Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 180 Elder Furukawa, what happened today is related to Sect Master Yunyun's marriage!

Chapter 180 Elder Furukawa, what happened today is related to Sect Master Yunyun's marriage!
"Dou Wang?"

At this moment, Yun Shan's old eyes narrowed slightly, feeling very shocked in his heart.

Even though Chen Feng uses the hidden spirit stones to control the cultivation aura emitted by him to the level of a one-star Douwang, but considering his age, even if he only reveals a one-star Douwang's cultivation, it still looks exaggerated.

On Yunyun's side, she was about to answer Yunshan's question, but stopped when she saw that Yunshan's attention was on Chenfeng.

"Yun Yun, who is this young man?"

Yun Shan completely forgot what he wanted to ask just now, and turned around to ask Chen Feng's identity.

"Teacher, he is Mittel—Corrowind, the current emperor of the Jia Ma Empire!" Yun Yun answered truthfully when she heard Yun Shan's question.

"Mittel Morrowind, the emperor of the Jia Ma Empire?"

"Isn't the royal family of the Jia Ma Empire the Jia family? Could it be that the Mittel family launched a coup and seized the throne?"

"Does the Mittel family have this strength?"

Hearing Yun Yun's introduction, Yun Shan couldn't help being even more surprised. He looked at Chen Feng and kept guessing in his heart.

"Teacher, there was no turmoil in this change of imperial power. It was the elders of the royal family who gave up the imperial power on their own initiative!" Seeing Yun Shan's reaction, Yun Yun continued to explain.


"Jia Xingtian actually made such a decision?"

Hearing this, a strange color flashed in Yunshan's eyes. He had known Jia Xingtian for a long time and knew Jia Xingtian very well. Therefore, he was very sure that Jia Xingtian's decision was obviously not voluntary, and it was precisely because of this that he There are more doubts about Chenfeng in my heart.

"Chenfeng has met Master Zu!"

Stared at by Yun Shan, Chen Feng looked very calm and calmly bowed his fists.

"Young man, why do you call me Shizu?"

Hearing Chen Feng's address to him, Yun Shan's face showed doubts again. These few short sentences, for a person like him who has been in seclusion for a long time, the amount of information is too huge.

"Teacher, Feng'er is my disciple. He has practiced with me since he was ten years old..."

Seeing this, Yun Yun helped explain before Chen Feng could speak.

"He is actually your disciple!"

Hearing Yun Yun's words, Yun Shan was stunned again, thinking about these things quickly.

He didn't expect that Yun Yun's disciple had such a powerful talent, and at such a young age, he forced Jia Xingtian to hand over Jia Ma's imperial power.

"Ha ha!"

After a while, Yun Shan laughed dryly and praised: "Young man, you are very good!"

After praising Chen Feng, Yun Shan said to Yun Yun again: "Yun Yun, you have a very vicious vision of recruiting disciples, this child will become a great weapon in the future!"

"This is all well taught by the teacher!"

Chen Feng looked at Yun Yun with a smile, and replied softly.

Looking at Chen Feng's gaze, Yun Yun couldn't help feeling a little hot.

"Yun Yun, did you call me out this time to tell me about this?" Yun Shan suddenly asked Yun Yun.

"Teacher, calling you out this time is indeed related to Feng'er!" Yun Yun lowered her head slightly and responded softly.

Chen Feng knew very well that Yun Yun couldn't let Yun Yun talk about this kind of thing, so he stood up without hesitation, and said with a serious expression: "Master, I'll just say it straight, this time calling you out is Because I plan to marry the teacher and want to ask for your opinion!"

"You want to marry your teacher?"

Hearing what Chen Feng said, Yun Shan's face changed slightly, but he was always calm, and his reaction was not as violent as Yun Ling and others, and he did not express his position immediately.

"Master, here is a Po Zong Pill, even if it is my betrothal gift to marry the teacher, please accept it!"

While Yunshan was pondering, Chenfeng directly took out his trump card.

"Is this really Po Zong Dan?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Yun Shan's eyes flashed brightly, and he quickly took the jade bottle that Chen Feng handed over to examine it.

At this moment, on the square, many disciples and elders of the Misty Cloud Sect watched the three people talking at the entrance of the main hall, all with curiosity in their eyes, but from this perspective, they did not see the jade bottle that Chenfeng handed to Yunshan. scene.

"For the sake of the sect's development, the old suzerain will probably not agree to the marriage between the suzerain and His Majesty!"

"It must be so. After all, if the Suzerain chooses to marry His Majesty the Emperor, won't the Misty Cloud Sect become a vassal of the royal family in the future?"

"If Sect Master Yun Yun insists on doing this, the old Sect Master will most likely remove her from the position of Sect Master!"

"Sigh... In this way, the Misty Cloud Sect is likely to have no successors. The most outstanding young disciples of today are His Majesty and Nalan Yanran, but now they are all..."

Including Yun Ling, several Yunlanzong elders who learned about the situation in the hall yesterday were all looking forward to Yunshan's direct rejection of the "ridiculous" thing of Chen Feng and Yun Yun.

But none of them wanted the situation to get too serious. After all, Yun Yun's talent and way of doing things had been recognized by many elders before. If Yun Yun left, Yun Shan's lifespan would come to an end soon. Then the Misty Cloud Sect will be in a situation where there is no Dou Huang powerhouse in charge, and its position in the Jia Ma Empire will plummet.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Suddenly, Yun Shan's incomparably excited laughter came from the direction of the entrance of the main hall. Afterwards, everyone was surprised to see that Yun Shan patted Chen Feng's shoulder like an old friend, and walked in together In the hall.

"What's the situation? The old suzerain is..."

"Did the old suzerain agree? Impossible?"

Seeing the scene where Yun Shan and Chen Feng hooked their shoulders together, Yun Leng's jaw almost dropped from shock, and the other elders were also confused at the moment.

"Yun Ling, bring the other elders in!"

Not long after, Yunshan's old voice came from the Zongmen hall.

With doubts, Yun Leng and other Yunlan Sect elders rushed towards the main hall quickly.

Just as many elders rushed to the main hall, a middle-aged man in a yellow robe also entered the crowd from a certain direction outside the square.

"Elder Furukawa, you are here too!"

Seeing this middle-aged man, Elder Yunlei paused for a moment and greeted him.


"That breath just now, is the old suzerain?"

Furukawa nodded, and then asked Yunlei with a smile. Before that, he had been refining medicine alone in the secret room. Today, he noticed the aura of Yunshan, so he rushed towards the Zongmen Hall. Therefore, during this period of time, He was completely unaware of the changes in the Jia Ma Empire, and what happened in the main hall of the Yunlan Sect yesterday.

"Yes, it is indeed the old suzerain!" Yun Lei nodded.

"Elder Yunlei, the old suzerain must have something important to do when he leaves the customs this time?" Furukawa continued to ask curiously.

"That's right, Elder Furukawa, today's matter is related to Sect Master Yun Yun's marriage..."

"The old suzerain summoned just now, let's go in first and talk about it!"

Yun Lei nodded, and said in a rather eager tone.

(End of this chapter)

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