Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 170 Yun Yun: "Feng'er, you still call me teacher?"

Chapter 170 Yun Yun: "Feng'er, you... still call me teacher?"

"Sister Yanran, I think Master Chenfeng's master seemed very angry just now, is Master Chenfeng okay?"

Outside the yard, Qinglin's delicate and lovely face was full of worry at the moment, she asked Nalan Yanran softly.

"Qinglin, don't worry, the teacher's temper, I know very well, it is absolutely impossible for her to attack the senior brother!"

Nalan Yanran reached out and touched Qinglin's head, saying in a very firm tone.

But even so, Qing Lin and the others were still very worried. They didn't know the master-student relationship between Chenfeng and Yun Yun, and just now Yun Yun erupted twice in a row. In their view, Yun Yun Yun is a Douhuang powerhouse, if he really makes a move, Chen Feng, who is just a Douwang, can't resist it at all.

"Don't panic, this kid Chen Feng has always been sure of his actions, so he should be fine!"

Hai Bodong also comforted everyone at this time, but he and Nalan Yanran thought differently. Nalan Yanran believed that Yunyun would not attack Chenfeng. The Nine Star Douhuang powerhouse's interception and kills are safe and sound, so they must have a means of self-protection.


After Hai Bodong and the others left, only Yun Yun and Chen Feng, the master and apprentice, were left in the yard.

At this moment, Yun Yun's eyes were complicated, and she looked at Chen Feng in a daze, biting her red lips with her white teeth. After a long while, she finally couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Feng'er, what you just said, Are you serious?"

Hearing this, Chen Feng nodded lightly, and responded without hesitation: "Teacher, I am very serious. I have liked you for a long time, so I don't want you to be wronged any longer, so I must marry you!"

"Feng'er, you..."

Hearing Chen Feng's almost confessional answer, Yun Yun's mind was touched again, and the joy hidden deep in her heart made her dare not look at Chen Feng's fiery eyes, but soon, she frowned again. Frowning, he said in surprise, "Feng'er, what grievances do you have as a teacher?"

"Teacher, in fact, I was the one who gave you the Purple Spirit Crystal in the Warcraft Mountains. At that time, teacher, you still said that your name was Yunzhi..."

Today's talk has already reached this point, Chenfeng has nothing to hide anymore, he took out a light blue inner armor directly from the ring as he spoke.

"Feng'er... so it's really you!"

Listening to what Chen Feng said, Yun Yun couldn't help being stunned. Immediately, a faint mist began to linger in her beautiful eyes. When she saw the light blue inner armor that Chen Feng finally took out, she finally couldn't hold back. Stopped, plunged into Chenfeng's embrace.

"Feng'er, you actually bullied me like this. You didn't even say your name at that time. You are really too bad..."

At this moment, Yun Yun, who threw herself into Chen Feng's arms, kept patting Chen Feng with her soft little hands. Although there was a choke in her voice, if she heard it from another angle, it could make people feel a kind of joy.

Letting Yun Yun's small hand pat herself, Chen Feng stretched out his hand to hug her delicate body tightly, and said softly: "Teacher, it's my fault, I made you wronged earlier!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Yun Yun, who was still venting her emotions, suddenly calmed down. She raised her head slightly, looked up, looked into Chen Feng's eyes, and said angrily, "You... still call me teacher?"

Seeing Yun Yun's resentful eyes, Chen Feng was slightly stunned, but soon, a layer of joy surged in his heart, he was already prepared to bear Yun Yun's anger, but now, The situation was surprisingly good, not at all what he expected.


Chen Feng called out affectionately, and then slowly pressed his lips to Yun Yun's fair and clean forehead.

Faced with Chen Feng's actions, Yun Yun did not evade, she gently closed her eyes, feeling the beautiful moment that belonged to the two of them at this moment...

After a long time, the two people who were tightly hugging each other reluctantly let go of their lips. At this moment, Yun Yun suddenly stood on tiptoe, put her lips next to Chen Feng's ear, and said softly: "Feng'er, I'm already pregnant. killed your child!"

"That's great, Yun'er!"

Hearing Yun Yun's words, although Chen Feng already knew about it, his face still showed joy, and he hugged Yun Yun tightly again.

"Yun'er, I want to marry you right away!" Chen Feng said very seriously.

"Feng'er, with our identities, do you really dare to marry me? Are you not afraid of other people's gossip?"

Hearing Chenfeng's promise, Yun Yun felt very happy in her heart. However, she suddenly remembered that she and Chenfeng were in a master-student relationship. If they were married, many people would probably oppose and abuse them.

Knowing Yun Yun's worry, Chen Feng said with certainty: "What are you afraid of? In the current Jia Ma Empire, who dares to gossip about me? If there is, then I will let him go to the underworld to speak!"

"The wind..."

After receiving such a definite answer from Chen Feng, a warm current flowed through Yun Yun's heart, and she leaned her body against Chen Feng again.

"Feng'er, marry Yafei and Princess Yaoye first. As for me, I will announce to the world after you inherit the throne..." Yun Yun snuggled into Chenfeng's arms and said softly, she She doesn't really want to marry Chen Feng at the same time as other people this time, after all, the original relationship between the two is too complicated.

"That's all right, Yun'er, I'll follow you!" Chen Feng responded with a smile.


"It's been a long time, why hasn't Morrowind come out yet?"

"Yeah, it's getting dark!"

Outside the courtyard, Hai Bodong, Mittel Huayuan and the others became a little impatient.

"Would you like to go in and have a look?"

Mitteltenshan suggested.

Just as Teng Shan finished speaking, Chen Feng and Yun Yun came out side by side.

Seeing that the two came out in peace, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Nalan Yanran quickly walked in front of the two of them, and said happily: "Senior brother, teacher, you finally came out!"

Speaking of which, Nalan Yanran and Yun Yun, the master and apprentice, hadn't seen each other for more than half a year. This time, if Yun Yun hadn't talked to Chen Feng alone as soon as she came here, Nalan Yanran would have stuck to Yun Yun's side long ago.

"Yan Ran, you have calmed down a lot during this time!"

Seeing Nalan Yanran approaching, Yun Yunqiao, who had already untied her knot, had a bright smile on her face, and reached out to caress Nalan Yanran's cheek.

While Nalan Yanran was talking with Yun Yun, Chen Feng smiled and waved to the others: "Grandpa, Supreme Elder, Patriarch, there is nothing to do here, everyone should leave!"

"Well, boy Morrowind, let's go first!"

Hai Bodong was the first to respond, Yun Yun's attitude at the moment was much better than before, and he had nothing to worry about.

Mittel Tengshan and Mittel Huayuan didn't stay long either. In the past few days, they will have a lot of things to arrange, and if Chenfeng really inherits Jiama's throne after marrying the eldest princess, there will be even more things to do.

(End of this chapter)

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