Chapter 168 Yun Yun's Killing Intent!
In the following time, Chenfeng's grandfather, Mittel Huayuan, and Patriarch Mittel Tengshan came over to inquire about it. Chenfeng only said a few vague words to deal with it.

Suddenly, Chenfeng and Haibodong sensed a powerful aura approaching quickly.

"Who is the Douhuang powerhouse?"

Sensing this aura, Hai Bodong couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Why is the teacher here?"

Chen Feng was very familiar with this approaching Dou Huang aura, because the approach of this aura finally made Chen Feng's calm face fluctuate a bit.

Soon, a beautiful figure with gorgeous fighting spirit wings descended on the sky of the small courtyard.

The woman in the sky, wearing a tight-fitting brocade robe inlaid with purple and gold, with three thousand blue silks, was pulled into the shape of a phoenix singing, revealing a faint nobility that cannot be concealed, her face is quiet and beautiful, like a round of clear springs in a secluded mountain, When people are in awe because of their noble status, they can't help but feel a little charming.

"This person must be the female lord of the Misty Cloud Sect! It doesn't look much older than the boy Chenfeng!"

Although Hai Bodong had never met Yun Yun, he immediately guessed her identity.


"Yan Ran met the teacher!"

"I have seen Sect Master Yun Yun!"

Looking at the noble woman in the sky, except for Hai Bodong, everyone else greeted her, and Chen Feng was no exception.

Above the sky, Yun Yun's pair of narrow and beautiful eyes glanced at the people below, and then landed in the courtyard.

As soon as she came down, Yun Yun waved directly at Chen Feng in the crowd, and said in a low voice, "Feng'er, come here!"

After saying this sentence, Yun Yun moved lightly with lotus steps, and walked towards a corner of the small courtyard.

Now in the Jia Ma Empire, only Yun Yun could speak to Chen Feng in this tone, and neither Chen Feng nor anyone else felt that it was inappropriate.

Hearing this, Chen Feng rubbed his nose, exchanged a glance with Nalan Yanran, and then quickly walked towards Yun Yun.


"Is there a problem?"

At the corner of the small courtyard, Chen Feng looked at the graceful back in front of him and asked softly.

After Chen Feng's words fell, Yun Yun turned around slowly, her beautiful eyes focused on Chen Feng's face, as if she wanted to see through him.

"What a monster!"

Suddenly, a look of deep surprise flashed in her complicated and beautiful eyes: "Feng'er, your cultivation has reached the level of Douwang?"

"Well, some time ago, I had some opportunities, and my cultivation level has broken through a lot!" Chen Feng responded with a light nod of his head.

"I got a chance again, shouldn't it be... I should practice the effect of the dual cultivation method!"

Hearing Chen Feng's explanation, a guess immediately appeared in Yun Yun's mind, and she looked at Chen Feng with a strange look.

But at the next moment, Yun Yun suddenly thought of something, and said with a serious expression: "Have you trained the Purple Crystal Pill last time?"

"It's already been refined!"

Chen Feng quickly wiped the ring with his palm, and immediately, he held a jade bottle in his hand. He quickly opened the jade bottle, and poured the purple medicine inside into his palm.

"Your cultivation has improved so fast, since the Purple Crystal Pill has been refined a long time ago, why didn't you take it earlier?"

Seeing the purple pill in Chen Feng's hand, Yun Yun's face turned slightly cold, and she said angrily.

"Teacher, don't be angry, I'll take it right away!"

Seeing Yun Yun's reaction, Chen Feng quickly swallowed the Amethyst Pill in his hand.

As the elixir entered his body, a strange purple energy began to swim in Chenfeng's body, and gradually penetrated into his meridians, flesh and bones.

It's just that, after this energy merged into Chen Feng's body, it didn't make him have any special reaction. The effect of washing the tendons and cutting the marrow and tempering the battle qi described by Zijing Pill didn't come into play at all.

"You are taking Zijing Dan now, what else can it do?"

Seeing Chen Feng's action of taking the pill, Yun Yun said angrily, once the Amethyst Pill's cultivation surpasses Dou Ling's, taking it won't have much effect, and Chen Feng's cultivation has now reached the Douwang. There will be no reaction.

"It's useful, why is it useless, teacher, I feel very comfortable now!"

Chen Feng smiled with an expression of enjoyment.

Seeing Chen Feng relying on his mouth like this, Yun Yun couldn't help but smile, and said, "What's the use of being comfortable!"

But after a while, the expression on Yun Yun's face returned to a serious state: "Feng'er, I found that you have changed so much in the past year, and it almost made me feel strange. Already!"

"How can I be unfamiliar, teacher, no matter how I change, I will still be your style!" The change in Yun Yun's tone surprised Chen Feng.

"Really, then this time, why did the royal family suddenly want to marry you and let you inherit the throne?" Yun Yun followed Chen Feng's words and asked immediately.

"This one……"

When Yun Yun asked this question, Chen Feng couldn't help hesitating for a moment. After all, Yun Yun, his teacher, couldn't be as perfunctory as he was to others.

"Since the teacher asked about it, Feng'er just said it straight!"

"Teacher, you also know that my cultivation speed surpasses that of Jia Ma's younger generation, and my position makes the royal family feel threatened!"

"Just when I left the imperial capital last time, that old guy Jia Xingtian appeared and intercepted me, trying to kill me..."


Just when Chen Feng said that Jia Xing Tian wanted to kill him, Yun Yun's expression turned cold suddenly, and the aura of the Dou Huang powerhouse suddenly exploded.

This sudden change also surprised the other people in the yard, who were a little confused about the situation.

"The teacher is actually angry, what are the brothers and the teacher talking about?"

Many questions appeared in Nalan Yanran's mind, but she was not worried that Yun Yun would hurt Chen Feng. In her memory, the teacher Yun Yun had always favored Chen Feng, even if he committed a terrible crime. Mistakes, and Yun Yun has never been punished.


On Haibodong's side, he didn't know what happened, but he felt a trace of killing intent from Yun Yun's aura, his brows were furrowed, and the icy fighting energy quietly surged in his palm.

Noticing Hai Bodong's situation, Nalan Yanran said softly: "Elder Supreme, don't worry, the teacher will never do anything to senior brother!"

"There are no absolutes in this world. I won't allow anyone to hurt Chen Feng boy! If that girl makes any further moves, I will strike immediately!"

Hearing Nalan Yanran's words, Hai Bodong shook his head, and said in a deep voice, the icy battle qi condensed in his hands still did not dissipate.

In the corner, when Chen Feng felt the killing intent from Yun Yun at close range, a warm current flowed through his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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