise of the young genius of the Chenfeng family would involve many interests of the empire, and that the Ice Emperor returned at this time. Therefore, Tengshan felt from the very beginning that today's court meeting would be It is likely to be aimed at their Mittel family.

After talking with Hai Bodong about this matter, Mittelten Shan's mood became even heavier.

"Forget it, let's take a step by step!"

With a sigh in his heart, Mittel Tengshan bit the bullet and came to the side by side with Nalan Jie and Mu Chen.

Shortly after Mittel Tengshan entered the hall, Jia Xingtian and Princess Yaoye finally entered the hall.

"See Jialao, Your Royal Highness the Eldest Princess!"

"See Jialao, Your Royal Highness the Eldest Princess!"

Everyone bowed in unison to salute Jia Xing Tian and Yao Ye who were above the high positions.

"Get up!"

Jiaxing Tian raised his hand slightly, and said in a flat voice: "Today, the old man called you into the palace because there is an important matter to announce!"

"Everyone...the young lord of the Misty Cloud Sect, Mittel Chenfeng, the young lord of the Mittel family, I believe many of you know him, right?" Jia Xingtian asked the people below with a smile on his face.

"Mittel Morrowind? Could it be that the matter that Jia Lao wants to announce today has something to do with him?"

"This son has really been in the limelight recently. It is said that the granddaughter who just married Nalan Jie will start marrying again in a few months, and his identity is still the young master of the Misty Yunzong. The relationship between the Misty Yunzong and the empire is not the same. It's not as harmonious as it seems!"

"Looking at the meaning in the old saying, maybe it is to suppress this young man."

As Jia Xingtian's words fell, everyone below began to think quickly.

"Could it be possible that something bad happened to Chen Feng? Mr. Jia called so many people here to announce the news of Chen Feng's death, and beat and frighten my Mittel family by the way?"

Hearing that the first sentence of Xing Tian mentioned Chenfeng, Mittel Tengshan frowned suddenly, and clenched his fists hidden in his sleeves. Before he set off, Hai Bodong had told him that adding Xing It is very possible that Tian will eradicate Chenfeng himself, and Chenfeng's trip to Wutan City this time gave Jia Xingtian such an opportunity.

Nalan Jie's face was also a little cloudy and uncertain. Chenfeng not only removed the branding poison that had invaded his flesh and blood, saving his life, but also became his grandson-in-law. The attitude of adding Xingtian is probably aimed at suppressing His grandson-in-law, he was naturally very upset.

"It seems that Grandpa Huang has already eliminated the scourge of Chenfeng... Next, Grandpa Huang will definitely directly announce the news of Chenfeng's "accidental" death, put aside the relationship, and then give a good blow to Mittel. Clan, let them keep their eyes open and stand in line in the future!"

On a seat next to Jia Xing Tian, ​​Princess Yao Ye was overjoyed when she heard his words.

When no one said anything below, Yao Ye got up straight away, with a bright smile on her pretty face, bowed slightly to Jia Xing Tian and said: "Grandpa, the young master of the Misty Cloud Sect, Chen Feng, is extremely talented in cultivation, but A rare talent that the empire has seen for decades!"

Today's Yao Ye was wearing a luxurious red brocade dress. Her tall and straight figure, coupled with the noble temperament on her body, made her look radiant.

"Oh, it seems that Yao Ye is very concerned about Chen Feng!"

Seeing Yaoye getting up to reply to himself, the smile on Jia Xingtian's old face grew stronger.


Yao Ye continued to nod and said: "Grandpa Huang, it's hard not to attract my attention to a genius boy like Chen Feng who has cultivated to be above the Great Fighter before the age of 16!"

"Yao Ye, what you said is right, Chen Feng is indeed a great talent! The future is bound to be bright!"

Hearing this, Jia Xingtian nodded very satisfied.

"This grandpa and grandson... can't say anything clearly? Who will I sing the double reed for?"

At this moment, Mittel Tengshan standing in the main hall listened to Jia Xingtian and the grandson and grandson praising Chenfeng vigorously. Instead of being happy at all, he frowned and suppressed the anger in his heart.

Although Chenfeng is not from his lineage, as the head of the family, Tengshan still takes the overall situation into consideration. He understands that with Chenfeng's talent, if he can grow up smoothly, it will bring the Mittel family to an unprecedented height , and now, the opportunity for the Mittel family to rise has probably been annihilated by the royal family.

"Mittel Chenfeng, I admit that you were very good before, and your relationship network is also very strong, but if someone dies, everything is meaningless. No one will choose to be tough with my royal family just for a dead person to stand out!"

Looking at Mittel Tengshan's suppressed anger expression below, Yaoye sighed inwardly, a little proud.

However, just when Yao Ye was feeling proud, Jia Xing Tian's next words made her delicate body tremble suddenly.

"Yao Ye, since you have such a good impression of Chen Feng, I am relieved..."

Jia Xingtian stroked his beard and said with a smile on his face: "Everyone, I announce that the Eldest Princess Yaoye will marry Mittel Chenfeng as his wife. After the marriage, Chenfeng will immediately inherit the throne as a son-in-law and rule the empire!"


"Did I hear you right? Jia Lao actually wanted to marry His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess to Chen Feng, and let Chen Feng, a member of the royal family, inherit the Jia Ma Empire. How is this possible?"

"Jia Lao's decision is too unbelievable...Mittel Morrowind inherits the throne, and then the Jiajia Empire will change its surname to Mittel!"

"If this is really the case, then this junior of the Mittel family will really soar into the sky!"

"Tsk tsk, the young lord of the Misty Cloud Sect, the young lord of the Mittel family, such an identity is already looked up to by many people, and now he is about to inherit the throne, I can't imagine..."

