Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 171 Princess Yaoye commits suicide!

Chapter 171 Princess Yaoye commits suicide!

Imperial Capital, Yehua Mansion.

Today's Yehua Mansion is decorated with lanterns and festoons, and red lanterns representing festivals can be seen everywhere.

At this moment, at the gate of the most luxurious and imposing hall in Yehua Mansion, the welcoming team from the Mittel family finally arrived.

Seeing the welcoming team approaching, at the entrance of the main hall, a middle-aged woman in her forties and dressed in fancy clothes quickly approached the welcoming team, and said apologetically to Chen Feng who was sitting on a horse and wearing a red wedding dress: " Son-in-law, Your Royal Highness is still dressing up, please wait a little longer, son-in-law!"

"It's go in and tell Yao Ye that you won't come out within 3 minutes, and you can rush to the wedding venue by yourself later!"

Hearing the words of this gorgeously dressed woman, Chen Feng shook his head lightly, and said something very casually.


"Little one, hurry up again!"

Hearing Chen Feng's unceremonious words, the complexion of the woman in fine clothes changed slightly. After saluting Chen Feng respectfully, she immediately turned around and walked towards the main hall.

"His Royal Highness, please move faster. The son-in-law said that after 3 minutes, if you haven't left, I will let you go to the Mittel family by yourself later!"

Soon, the middle-aged woman came to a boudoir in the main hall and yelled helplessly.

"This morning breeze is too hateful!"

"Sister, please don't marry him!"

As soon as the middle-aged woman finished speaking, a slightly childish angry voice sounded in the boudoir.

However, another tall figure in the room did not answer.

The eldest princess has a noble status, but this woman knows very well that the one outside will soon inherit the Jia Ma Empire's throne and become the most powerful person in the Jia Ma Empire. She is caught in the middle, and no one dares to offend her. Difficult.

Seeing that the eldest princess didn't respond, the woman in Chinese clothes urged her again, and ran outside the hall to speak kindly, trying to appease Chen Feng, but Chen Feng was unmoved at all.

"It's time, let's go back!"

When the 3-minute deadline was reached, Chenfeng didn't hesitate to call the welcoming team to go back.

"My son-in-law, wait a minute, Her Royal Highness the eldest princess is here!"

Just when Chen Feng ordered to turn around, a beautiful figure finally appeared at the entrance of the main hall, and beside this beautiful figure stood a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl with a very delicate appearance.

Under the influence of the royal family, the delicate appearance of the little princess reveals a faint innate noble temperament. A purple belt is tied around her slender waist, which shows off her small waist. Incisively and vividly, at a young age, the capital has already begun to take shape.

However, at this moment, the little princess didn't seem to love to smile as much as before, her face was slightly puffed up, and she looked very unhappy.

Beside her, Princess Yaoye, who was a full head taller than the little princess, did not wear a wedding dress like an ordinary woman when she got married today. With a figure and a cool face, there is quite a sense of heroism.

Back then, when Yao Ye was young, she was in charge of some powers overseeing the country. She wore general armor and commanded the fifty thousand Imperial Guards like her fingers. Today's attire, in the eyes of everyone, is not at all disobedient.


Chen Feng's gaze stayed on that cold and mature face with a sense of maturity and charm, he smiled, and then waved his hand to signal the team to stop.

"Princess... please get on the sedan chair!"

At this time, the middle-aged woman didn't care about Yao Ye's attire, but hurriedly bowed to guide Yao Ye to the sedan chair.

Hearing this, Yao Ye raised her eyes, glanced at Chen Feng with a blank expression, shook her head, and said softly: "No need, prepare the horse for me!"


Hearing Yao Ye's words, the middle-aged woman hesitated for a moment.

Seeing the woman's reaction, the little princess beside Yaoye immediately said angrily, "Sister wants to ride a horse, didn't you hear? Hurry up and get ready!"

Hearing the little princess' scolding, the middle-aged beautiful woman's face was embarrassed, and she instinctively turned her head to look at Chen Feng.

"Prepare them horses!"

Seeing this scene, Chenfeng said with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, very plainly.

"Yes, young master!"

As soon as Chen Feng's voice fell, two guards in the welcoming team came to Yao Ye with two horses.

The next moment, Yaoye and Yaoyue quickly rode on their horses, and the wedding party also set off at this moment.

On the way to the Mittel family, the welcoming team slowly moved forward, attracting countless pedestrians on the street to stop and watch.

On the side of the little princess, sitting on the horse, a pair of big black and bright eyes looked at Chenfeng in front of her from time to time, her mouth was constantly opening and closing, and she didn't know what she was muttering.

On the side of Yaoye, who was standing side by side with the little princess, the expression in her eyes was quite complicated. After today, she will no longer be the extremely noble eldest princess of the empire, but just one of Chenfeng's wives. Perhaps, this is her last time. Wearing armor, this is the chance to appear in front of the people of the imperial capital.

However, compared to marrying Chenfeng, what Yaoye is most worried about is the child of "unknown origin" in her belly.

"If I marry him today, it will definitely be exposed... After the wedding ceremony, I will commit suicide in front of him to save my reputation..."

Glancing at Chenfeng in front of her with cold eyes, Yaoye secretly made a decision in her heart, this was the best solution she could think of.

Soon, the welcoming team successfully returned to the Mittel family.

Under the witness of many guests, Chenfeng, Yafei and Yaoye quickly finished the wedding ceremony.


When night fell, Chen Feng, who drank a lot of wine, entered the room where Yao Ye was at first with a slightly drunk expression on his face.

Sensing the morning breeze coming in, Yaoye's cold and charming face immediately became tense.

"Yue'er... my sister will be gone in the future, you have to take care of yourself!"

With a murmur in her heart, Yao Ye glanced at Chen Feng who was swaying towards her, a flash of determination flashed in her eyes, the next moment, she directly took out a sharp dagger from the ring, and pointed it at her without hesitation. Throat thrust.

"What's the situation, you want to commit suicide?"

"call out!"

Just when the dagger appeared in Yaoye's hand, the glaring cold light made Chenfeng's face completely drunk, he dodged and rushed to Yaoye at an extremely fast speed, and raised his hand to hold the sharp dagger's tip .

Under Chen Feng's strength, the sharp dagger in Yao Ye's hand could no longer advance half a point.

"Why do you want to stop me and let me die!"

The suicide was blocked, and Princess Yaoye said with tears in her eyes.


Just as Yao Ye's words were heard, Chen Feng's other palm directly touched her face, and the crisp voice resounded throughout the room.

(End of this chapter)

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