Chapter 173 Queen Medusa is Pregnant!
After ascending the throne and becoming the emperor of the Jia Ma Empire, the huge Jia Ma Palace naturally became Chenfeng's exclusive territory, and almost all the original old royal clans were expelled from the palace.

In the harem, there were only a few imperial concubines and thousands of maids conferred by Chenfeng, and there were countless imperial guards guarding the periphery.

With these royal guards, it is impossible for ordinary Douwang powerhouses to enter and leave the palace at will. However, these guards are the team left by the original royal family, and there are not many confidants of Chenfeng. The children of the Tell family went in to take up some positions, but it didn't help in a short time.

Moreover, Chenfeng was not satisfied with the strength of these forbidden troops. Now that he was the emperor, it was naturally impossible for him to do everything himself. There were not many useful people under his command, which would make him feel very passive.

"It seems that it's time to cultivate my team!"

Considering these problems, Chenfeng thought of the [-] King Fighting Pills he had obtained earlier.

The Dou Wang Quick Achievement Pill can allow a person who only has the cultivation of a Dou Zhe to quickly break through and become a Dou Wang powerhouse, and there is no limit on lifespan.

Of course, even if the Dou Wang Sucheng Pill had such a powerful effect, Chenfeng couldn't just find 300 people and give it to them.

What Chenfeng wants to find is the kind of person who feels that there is no hope of becoming a Douwang in this life, and who has a clean background, is the only one left in the family, has no worries, and has no involvement with other powerful forces. As long as he meets these conditions, he can achieve The pre-conditions for Chenfeng to recruit team members.

It is naturally impossible for Chenfeng to waste time doing this matter of finding someone by himself. He found Jiaxingtian and handed over these matters to Jiaxingtian to handle with full authority. After Jiaxingtian finds the person, Chenfeng will do it in the end. For the assessment, the Dou Wang Quick Success Pill was issued.

If there were 300 Douwang powerhouses guarding the palace, even if several Douhuang powerhouses came at the same time, these [-] people could easily handle it.

After ascending the throne for the first time, Chenfeng did not spend too much time managing the affairs of the empire. Now, the situation of the Jia Ma Empire has changed a lot compared to before. The Mittel family has been promoted to the royal family. Although the strength has not changed, the rights and resources in his hands are several times more than before. As time goes by, the Nalan family and the Mu family will inevitably be crushed.

In addition, Chenfeng also took out a batch of resources previously requested from the snake-human race, and used them to strengthen the power of the Miter family.

Because Chenfeng became the emperor of the Jiama Empire and made such a large resource contribution to the clan, Patriarch Mittel Tengshan chose to voluntarily abdicate the position of Patriarch, summoned the elders of the clan, and announced that Chenfeng Become the new head of the Mittel family.

This time, Chenfeng could be said to have completely stood at the pinnacle of power in the Jia Ma Empire, but Chenfeng didn't have much pride in his heart.

He knew very well in his heart that in the entire Dou Qi Continent, the Jia Ma Empire could only be regarded as a remote place, and in the Zhongzhou area where energy is more abundant, perhaps a big family in any big city could crush the former. Jia Ma Empire.

After all, in the previous Jia Ma Empire, there was not a single strong Dou Zong on the surface.

"Dou Zong strong?"

In the resplendent and resplendent hall, Chen Feng, who was thinking, suddenly thought of a person.

"I don't know, but now in Yunshan, has anyone contacted anyone from the Soul Palace?"

Chen Feng had a question in his mind.

The Hall of Soul and the Xiao family can be said to be a time bomb buried in the Misty Cloud Sect and the Jia Ma Empire. In the original book, the Palace of Souls took advantage of the hand of the Misty Yun Sect to take the opportunity to kidnap Xiao Zhan, and wanted to seize the imperial jade of the Xiao family. Fortunately, the emperor jade was taken out by Xiao Yan, even if the people from the Soul Palace captured Xiao Zhan, they did not get the emperor jade.

But this time, Xiao Yan did not pay homage to Yao Lao, and there is a high probability that the president is waiting in the family, so Xiao Zhan naturally would not give that thing to Xiao Yan.

What Chenfeng is worried about is that after the people from the Soul Palace take Xiao Zhan under the guise of the Misty Cloud Sect, the ancient race and other ancient races will focus on the Misty Yunzong. At that time, if there is such an ancient race If the top powerhouses gather in the Jia Ma Empire, Morrowind will be greatly restricted, and even be investigated by those top powerhouses because of this weird speed of development.

In addition to these reasons, there is another thing that Chenfeng is very worried about, that is, in the original book, the guardians of the Soul Palace basically use the people of the Misty Cloud Sect as nourishment, and almost half of them, including Yunshan, There were so many experts in the Misty Cloud Sect who had their souls absorbed by them in the end. Chenfeng would never allow this kind of thing to happen. Therefore, Chenfeng must deal with this Dharma protector.

Taking these problems into consideration, Chen Feng planned to quietly explore the retreat place of Yunshan when he went to Misty Cloud Sect in a few days.


In the blink of an eye, eight days had passed since Chenfeng inherited the throne. During this period, Chenfeng practiced hard and made great progress in his cultivation. From the peak of the original one-star fighting king, he broke through to the three-star fighting king. This terrifying speed of cultivation, no matter where it is, is enough to make people very surprised.

"I agreed with Yun'er before... Today, I will go to Yunlanzong to issue an order to accept Yun'er as the imperial concubine!"

After finishing the retreat, Chen Feng stood up, looked in the direction of Misty Cloud Sect, and murmured in his heart.

"Ding, it is detected that Queen Medusa is pregnant, reward the host with a big gift bag!"

"Ding, may the host open the big gift bag?"

However, just as Chenfeng was about to step out of the retreat, a notification sound from the system suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Queen Medusa is pregnant, great!"

Hearing the notification sound from the system, Chenfeng stopped in his footsteps, his face showing joy.

"I don't know what treasures will be rewarded this time?"

After reacting, Chenfeng quickly said to the system: "System, open the gift bag!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the four-star Douzong experience card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a thousand fighting spirit pills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a primary experience pill!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a space blocking talisman!"

"The above items have all been distributed to the system space, please pay attention to the host to check!"

Hearing the system's notification sound, Chenfeng was very excited, and he quickly sank his mind into the system space to check.

Chen Feng was already very familiar with the items rewarded this time, such as the Dou Zong Experience Card, so he just skipped it.

His eyes were directly on the thousand fighting spirit pills.

The effect of the Dou Ling Dan rewarded by the system is similar to that of the Dou Qi Continent's Dou Ling Pill, which can make the Dou Wang level powerhouse who takes it rise by one star.

However, in terms of resistance, it is not so harsh. This kind of Dou Ling Dan can be taken three times in a Dou Wang's life, just need to wait some time.

 Douluo: Twin Blackened Martial Souls shocked Bibi Dong!

  The martial spirit is blackened and becomes stronger automatically!
(End of this chapter)

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