Chapter 172 So You Are Thief Cao!
The burning pain on his face immediately calmed De Yaoye, and then he looked at Chen Feng suddenly, anger flashed in his beautiful eyes.

"Chenfeng, you are so courageous, you dare to hit this princess!"

Yao Ye whispered, with a sense of grievance hidden in her voice, Chen Feng was the first person who dared to slap her in the face for so long.

"Hehe, it seems that you haven't seen the situation clearly. Do you think that you are still the tall princess you used to be?"

Hearing Yaoye's angry reprimand, Chenfeng sneered and said ironically.


Hearing Chen Feng's sarcasm, Yao Ye's pretty face turned cold, and said: "If Grandpa Huang knows that you treat me like this, he will definitely not let you inherit the throne, and even kill you!"

Hearing this, Chenfeng showed disdain on his face, and said softly: "Jia Xingtian, do you think he dares to do anything to me now? I was kind to him by saving his life that day, he should treat me Thank you Dade!"

"So it's like this... It's not that Grandpa Huang doesn't love me anymore, but he was forced by you!"

As Chen Feng's words fell, Yao Ye's eyes suddenly showed a look of surprise, and there was a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth.

Before that, Yaoye had never been able to figure out why her grandfather had thought of killing Chen Feng the day before, why she suddenly made such a decision, at that time she still had some resentment towards Xing Tian in her heart, now that she knows the reason She was finally relieved, and even felt a little bit sorry for her grandpa, because she felt that Jia Xingtian must have felt more uncomfortable than herself after making such a decision.

After a while, the dazed look on Yao Ye's face faded away, she looked directly at Chen Feng, and asked, "Chen Feng, since you have already mastered that kind of powerful strength, why didn't you just take the Jia Ma Empire directly, why did you still want to take over the Jia Ma Empire?" Force me to marry you?"

"Why, if it wasn't because you have my child in your belly, I wouldn't marry you!"

At this moment, Chenfeng no longer had any scruples, and directly told Yaoye the truth.


"your child?"

"So you are Cao thief!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Yaoye's face suddenly showed disbelief, and the reaction was much more intense than before.

The biggest secret in her heart is the night with 'Cao thief' a few months ago, which led to her pregnancy. Originally, she always wanted to kill Cao thief, but unexpectedly, in the end, she married the girl in her heart. The person I most want to kill.

"Cao thief, I will kill you!"

Stimulated by so many things, Yao Ye lost her composure in an instant. Looking at Chen Feng in front of her, she slammed her right hand violently, trying to snatch the dagger back from Chen Feng's hand, but the dagger was grabbed by Chen Feng's hand. No matter how hard she tried, she remained motionless.

Seeing that she couldn't get back the dagger, Yao Ye raised her left hand, aroused her fighting spirit and wanted to slap Chen Feng.



Seeing Yao Ye's movements, Chen Feng raised his hand and slapped her again, knocked her down on the bed, and took away the dagger together with her ring.

"Yao Ye, if you live in peace, everything will be fine, but if you continue to make trouble like this, Xing Tian, ​​that little girl and everyone in your royal family will be punished because of you!"

Not paying attention to Yao Ye's fire-breathing eyes, Chen Feng turned his back and said coldly.

"You...what do you want from me?"

Threatened by Chen Feng's words, Yaoye instantly calmed down, and two lines of tears flashed across her eyes again.

"Stay well and give birth to the child! If anything happens to the child, don't blame me for being cruel!" Chen Feng said bluntly.

After saying this, Chen Feng turned around and quickly made a series of seals in his hand, and then a golden light shot out from his palm and shot into Yaoye's body.

In an instant, all of Yaoye's cultivation was sealed, and he couldn't use a single bit of fighting energy.

"My cultivation!"

Facing Chenfeng's weird sealing method, Yaoye lay quietly on the bed, feeling hopeless in her heart, silent and speechless.

At this moment, she who has lost all her cultivation, can't even lower herself as an ordinary maid of the Mittel family, and even if she has other thoughts, she can't implement them at all.

"Stay here well. After tomorrow, this Jia Ma Empire should change its surname to Mittel!"

Chenfeng didn't care about Yaoye's reaction at all. After he finished his last sentence, he directly left the room and walked towards the room where another bride, Ya Fei, was staying.


The next day, in the early morning, the streets of the imperial capital were very lively.

Today, for the citizens of the entire Jia Ma Empire, it is considered a relatively important day.

The imperial power of the empire will change today, and the son-in-law will inherit the throne. This is the first time in the history of the Jia Ma Empire.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, Chen Feng rode a horse and led a group of Miter family powerhouses into the palace.

Soon, in the grandest hall in the palace, all the dignitaries of the empire gathered. Outside this hall, there were tens of thousands of armored and well-trained royal guards guarding it.

This time, Chenfeng's succession to Jia Ma's throne was very smooth.

Among the three most powerful families in the empire, the Mittel family is the main family of Chenfeng and supports him unreservedly. The Nalan family and the Mittel family are in-laws. Naturally, Nalan Jie is very happy to see Chenfeng In the end, the Mu family of the three major families also had a clear understanding of the situation, and under the leadership of Mu Chen, they all supported Chen Feng.

The forces of the three major families basically occupy half of the power of this group of imperial dignitaries, and the remaining half are directly under the former royal family. , is a complete meme, who is in power basically has little to do with them.

"See His Majesty the Emperor!"

"See His Majesty the Emperor!"

On the dragon throne at the highest part of the main hall, Chen Feng successfully ascended to the Jia Ma Empire's throne amidst reverent and prostrating voices, overlooking the entire Jia Ma Empire.

"Get up!"

Chen Feng slightly raised his hand and said loudly.

This feeling of overlooking the world was something Chenfeng had never experienced before, and it gave him a strange sense of refreshment. Now he has finally come to the bright side, and he doesn't need to work hard to hide anything.

In the following time, Chenfeng promulgated some tax reductions and exemptions after the new emperor ascended the throne, and also carried out some personnel canonization to a small extent, and directly assigned some more important positions to the members of the Mittel family.

The news of the new emperor's ascension to the throne was made into documents and quickly sent to various cities in the empire. I believe that it will not be long before all the citizens of the Jia Ma Empire will know that the current Jia Ma Empire has a new emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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