As soon as Jia Xingtian said these words, it was as if a pot had exploded in the hall, and all the dignitaries of the empire were very surprised.

"Jia Lao actually made such a decision!"

Nalan Jie's tense old face also loosened. The huge amount of information impacted made his eyes shrink into slits.

"What's the situation? Instead of suppressing my Mittel family, the royal family is planning to marry the eldest princess! And... moreover, they plan to hand over the imperial power to Chenfeng! What the hell is Jia Lao thinking?"

Mittel Tengshan's reaction was even more violent. Jia Xingtian's sudden decision made him feel very confused and unreal.

"How did this happen? Why did Grandpa Huang let me marry Chenfeng? And let him inherit the throne? Besides, isn't Chenfeng dead?"

At this moment, Eldest Princess Yaoye's mind was almost blank, after she realized it, she tried her best to control her emotions, forced a smile, and said softly: "Grandfather, you were joking with me just now, right? "

"Yaoye, do you think I'm joking with so many dignitaries of the empire gathered here today?"

Hearing Yaoye's words, Jia Xingtian said with a very serious expression.

"No, it's impossible..."

Hearing Jia Xingtian's very sure tone, Yao Ye's pretty face turned pale for a while, and then she said coquettishly, "Grandfather, isn't Chen Feng already dead? Do I want to marry..."

"shut up!"

"If you dare to speak nonsense again, I will immediately demote your status as a princess!"

Yao Ye hadn't finished speaking when he was interrupted by Jia Xingtian's stern scolding. Although Jia Xingtian had memories of the past, Chen Feng was his master now, and Yao Ye was cursing Chen Feng to die at this moment, so he was naturally very angry.

Jia Xingtian's angry reprimand was not only filled with anger, but also exuded a coercion that belonged to the Nine Star Douhuang powerhouse.

In an instant, captured by this huge momentum, the entire hall became silent, and everyone stared blankly at the grandpa and grandson who were above the high position, and their hearts were full of great doubts.

"What's wrong with grandpa, he said before that he was going to kill Chenfeng... His attitude has changed too much now!"

After being scolded by Jia Xingtian in front of so many people, Yaoye felt wronged, and her eyes were gradually clouded.

"Okay, that's it for now!"

Jia Xingtian didn't care about Yaoye's reaction, he restrained his aura, and ordered again: "The eldest princess's wedding date will be set on the same day as Chenfeng's marriage to Yafei!"

"Everyone can go back!"

"Yes, Jia Lao!"

Following Jia Xingtian's words, all the dignitaries in the hall left one after another.

Nalanjie and Mittel Tengshan didn't linger, and quickly left the palace with shock and great doubts.

"Grandfather, I don't want to marry Chenfeng! Didn't you always say before that you want me to become the future empress of the empire? I will work hard to do better! Please take back the order just now!"

After everyone left, Yaoye finally couldn't hold back the grievance in his heart, and pleaded with Jiaxingtian with a crying voice.

"This matter has been decided. If you don't want to, then I will arrange for Yaoyue girl to marry Chenfeng. Anyway, the final throne must be inherited by Chenfeng!"

Hearing Yaoye's weeping voice, Jia Xingtian remained unmoved. He spoke plainly, and whenever he read the word Chenfeng, a look of respect would flash in his eyes.

"No, Yue'er can't!"

"Grandpa, you can't do this!"

Hearing this, Princess Yaoye became even more flustered, she shook her head again and again, and soon burst into tears.


The scene that happened in the deep palace spread throughout the entire imperial capital in a short time, and it continued to ferment, spreading to places outside the imperial capital like a storm.

By the next day, outside the imperial capital, almost all the people in the Yunlan Sect knew about it.

"The royal family actually wants to marry Princess Yaoye to the young suzerain, and let the young suzerain inherit the Jia Ma Empire!"

"Tsk tsk, if this is true, the status of the young suzerain will be even more unattainable. I have a good relationship with the young suzerain before. If I can become the young suzerain's confidant..."

In the Misty Cloud Sect, many disciples and elders of the Misty Yun Sect were discussing this matter fiercely.

"What on earth is the royal family planning to do? Why did they suddenly marry the eldest princess to Feng'er, and let Feng'er inherit the Jia Ma Empire!"

At this moment, in the main hall of the Yunlan Sect, the suzerain Yun Yunliu, who learned some news, frowned slightly and fell into deep thought.

"Feng'er, didn't you say that you can go to the seventh-grade pharmacist to refine the Purple Crystal Pill? Now I don't see him taking back the Purple Crystal Pill, but all of a sudden there are so many things..."

"No, I have to go down the mountain to see what's going on, in case..."

After a long time, Yun Yun murmured in her heart, her pretty face showed a look of worry, then her figure flickered, she quickly left the hall, and rushed towards the direction of Emperor Jia Ma.


On Chenfeng's side, after leaving the imperial capital for a few days, he finally returned to the imperial capital with Ya Fei.

"Jiama Holy City, I'm finally back!"

In the sky, Ya Fei, who was embraced by Chen Feng, looked down at the huge and magnificent city below with a pair of beautiful eyes, with emotion and excitement in her eyes.

Back then, in order to avoid the family's arrangement for her marriage, she chose to go to the remote Wutan City alone to work hard. The hardships and stubbornness during the period were beyond the comprehension of others.

Seeing the look in the eyes of the beautiful woman in his arms, Chenfeng said softly: "Sister Yafei, in this imperial capital, no one will force you to do anything again!"


Hearing Chen Feng's words, a warm current flowed in Ya Fei's heart, she nodded her head lightly and said, "I believe everything that Brother Chen Feng says!"

The next moment, the silver figure flashed across the sky, and entered a huge luxurious manor before many people noticed it.

(End of this chapter)

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