Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 169 Teacher, In fact, the person I want to marry is you!

Chapter 169 Teacher, In fact, the person I want to marry is you!
Yun Yun's temperament is extremely indifferent. Under normal circumstances, nothing can affect her emotions. Even if there is a brutal massacre in front of her, she will only open her eyes and look at it lightly.

But at this moment, Chen Feng was standing in front of Yun Yun safe and sound, just because she learned that before Jia Xing Tian intercepted Chen Feng and killed Chen Feng, she became furious, with murderous intent surging all over her body.

Chen Feng knew in his heart that Yun Yun had such a fierce reaction after hearing that sentence because she cared too much about herself.

"The royal family dares to treat you like this, do you really think that I, Yunlanzong, are easy to bully!"

Yun Yun gritted her silver teeth, every word seemed to be suppressing the anger and killing intent in her heart.

When Yun Yun was speaking, Chen Feng hurriedly comforted her: "Teacher, don't be nervous, nothing happened to me!"

"Feng'er, then, how did you escape from Jia Xingtian's hands? Is it because you have reached some conditions with the royal family to marry the eldest princess?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Yun Yun narrowed her eyes slightly, forced herself to calm down, and continued to ask Chen Feng.

"Teacher, let me tell you the truth. Behind me, there is a stronger person than Jia Xingtian. Jia Xingtian can't threaten me at all!" Hearing Yun Yun's question, Chen Feng said bluntly: "This time inheriting Jia Xingtian The throne of the Ma Empire is a condition I put forward for Jia Xingtian! Marrying the eldest princess is also what they did according to my wishes!"

"It's all your own arrangement?"

Hearing Chen Feng's explanation, Yun Yun was very surprised. She did not expect that her disciples had grown to such a height that even the Jia Ma royal family was forced to voluntarily hand over the imperial power.

"Feng'er, you have really changed a lot..."

Yun Yun sighed, and then asked with some hesitation: "The strong man you mentioned just now is the seventh-rank pharmacist who helped you refine the Purple Crystal Pill?"

"Not all, there are others!"

Chenfeng shook his head.

"Feng'er, I am very pleased to be a teacher that you can achieve what you have achieved today. The people of the royal family are against you first, so there is nothing wrong with you taking away their imperial power, but why do you want to marry the eldest princess again... and I still want to marry two wives at once!" Glancing at Nalan Yanran in the distance, Yun Yun said slowly, "What will Yanran think when you're like this?"

"Teacher, don't worry about this, Yanran is very supportive of me!"

Hearing this, Chen Feng had a smile on his face, and said very proudly: "Just now she praised me as a good man who is responsible! A good husband who is responsible!"

"Does Yanran really think so?"

Hearing what Chen Feng said, Yun Yun was a little stunned, if even Nalan Yanran didn't mind Chen Feng marrying another wife, she, as a master, would have no reason to intervene in these matters.

"Of course……"

Chen Feng nodded, turned his head and glanced at the back, and then continued to speak: "Teacher, look, the two of them get along so well now!"

Following Chen Feng's line of sight, Yun Yun saw Nalan Yanran and Ya Fei, each with a big belly, talking with their ears, like a pair of best friends.

"Forget it, since you can handle the relationship between them well, in the future, how many and whom do you want to marry! I don't care about you as a teacher!" Yun Yun looked back and sighed softly.

"Teacher, can you really marry anyone?"

Chenfeng asked with some expectation.

Hearing Chen Feng's question like this, Yun Yun frowned slightly, and said angrily: "Who else do you want to marry? Are there any girls out there who have been harmed by you and haven't made it public?"

"The teacher said just now that I don't care whoever I marry, and now the reaction is so big, it seems that she doesn't care as much as she said!"

Seeing Yun Yun's reaction, Chen Feng was silent for a moment, feeling a little tangled in his heart. After a while, Yun Yun's belly should show signs. By then, as the master of Yun Lan Sect, she will have a baby without getting married. Pregnant women will definitely be very distressed, and they will also suffer a lot of gossip, and may even be forced to step down as the suzerain of the Yunlan Sect.


Seeing the tangled and bored expression on Chen Feng's face, Yun Yun couldn't bear it, she sighed, put her jade hand on Chen Feng's shoulder, and sighed: "Feng'er, when you grow up, the teacher really cares about many things. I can't help you... If you really have other women out there, take on your responsibility as a man, give them a title, and don't let them be wronged!"

"Yeah, how can I let the teacher be wronged!"

Feeling the strength from his shoulders and smelling the fragrance, Chen Feng's gaze gradually became firm.

The next moment, Chen Feng suddenly raised his eyes, looking straight into Yun Yun's eyes, and the eyes of the two were intertwined at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Feng said with a very serious expression: "Teacher, the person I want to marry is actually you!"

Hearing this, Yun Yun's delicate body trembled violently, Chen Feng's words were really beyond her expectation, and it made her feel like an electric current was flowing through her body.

"Rebel, how dare you say such rebellious words to my teacher!"

When she came back to her senses, Yun Yun's face turned cold, and she angrily scolded Chen Feng, and raised the slender palm that was originally on Chen Feng's shoulder, and there was a surge of vigorous fighting energy on it.

However, when she was about to hit Chenfeng, Yun Yun held back again, her palm hovered in the air, she still couldn't do anything to her precious apprentice after all.

"Why is this girl crazy?"

This sudden situation made Hai Bodong, who had been paying attention to Chen Feng and Yun Yun, feel a bit of fear. He was really worried that Yun Yun would hurt Chen Feng. In the blink of an eye, he rushed to Chen Feng's side, looking at Yun Yun warily.

"Master, what happened today?"

Nalan Yanran's dark eyes were also full of curiosity. It was the first time she had seen Yun Yun's ups and downs, even when Yun Yun first found out that she was sleeping with Chen Feng. like now.

Like Hai Bodong, the other people in the yard were afraid that Yun Yun would really attack Chen Feng and hurt Chen Feng, and they all had very nervous expressions on their faces.

"I knew the teacher couldn't bear to kill me!"

On Chenfeng's side, when he saw Yun Yun's hovering palm, he breathed a sigh of relief. The next moment, he turned his gaze to Hai Bodong who rushed to his side, and said softly: "The Supreme Elder , Teacher and I still have important matters to discuss separately, let them all go out first!"

"Hey... well, you kid, pay attention to yourself!"

Hearing what Chenfeng said, Haibodong also felt a little helpless. After he sighed, he followed Chenfeng's words and took everyone out of the small courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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